Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: I own nothing.(unfortunately)

PLEASE review, this is only my second fic ever, and I need feedback to know how I'm doing.
3 years ago.

“William, do you think we’ll be friends forever? Even after we start to grow up and start High School?” Asked Anne looking up into the sky at the passing clouds. “Well of course love. Why would you ask that? Here I’ll make you a promise. I promise, from this day on, I’ll never leave you, not for better friends, not to go live somewhere else, even going on vacation will take tremendous effort.” Smiled William, stroking a strand of her blonde hair away from her face. “Pinky promise?” “Of course.” Anne laid there, her head in William’s lap for hours, they spent many days like this now, just laying there, watching the sky and talking. He’d become her best friend, perhaps even someone she thought she might love. When the sun began to go down and both their parents called them in for supper Anne stood reluctantly and hugged him, “Goodnight William.” Anne smiled, waving to him as she crossed the backyard to her porch. “Goodnight Anne.” He waited until she disappeared indoors before pushing aside the broken section of fencing that separated their yards and from that night on, their lives.

Anne’s(Buffy) POV

“Hi mom, what’s for supper? Where‘s dad, he‘s later than usual.” She quickly quieted herself, seeing her mother on the phone, and nodding slowly. Suddenly the receiver was dropped to the counter top and her mother’s face was sickly pale, and obviously tear streaked. She seemed to be choking back sobs. “Mom? Mom, what’s wrong?” Anne crossed the kitchen quickly and put her arm around her mother, “Mom, tell me what’s wrong!” Her mother looked up slowly, rubbing her hands back and forth nervously, “There was an accident... and your father he’s.. he’s” Her mom collapsed into sobs, “Mom, is dad okay?” She shook her head slowly, “Your father was killed in a car accident on his way home.” Again her mother was overcome by sobs, but this time she was not alone. Anne fell to her knees on the tiled floor shaking her head and crying, wrapping her arms around herself and shaking, repeating to herself over and over again, “No, please no.”

William’s(Spike) POV

The first thing William noticed as he walked into his house was screaming, again. His parents had fought a lot in the past few days, all he wanted was for the yelling to stop. On his way up to his room he was stopped by his mother, carrying her luggage and crying violently, “I don’t have to stand for this Giles! I have someone who can truly love me. Not just his work. I won‘t stay here and be your whore!” His mother yelled coming down the stairs, “Darling I’m a doctor what do you expect? I can’t help my schedual. I’ll try to change it!” Called his father after her, desperately trying to keep the family together. “Goodbye Giles, I‘m leaving you. Getting married to you was a mistake anyway, but you should be happy now, you have you precious son. The divorce papers will be in the mail.” Then she was gone. William watched as his mother walked out the door, walked out on him. He had always known his mother thought getting married to his father and having a child was a mistake, but knowing it and hearing it were completely different. He slid down the wall, his back to it, and wrapped his arms around his knees and sobbed into them, whispering to himself, “No, please no.”

Present Day

“Buffy Anne Summers wake up! It’s time for school!” Yelled Buffy’s mother as she pounded on the girl’s door which was frequently kept locked. Buffy groaned and turned over, “Don’t ever say my middle name!” She yelled back, yawning afterward. She had long ago “dropped” her middle name and began going by Buffy, Anne seemed too innocent she’d decided, too easy to hurt. She looked around her room with it’s walls plastered with posters of all her favorite bands, Green Day, Aiden, Scene Aesthetic, she’d taken to this new “emo/hardcore” trend whole heartedly with most of the other outcasts at Sunnydale High. She’d even almost given her mother a heart attack after dying her gorgeous blonde locks black. Slowly, she prepared herself for the day ahead of her, a day full of skipping classes, drawing on desks and kissing in the parking lot. School. ‘It’s not so bad if you break most of the rules.’ She thought to herself with a smile while applying her eyeliner.

The walk to school was never a bad one, not as long as she had her friends Dru, Oz and Angel with her. Along with their “posse” of fans, they approached the school like the black plague. Everyone knew them and everyone got out of their way, that is if they wanted to avoid Angel and Oz ripping them limb from limb. Unlike herself and Dru, Oz and Angel stuck religiously to their metal, and this made them vicious, they felt they must protect their “Dear, injured emo girls”. The hall crowd parted that day as usual like the Red Sea, that is until a bleach blonde boy came out of the principal’s office, running directly into Buffy and knocking her to the ground.

The entire crowd seemed to gasp and freeze, like a scene from a badly made “teen-movie” as Buffy fell. Before she could even register what had happened, Oz had wrapped his hand securely into the boy’s shirt and slammed him against the wall. “Don’t you think you should apologize to the lady? You must be new, and since you are, I’ll let you off easy, won’t even break your nose. Now when I let you down, you go apologize to her.” Growled Oz, dropping the blonde to the floor. The boy stood and moved over to Buffy, offering her a hand up and sincerely offering a “Sorry.” To her, until their eyes met. “Anne?” He asked in disbelief, “Anne is that you?” Buffy slapped his hand away and stood, “I don’t know anyone named Anne and I most certainly don‘t know you. Fuck off..” Then walked away. But she did know him, and he knew she did. He could see it in her eyes.

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