Spike pulled Buffy into an embrace. “Sweet, you should know by now that you never need to worry about me losing interest in you.’

She smiled, her lips against his, and sighed. “I know, but somehow these days I don’t know. I’m all little miss insecure girl all of a sudden. I think it has something to do with the giant hormone war going on in my body,” she said, looking down. “I’m sorry I’m so needy lately.”

Spike pulled back and tipped her chin up with his finger so he could look directly into her eyes. “You do not need to apologize to me, love. I don’t mind a bit reassuring you.” With this he raised his eyebrows and shot her a predatory leer that sent a shiver down to her toes. “In fact, I’m always happy to provide a graphic demonstration of just how much I continue to desire you.”

“Good to know,” she replied, leaning into him and nuzzling his neck just below his ear. Spike growled softly and pulled her down onto the bed, scraping his blunt human teeth along her throat. This caused another, bigger tremor to travel in a flash right through Buffy’s body to her clit, which began to pulse pleasantly with anticipation.

It looked like things were about to heat up again when Spike suddenly pulled away, giving Buffy a thoughtful look. “Unless there’s something else I should be doing. I mean, besides shagging you senseless.”

Buffy looked up at Spike in confusion, but he continued. “If you’re really that uncertain of me, maybe I’m failing you in some way. I’ve been by your side and watching your back for 60 odd years. I meant what I said, I don’t mind reassuring you, but maybe we’re missing something bigger here that needs to be addressed.”

Buffy cupped her hands on either side of Spike’s face and smiled up at him. “I don’t know honey. I think I’m just experiencing something normal for a change – which is so not normal for me. The fact that I’m going through 'the change' while I still look 22 doesn’t mean it isn’t just as disruptive and disconcerting for me as when it happens to normal women.”

“Hmmm, maybe you’re right,” Spike grinned. “Well then, you should be delighted. Didn’t you always used to whine that you just wanted to be normal?”

“Don’t even think about teasing a cranky old lady with crazy hormones, fang-face! I can still kick your ass, you know!” Buffy used her legs to flip Spike onto his back and was about to tickle him into submission when Spike yelled, “Oi!” and tried to jump out of bed. Buffy grabbed him and held on laughing. “Hey, tough guy, where do you think you’re going?”

But when she saw his eyes flash yellow Buffy realized that he wasn’t just evading her tickling fingers. They both stayed very still, Spike cocking his ear toward the bedroom door. Their room was heavily insulated to protect other occupants of the house from the often boisterous and sometimes downright deafening sounds that accompanied Spike and Buffy’s lovemaking. Not gifted with vampire hearing, Buffy couldn’t make out what Spike was hearing on the other side of the door, but she knew he heard something.

“Bugger, I asked Giselle to keep her busy until we came downstairs,” Spike complained. “I guess it’s too much to expect an over-paid demon nanny to do what I ask after we’ve just dragged ourselves back from two weeks in a hell dimension!”

“Hold on there Mr. Grumpy, what do you hear? Maybe they’re just playing.”

“They’re playing alright,” Spike agreed, clearly not amused. “But I’m not. I’m going to have a word or two with Miss Very Highly Recommended.” Spike pulled himself free of Buffy and started striding toward the door. Buffy smiled as she watched the muscles flexing in Spike’s cute butt as he crossed the floor. She was so enthralled with the view that he was about to turn the doorknob before she yelped, “Spike, pants!”

Spike stopped, looked down at his state of undress and shook his head. Stepping into the dressing room, he came out wearing a pair of black silk pajama bottoms. Buffy sighed as she watched him tie the drawstring, the pants sitting low on his narrow hips. She had to admit that she could have made very good use of another hour or so of alone time with her mate.

Spike, still intent on giving the nanny a piece of his mind, was turning to go when he suddenly froze. “Wait a bloody minute, that’s not Giselle’s voice,” he exclaimed. “What in bleeding hell is she doing here in London? I thought she was home in California.”

Buffy was starting to get worried now, “What are you talking about? Who’s out there with Joy?”

She didn’t get an answer. Spike was already out the door, and it took Buffy another minute to grab her dressing gown, tie it around her waist, and kick the potentially incriminating chunk of mattress out of sight. By the time she caught up with Spike in the hallway outside their room, he had his arms full of squealing, squirming little girl. “Papa! Papa! Look, it’s Auntie Dawnie. Auntie Dawnie came in her portal. She brought me a mask, and she told me all about Hall’ween. I want to go to California for Hall’ween. Oh, Papa, can we go to California for Hall’ween?”

Buffy took in the scene. Spike holding their daughter Joy in his arms -- the four-year-old dressed in a white turtle-neck, pink overalls and a cat mask, complete with whiskers. And her sister, Dawn, wearing a very sheepish expression.


Thanks to Addie Logan for reviewing this. I thought this was going to be a one-shot but it's turned into a story with several chapters. Please review. I'm new to this and I really need to hear from you if you like it.

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