Author's Chapter Notes:
Yay, thanks for all the reviews. I know I'm updating really quickly, but I just finished the second part, so why wait? This one has a bit of Spuffy and also a bit of freaking out guys :D Have fun!
Part 2

Days passed by. The days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Soon it was February. Buffy and Spike were doing okay. They didn’t hate each other anymore, but in school their contact was limited, because they had their own lives.

In January a student got transferred to Sunnydale High. His name was Parker Abrams and he was friends with most guys in the football team.
Buffy liked him. He was always kind and friendly and a real gentleman.

One day in February, when Buffy was putting her books in her locker, Parker also showed up.
“Hey Buff.”
She looked up and saw him standing next to her. “Oh, hey Parker.” She replied and continued to put her books in her locker.
“Buffy, do you want to go to the Bronze with me tonight?” The boy asked shyly.
Buffy just smiled and asked: “On a date?”
“That sounds like fun.” Buffy said with a smile.
Parkers’ face lit up. “Great! I’ll pick you up at 8.30.” and he walked away.
Buffy just smiled, closed her locker and went to class.

Later that day when she walked to her car she bumped into someone. The boy turned around.
“Spike,” Buffy said with a smile.
“Watch it, Barbie.” He said with a dark voice and walked away.

Buffy was abashed. But soon the confusion left her and was replaced by anger. She followed him to his car and tapped him on the shoulder, when he was unlocking the door.
“What?!” was his reaction.
Buffy didn’t respond. She was rightly pissed off. “What’s wrong with you? I thought we were having a non-violent relationship.”

“Why are you going out with that pompous prick?”
“Who, Parker?”
“That’s the one.”
“Because I like Parker and he asked me to go to the Bronze. And why do you care anyway, Trailer Park?” Buffy yelled.
Spike clenched his jaws, but didn’t say anything. He opened the car door and got in.
“Fine.” She muttered and walked to her own car.

The date was Parker was fun, although Buffy couldn’t fully enjoy it. The affair with Spike bothered her. Why would he act like that? It wasn’t like they were dating.
“Buff, are you okay?” Parker asked with clear concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” She responded, “I’m just a little tired.”
“Do you want to sit down?”
“You go sit somewhere and I’ll get you a drink.” The boy said.
”Thanks, Parker.”

Buffy strolled around, looking for a place to sit. Suddenly 2 strong hands pulled her into the darkness. She wanted to scream, but one of the hands covered her mouth. She could smell leather, cigarettes and something she couldn’t quite place.
“Quiet and come with me.” The low voice said. Buffy relaxed a little bit and let the strange man take her away.

He took her to a quiet place and turned her around.
“Spike.” Buffy said, rolling her eyes.
“Listen to me. I’m sorry how I behaved earlier. I’m not proud of it. I just want to warn you about Parker. He’s not who you think he is. He has bad intentions with you.”
Buffy squinted her eyes and searched his face, but he looked more honest then ever.
“How do you know?”
“I heard him talking in the locker rooms yesterday. He was bragging about he was going to get in your pants tomorrow.”
“Does he thinks he’s that good or do they think I’m that easy?” Buffy asked dryly.

“I think a bit of both. But just, don’t go back to him. I don’t want you to get hurt.” Spike said, stroking a bit of hair out of her face.
“Spike, you listen to me. Thank you for looking out for me. I really appreciate it. But here’s the deal. You don’t have to worry about me. I can handle him. Just watch.” She said with a wicked grin.

“Oh, there’s one more thing.” Spike said quickly, before Buffy mingled herself back in the crowd.
“What-” Buffy asked, but she was cut off, because his lips were crashing onto hers. His arms wrapped around her back and automatically her arms crooked around his neck. She felt the electricity running through her body and she felt like doing this more often.
After a while they both needed to breathe.
“That’s a nice surprise,” Buffy said with a high-pitched voice, still a little drowsy from the lack of oxygen. “We’ll discuss that later.” And she stumbled away.

Soon she found Parker sitting on one of the couches with a coke in his hand.
“Hey,” he greeted her, “Where did you go?”
“Bathroom,” Buffy replied.
Quickly he slipped his arm around her shoulders and whispered into her ears: “Let’s go.”
“What? No. It’s only 10. I want to dance some more. I don’t want to go home yet.” She whined.
“To my place, I mean.”
“No, I can’t. My mom doesn’t want me to go home with a boy until I’m 18.” Buffy said innocently. She saw Parkers mouth go open and quickly said: “Or when I’m married. You know, Parker, I really, really like you and I want have sex with you. Why don’t we drive up to Los Angelus and get married in one of those cute chapels?”

She saw Parker clearly freaking out. It was hard not to laugh, but she remained with her child-like innocence.
“What?” was the only thing he could bring out.
“You know, the ones you have in Vegas. But I think they also have them in L.A. That’s a bit closer don’t you think?”
“Y-you want to marry me?”
Buffy nodded with a bright smile. She moved a bit closer and put her hand on his leg. Parker now really started to panic.

“Don’t you feel the special connection that we share? We shouldn’t throw that away. Let’s give into that.”
He shoved away from her. “I-I don’t know Buffy. I really think we should uhm…”
She looked at him expectantly.
Suddenly he jumped up and said: “You’re a freak! I’m out of here.” And he stumbled to the exit.

Buffy just sat there on the couch with a very self-absorbed smile.
Spike approached her and asked: “And?”
“Told him I wanted to have sex with him, but that I had to be married first. So I suggested we drove up to L.A and get married in one of those drive-by chapels. He completely freaked up and ran away. Works every time.”

Spike grinned and sat down next to her. “You know…there’s another reason why I acted the way I did.”
“I know.”
“Yeah…I really like you, pet. Not in the Parker-kind of way, but really, really like you.”
“I know. The kiss said everything.”
“It was good. Maybe we should repeat it sometime. I’m tired. I think I’m going home. You want to give me a ride?”


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this part. I think I'll be writing two more parts. And next part has more Spuffy! (audience: yaaaay!) Please review. I'd appreciate it ^-^

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