Chapter 16
Cordelia stood in front of Buffy and Spike, arms crossed.

“Hi Cordelia.”

Spike stood behind Buffy, their hands still entwined behind her back.

“What are you doing?” Cordelia asked.

Buffy shrugged.

“What, I’m not allowed to go out without your permission?” Buffy asked, pissed off with Cordelia’s attitude.

Spike shifted uncomfortably behind Buffy, trying to look anywhere but at the two girls.

“Excuse me?” Cordelia asked, uncrossing her arms, and walking up to stand in front of Buffy.

“What do you want Cordelia?” Buffy asked again.

“I want to know why you’re with that freak!” Cordelia yelled.

At that last remark, Spike tried to take his hand out of Buffy’s, but she held onto him, not willing to let go.

“I’m here on a date.” Buffy told her.

“But not with him.” Cordelia insisted.

Buffy sighed, shaking her head, which Cordelia took as a no.

“Good. You’re here with Angel then?” Cordelia asked, grabbing Buffy’s arm to lead her away.

Buffy held her ground, squeezing Spike’s hand tighter.

“I was with Angel, but I met up with Spike.” Buffy told her.

Cordelia looked at her a moment.

“Oh, ok. So you come here with a totally hot guy, only to dump him for this thing?” Cordelia asked, pointing at Spike, who turned red and looked ready to maim.

“Cordelia!” Buffy yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

Spike took advantage of the fact that his hand was free. He moved behind Buffy, and walked out the door.

“I came here with Angel and his girlfriend! Girl. Friend!” Buffy yelled, emphasizing the last part.

“He has a girlfriend?” Cordelia scoffed.

“Yes! And you know what? I have a boyfriend!” Buffy yelled turning and stomping out the door.

Spike was standing outside next to his car when he saw Buffy stomp out. He was pissed, but he knew Cordelia’s attitude towards him wasn’t Buffy’s fault. He watched her pace next to the wall of the Bronze. Then she took off, walking across the parking lot. Cordelia slammed the door open, running up behind Buffy.

“When did you get a boyfriend?” Cordelia asked.

Buffy spun around to face Cordelia. Spike looked on with interest.

‘She told her we were dating?’ Spike thought.

“A-a few days ago.” Buffy replied.

“Who is it?” Cordelia asked.

“Well, it was Spike, but I doubt he’d ever want to see me again after the little show you pulled in there!” Buffy yelled.

“Oh my god! Spike! Why would you want to date him?”

“Because he’s nice and sweet, and he isn’t just dating me to get in my pants!” Buffy snapped, tears of frustration and anger coming to her eyes.

“Buffy, I can’t believe you’d stoop so low as to date him.” Cordelia scoffed.

“Now, what I can’t understand is why she’d stoop so low as to be friends with you!”

Buffy and Cordelia turned to see who spoke. Jesse stood behind Buffy, arms crossed and staring at Cordelia.

“What did you say?” Cordelia asked.

“I said that you clearly don’t deserve the friendship of a girl like her.” Jesse replied, walking up to throw his arm over Buffy’s shoulder.

“Well, fine. I don’t have to be friends with you at all!” Cordelia yelled.

“Cordelia, in case you haven’t noticed, we haven’t been friends for a few years now.” Buffy said quietly.

“Well, good riddance then.” Cordelia said, stalking off.

Spike stood at his car, door open, staring at Buffy.

‘Bloody hell. She tossed her friend for Me. ’, he thought.

Buffy shook her head, letting a few tears slide down her face.

“Damn.” Jesse said.

“Yeah.” Buffy replied, wiping her face.

“That felt really good!” Jesse said, laughing.

“Huh?” Buffy asked.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I meant that it felt good to tell her off. I should do that more often. You think?”

Buffy laughed.

“Yeah. It was good. But now I’m practically friendless.” Buffy said.

Jesse smacked her arm.

“Ow. Why do people keep hitting me tonight?” Buffy complained, rubbing her arm.

“I don’t know who else hit you, but that was for saying you were friendless. You have friends.” Jesse said, squeezing her shoulder. “And you have one really devoted boyfriend.” he added, looking at Spike, who was leaning against his car, watching them.

“Come on, Jesse. Who would want to be friends with me?” Buffy asked.

“I would. And Willow, Xander, and Oz. And your sister is an automatic friend, as well as Fred.”

Buffy nodded, and glanced over at Spike, who was now staring at the ground.



Jesse stood in front of her, fidgeting.

“Do you think, uh, that maybe Fred might go out with me sometime?” Jesse asked.

Buffy smiled and nodded.

“I’m sure she would. She’s just really shy. You want me to put a good word in for you?”

Jesse nodded.

“Well, she’s in there now. I think she was going to catch a ride with Anya.” Buffy told him.

“Alright. Are you going to get a ride from Spike?” Jesse asked.

“Yeah, I guess.” Buffy replied.

“Well, I’ll see you later then.” Jesse said, giving her a hug and kissing her cheek.

Jesse headed for the door, when Buffy stopped him. He turned around, eyebrows raised.

“Thanks for what you said back there.” Buffy told him.

Jesse smiled and nodded and headed back to the Bronze.

Buffy sighed, and turned around and screamed.


Spike stood behind her, hands in his duster pockets.

“I’m not that scary looking, am I luv?” Spike asked, smirking.

Buffy smacked his arm.

“You scared me, you…butthead!”

Spike chuckled.

“Butthead? No one’s called me a butthead since the third grade.”

This time, it was Buffy who smirked.

“Yeah, well, maybe not to your face.”

Spike laughed, and then his expression turned serious as he looked at Buffy.

“Are you alright, pet?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Really, I’m ok. So, maybe not ok. Well, yeah…that was one of the worst moments of my life.” she stuttered, rubbing a hand over her face.

Spike reached out and rubbed her arm.

“It’ll be alright. You’ll have new friends in no time.”

Buffy nodded.

“So, still up for taking me home?” she asked quietly.

“Sure, luv.”

Buffy smiled, and grabbed his hand in hers. Spike looked at their entwined hands and smiled, then pulled her to his car.


The ride home was too short for Buffy and Spike. They both wished he could keep going around the block a few times, as he pulled into Buffy’s driveway.

He turned off the car, and got out, going around to the other side to open the door for Buffy.

They walked to the front porch slowly, holding hands.

‘This time, Anya’s not home to ruin a good moment.’ Buffy thought, suddenly feeling nervous.

They reached the steps and stood in front of the door.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow, then?” Spike asked.

“Absolutely.” Buffy said.

Then, before she could react, Spike bent down and pressed his lips onto Buffy’s. She let go of his hand and moved her hand up to cup his cheek. Spike wrapped his arms around Buffy’s waist, drawing her closer, her body melding into his. His tongue darted out to run along her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She parted her lips, and Spike’s tongue entered her mouth. Buffy pulled Spike’s head closer to her, getting lost in the kiss. Finally, they pulled back from each other, each panting.

“Wow.” Buffy said.

“Yeah.” Spike agreed.

“So, I, uh…” Spike started, pointing to the car.

“Yeah, you should…” Buffy stuttered, moving towards the door.

Spike nodded, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

“Good night.” Buffy said, finally able to form a sentence.

Spike walked backwards off the porch, watching Buffy with a goofy grin on his face. Buffy fumbled with her keys, grinning at Spike. He stumbled on the last step and tipped over, but quickly righted himself, and saluted Buffy before running to his car. Buffy giggled, finally getting the door open. Once she got inside, she shut the door behind her, leaning against it.

“Yes!” she yelled, pumping her fists up and down, then she ran upstairs.

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