Rated: 18
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No
Word count: 5070 Read: 5239
Published: 04/30/2007 Updated: 06/04/2007
1. Chapter 1 by jennybean [Reviews - 21] (2287 words)
Ok, so I'm trying to work through my writer's block on The Attic by writing a fluffy little story just to get my fingers typing. I hope it works! I don't mean to offend any Yankees fans with this story - I even have a couple of friends who are Yankee fans - we just keep the baseball talk to a minimum - LOL. This is based on the first actual game of the season between the two teams. Thanks to fellow Red Sox fan, Brat, for reading over the chapter for me.
2. Chapter 2 by jennybean [Reviews - 28] (1189 words)
Thanks so much for all the reviews. I didn't realize how many baseball fans there were out there!
3. Chapter 3 by jennybean [Reviews - 14] (1594 words)
Laura Liz - thanks for the reminder of the Real Women t-shirt - I definitely put it in there for you. Thanks to Brat for looking this over and thanks to everyone who has reviewed!