Chapter 3
Two months later.

Spike woke up, glanced over at the nude girl sleeping next to him and smiled. 'So bloody beautiful,' he thought. 'I must be the luckiest guy in the world.'

Their relationship was great, full of passion and love. Even though she had yet to say the words to him, he knew that she loved him. They spent most of their time together. He often stayed with her during the day, keeping her company when her friends were at school.

She'd had to drop out of college. Since Joyce was no longer around, there was no monthly income to pay for food and other necessities and she'd used the tuition money (that her father had sent her), to help pay the bills. Spike had offered to help her out, but she had politely refused him.

They patrolled together every night, then either went back to his crypt or her house. The only problem was that she hadn't yet told her friends about their relationship. When he tried to ask her the reason, she changed the subject and distracted him.

He worried that she was ashamed of him. He was getting a bit annoyed at having to constantly explain his presence in Buffy's house, or being hurriedly squashed into some closet somewhere when they were interrupted in the middle of something.

Just the other day, he and Buffy had been 'training' in the back room of the magic shop and the next thing he knew, he was under a pile of mats, with Buffy sitting on top of them, for almost half an hour, while she discussed the newest 'Big Bad' with her Watcher.

He was glad that he didn't have to hide the relationship from his 'Little Bit'. She had found out the second week they'd been together. He had been hiding behind the couch while Buffy had hastily grabbed a magazine off the table and pretended to calmly read it when Dawn had inquired as to why Spike's jeans were hanging from the lampshade.

Nothing Buffy said had convinced Dawn as to why they were there. Then Spike had seen a spider crawl near his hand and he'd jumped up from his hiding place, with a girly shriek. The back of the couch had, thankfully, hidden his nudity.
Dawn, trying not to giggle, had given them her blessing and told them that she was going to do her homework upstairs with her music turned up "really loud". Buffy had been relieved.
Spike could tell that Buffy was worried about what people would think. Dawn being so okay with it made things a bit easier.

Buffy let out a little whimper in her sleep and reached out for him. "It's alright sunshine, I'm here." He moved his body closer to hers, wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed her forehead. She seemed to be having a bad dream. He began whispering endearments to her. "It's alright, I love you, it's okay, it's only a dream. God, I love you so much!"
He sensed that she was waking up and he began peppering her face with little kisses, murmuring, "love you!" after each one. Her eyes slowly opened. "Morning, luv," he said as he smiled down at her.
"Mmm... morning." She stretched and then snuggled into his chest with a little smile.
"You okay? You looked like you were having a bad dream," he said, his face concerned.
"Yeah! I don't remember much of it, actually. There was darkness... it felt evil... but then a voice called to me... and I guess... I guess I woke up."

"I hope it wasn't one of your Slayer dreams, pet."
"It didn't feel like it - those are usually really vivid when I wake up... this one was vague. So, no need to worry about it."
"Can't help it. I always worry about you." He kissed her gently, then deeper, with more passion. Buffy sighed happily as he moved his body on top of hers. She always felt safe when she was in his arms.
Meanwhile, Xander and Willow had been knocking on the front door for the past five minutes.
"You don't think a demon could have got to her, do you?" the redhead asked her friend worriedly. Xander went round to the side of the front porch and peered through the window.
"There's no sign of any struggle... hey, this window is open - give me a boost up?"
Willow sighed and stepped forward.
* * *
Once inside, Xander opened the front door to let Willow in. She was out of breath as she said, "You know, I think it would have been a better idea for you to boost me in through the window, not..." she broke off when she heard the sound of a growl from upstairs and a small cry.
"Oh God! Xander! There's something up there hurting Buffy!"
Xander raced up the stairs, with Willow following closely behind, and burst into Buffy's room. "Buffy are you al... Oh God!"
Buffy gasped in horror and embarrassment. She pulled the sheet quickly over herself and Spike.

"Oops! Sorry Buff!" Xander began to back out of the room when Willow burst in.

"Xander, what is it? What's... Buffy! What are you doing?!" the witch exclaimed. "Or should I say, who are you doing?"
They all heard a muffled "Bloody hell!" from under the sheet.
"Spike? You're doing Spike!?"
"Oh God!" Buffy groaned. "Please tell me this isn't happening."
"Buffy?" Xander questioned her.
"Um... guys... can you go downstairs and wait while we get dressed?" Buffy asked sheepishly.
Embarrassed, Willow and Xander averted their eyes and left the room.
Buffy got dressed frantically. "Oh God! I can't believe they found out about us like this."
Spike didn't understand why she was so upset. "It's not that bad, Slayer. They were going to find out sooner or later." Trying to comfort her, he walked over to her and rubbed her arms. "Calm down Buffy, it's not the end of the world."
"Not the end of the world? It's worse!" she exclaimed angrily and moved away from him. "And God! Put some clothes on!"
This got Spike angry as well. "I knew it! I knew that you were ashamed of being with me! You're just using me, aren't you?" He started to pull on his jeans.

"Spike! Don't you dare make me out to be some sort of whore!" she shouted back.
"You have sex with me, but you don't love me! You come to me when you feel like it and you haven't told anyone about it. You're acting like a whore," he shot back, furious. "Hadn't had any in a long time, had you? So you decided to come to me! You don't love me and I was a fool to think that you ever would. I'm just... convenient to you... I just happened to be the only person around that could scratch your itch!"

"I can't believe you! You complete pig! You're right. I don't love you! How could I could ever love you? You are a disgusting thing! You're lucky I even let you touch me! You're beneath me!" she screamed back, angry and hurt by his words.
Inside, Spike could feel his heart breaking at every hurtful word she sent his way. "Let me make things easier for you Slayer, 'cos I can't take any more of this from you," he said through gritted teeth. Giving her one last glance, he grabbed his shirt and stormed out of the room.
After he left, Buffy sank numbly to the floor and burst into tears. Willow and Xander found her there, a while later.
As soon as he left the house, Spike couldn't contain his tears. He couldn't think about anything except that he'd lost her and he'd never get to hold her in his arms again. 'I've got to get her out of my head.'
He pulled himself together, went back to his crypt and packed his few belongings into the DeSoto. Then after a last look around, he drove out of Sunnydale and out of her life.
Xander and Willow did everything they could to comfort the distraught Slayer, but nothing seemed to work.

"It's okay Buffy, we're not mad at you or anything, we were just taken by surprise. There's no reason to be so upset," Xander told her.
"You don't understand Xand," she sobbed.
"Then tell me, make it so we can understand." Still sitting on the floor, he pulled her into his arms while Willow rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Oh God! I love him... I love him and he left me. They always leave me," she sobbed.
Xander and Willow exchanged worried glances.
"Aw Buff! It'll be okay, we're here for you." Willow wrapped her arms around Buffy too.
Spike was curled up in the back seat of his car. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, he couldn't comprehend anything but the fact that he'd lost her and ruined his only chance at happiness. 'Why couldn't you be content with what you had?' he asked himself. 'So what if she hadn't told anyone, so what if she was ashamed of being with you? It isn’t as though you have any pride where Buffy’s concerned. You had a good thing going there mate, and you blew it!'
All he wanted to do was crawl back to her on his hands and knees and make things right. But he didn't, for fear that she wouldn't take him back or that she would hate him.
He rubbed a tired hand over his face as he considered his options.
He had never just given up on someone he'd loved before. With Dru, he knew that Angelus came before him, so he worked hard to try and get her full affections. He was attentive, caring; he gave her everything she asked for, no matter how hard it was to obtain.
He loved Buffy a hundred times more than he'd ever loved Dru.
He wasn't about to just sit around and wallow in his misery; wanting her, but never able to have her. He was going to have to do something about it.
'I don't want her to think I'm a disgusting thing. I need to prove to her that I've changed.'
Now that he had clarified, in his mind, what he had to do, Spike jumped back into the front seat and started the car.
"She'll gonna see a change. She'll get what she deserves."

He set off, determined to do whatever it took to prove his worth to Buffy.

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