Summary: Based on the funny as hell movie The Longest Yard. William (Spike) Sandler is the most famous soccer player in the world, but when he lands in prison his life changes. Especially when you meet the one your meant to be with at the worst possible time.
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 3281 Read: 5262
Published: 10/29/2005 Updated: 11/26/2005

1. The First Wrong Turn by 1MindlessAutomaton [Reviews - 6] (1003 words)
This is my first fic so please go easy on me.Oh yeah, almost forgot, don't own the characters, they belong to Joss Whedon...
2. Inmate 17 by 1MindlessAutomaton [Reviews - 9] (1136 words)
Thanks to everyone who reviewed! Lu82, MarstersGirl13, BuffyandSpikeForvevr, and Mariana! You guys rock!
3. Ch3 Tree-outs by 1MindlessAutomaton [Reviews - 7] (1142 words)
Sorry i haven't updated in a long long time. Thanks to everyone who reviewed last time.