Spike and Anya had departed to talk about their respective ‘ after death ‘ experiences.
Then, he had to endure a seemingly endless Anya ’s monologue about how her experience was more exciting; how much more the others had celebrated her return; how happy Xander was to see her…and most of all about how much every television station would have paid to have her as a guest on their show to tell her story on air.
After a quarter of an hour, Buffy came to his rescue.
“ Here you are, honey! If you two are done with the ‘ corner of confidence ‘, why don’t you come inside with me? There’s a person you haven’t seen yet!”
Spike grabbed her hand and dashed into the office with her; anything to avoid Anya’s ranting!

Obviously, inside all the windows were closed, but even without seeing him, Spike already felt Angel’s presence.
In fact, he appeared from the shadows, approaching Spike.
“ Hey, have you come back due to good behaviour or just because in the after-life there wasn’t the Five Stars service you had requested?” he exclaimed.
“ * You* making witty remarks?! Bloody Hell! The world must have changed a lot during my absence!” Spike struck back.
A deep silence fell between the two vampires for a while; and there was such a deep tension it was possible to cut it with a knife.
No one among the present said a word, as Buffy, still holding Spike’s hand, carried on taking a look from her current fiancé to her ex; just as if she was watching a tennis match.
She dreaded a rude reaction from the brunette, but Angel amazed her and most of all Spike.
“ Welcome back, boy!”
Boy: he hadn’t called him that since….
“ Thank you, buddy! Let’s not stand on ceremony! I don’t guess you wanna do the huggy thing!” Spike joked, but in his eyes Angel could read how much his words had impressed the younger vampire.
“ Hell no!” the older vampire exclaimed.
“ Fine, neither I do!”

Since they were sure the two of them had definitely buried the hatchet, they all began to leave, Angel included.
“Hey, wait! I’d like to exchange a few words with you, Whelp!”
Andrew and Xander turned to Spike at the same time.
“ Me?!” they asked in unison.
“ No, not you!” Spike said turning to Xander who departed.
“ You, Whelp number Two!” he clarified, grabbing Andrew by an arm and putting him on a chair.
“ So, what are you planning to do with Dawn?”
“ Dawn? Well, we went to see ‘ Matrix Reloaded ‘ , so I was thinking about going with her to see the sequel! We liked it pretty much; maybe there were too many special effects… but the…”
Seeing Spike’s glare, Andrew stopped himself.
“ I am expatiating, am not I?”
“ Yeah, and you are also trying to change the subject, but with me that’s useless, kid: I saw you holding her hand and making moony eyes at her before; so how do you feel about her?”
“ I like her, a lot. She is beautiful, cute, pleasant kind; I enjoy her company and I think I can say she enjoy mine, although she has spent ages denying it when I told her that…”
“ It reminds me of a certain person…” Spike chuckled.
“ Anyway, finally I won, so we dated, having a good time…”
“ Have you already kissed her ?”
“ Well…”
“ Have you?” Spike insisted.
“ Ok, yes…but it was just a little kiss, very innocent…I didn’t force her, she was more than agreeable and I asked before doing it…” Andrew clarified, more and more agitated.
“Hey buddy, relax, I’m just asking! There’s nothing bad if you two fancy each other, I’m happy about it…” Spike smiled, then he became scary serious and his gaze became icy.
“… but if you dare to make her cry… well, begin running, ‘cause I’ll find you wherever you’ll hide to finish what I had begun when I was under the First’s influence…” Spike threatened him and unconsciously the boy brought a hand to his neck, remembering when Spike had bitten him.
“ Well, that was a nice chat, wasn’t it?” Spike resumed smiling at him, slapping his shoulder friendly and leaving the room, letting the poor guy recover from the scare.

Angel was outside, waiting for Spike and he had listened to their whole conversation.
“ You really care ’bout that girl, don’t you?” he exclaimed, taking him to his personal office, to have a bit of privacy.
“ Yeah, she is lovely! No matter how much she is growing up as a more and more beautiful young woman… she will always be my Nibblet!” Spike admitted softly.
“ So, now do you mind if * we* exchange a few words?”
“ I guess I already know what the subject is: Buffy!”
“ Yeah, you know why I left her… but you don’t know a little thing that happened to me…”


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