Reviews For A New York Affair
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Reviewer: Isis Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/14/2005 - 09:43 pm Title: Chapter 26

please update soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: Aisling Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/08/2005 - 04:15 pm Title: Chapter 26

Please, please please, please update this soon huni :D :D :D Thanks i luv this fic it totaly rocks and i cant wait for more.. ohh Buffy killed herself? wierd-- wanna know what it means please? cya huni xxx

Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 06:43 pm Title: Chapter 26

Kar I know it's been months since you've updated this but I just read it tonight and I really hope you'll consider taking it up again. This story is so good! =)

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 12/06/2004 - 10:40 am Title: Chapter 26

I just finished reading this entire story, one day. All in one night actually. And I love it. Only, I really want, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Buffy to choose William... not Spike. Okay, there I said it. Wow. Anyway... email me if you want.. otherwise, I can't wait for the update!!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/13/2004 - 08:42 am Title: Chapter 26

Hey Kar! I haven't read the story from the beginning, just skipped it a bit. Reading the new chapters now. But I don't know the whole of it. Keep that in mind when i review ;-) Loved the pov thing you did in this chapter - looking forward for more, what that means what Dru said about Buffy. what she means for the family.

Reviewer: Beth Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/12/2004 - 04:32 am Title: Chapter 26

so am I wrong or did she just have a slayer dream about minions trying to kill her?

Reviewer: samica Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/11/2004 - 04:14 pm Title: Chapter 26

Must know more about the dream. Start writing.

Reviewer: Starshine Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11/11/2004 - 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 26

Kar that was incredible! Loved the POV chapter. You know how much I love this story. Write more please!

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