Author's Chapter Notes:
This will be the last chapter for awhile, until I can finish the next chapter. If any one has any ideas that they would like to see in the next chapter, please let me know. Thanks for reading.
“Oh, my, god” Charlie whispered, before running out the backdoor into the night.

Angel and Spike were both about to go after her when Buffy said, “I’ll go find her, and see what’s wrong.” She went over to Spike and gave him a kiss, “Don’t worry, whatever it is we’ll help her.” She gave him another kiss, she walked out the backdoor in search of Charlie.

Spike turned to Angel, game face on, and growling, “It’s your bloody fault she ran, Peaches, get it through your thick skull. She…Doesn’t…Want…You.” Spike growled out, poking Angel in the chest between words.

“That’s not true, she does like me, she just won’t admit it,” Angel told him, finishing the last part a little sullenly.

“Wow, you really like her, don’t you?” Dawn asked the brunette vampire, at his nod she told him, “I knew it, your like Spike was when he first started liking Buffy, only he hid it, and you don’t.”

Spike, back in his human visage, looked Angel in the eyes, and said, “You try forcing her, or hurtin’ her in any way, and I will give you a slow and painful death.”

Buffy found Charlie at one of the newest Sunnydale cemeteries, fighting a newly risen vamp, and winning. She fought with grace, and stability, ‘Spike really taught her well,’ Buffy thought, ‘I think I’m going to teach her yoga, along with Dawn.’ Buffy continued to watch the fight. Charlie had the vamp pinned a couple minutes later, on the ground, then she staked him.

Buffy walked over to Charlie, who was still kneeling down where, the now dusted, vamp had lain. Charlie looked up at Buffy, when the Slayer got closer, she could see despair in Charlie’s eyes. Buffy knelt down next to her, “What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Why does Angel like me? Why not someone else like that Cordelia chick?” Charlie asked in despaired confusion.

“I don’t know. The Angel I knew brooded a lot, and stayed in shadows, I don’t even know how we thought we could date.” Buffy answered her, saying the last part more to herself.

“But why does he like me, I’m nothing special, and Spike raised me, so you would think he wouldn’t be able to stand me just cause of that, but no, he’s going against everything Spike and Dru told me about Angelus, and everything Spike told me about Angel. God, I’m so confused.” Charlie cried.

Buffy wrapped Charlie in her arms and told her, “Now that he’s been in L.A., around more people, and actually talking to them, he’s probably changed a lot. He showed that tonight by being nice to Spike, and also by encouraging me to give Spike a chance. He’s also definitely matured a lot since the last time I saw him.”

“Really? He seems to be a completely un-mature jackass to me!” Charlie replied.

Buffy laughed and told her, “I always thought that about Spike. It only started to change after I saw how hurt he was by Drusilla. It kinda freaked me out, since all I’ve ever been told is that vampires are soulless, unfeeling, monsters, in human clothing. Then Spike showed up, and everything changed.” Buffy looked down at Charlie and brushed some hair out of her eyes, “When I first saw Spike, I thought he was the most beautiful, sexy, and gorgeous man I had ever seen, it really sucked after I found out he was a vampire. When we fought, it was like, wow, it was way different from any other fight I’d ever been in, we were, and still are, equals. The first time we fought, he kept saying all these sexual innuendos, and saying how his weapon makes him feel all manly, and it through me off, so he almost had me, until my mom came and hit him with the blunt side of an ax.” Buffy and Charlie laughed after that. Charlie yawned, “ Come on, lets go and get you to bed,” Buffy said to her.

“O.K.” Charlie yawned out.

“So, do you want to stay at my house tonight, or do you want to stay with,” Buffy paused, then whispered into the blond/brunettes ear, “AAnnggeell?” Buffy finished asking, drawing Angels name out, with a teasing smirk gracing her features. Buffy got up, then helped Charlie, who was glaring at her.

“Well, well, well, look at what we have here boys. Dinner and desert,” Buffy and Charlie looked over to find seven vamps, looking like Punk/Goth rejects. The one that spoke, came forward, and said, “Lets play with’em a little.”

Buffy and Charlie looked at each other and started laughing. The laughter subsided after a couple of minute, they got up and looked at group of vampires, “Three for you, three for me,” Buffy told her. Charlie nodded, they both whipped out stakes from behind there backs, “Oh, and, leave the leader to me,” Buffy said, before staking the first vamp that came towards her. Charlie nodded her head, un-necessarily, already fighting her first opponent. She punched him in the face, then the stomach. He punched her, in return, in the face, which sent her into a grave stone a few feet back, the vampire came over, as soon as he walked passed her feet, Charlie swept his legs out from under him, then staked him.

Charlie looked up and saw that Buffy had already dusted two of her opponents. ‘Gotta catch up.’ Charlie sneaked up behind one that was watching Buffy, and quickly dispatched her second opponent. She went over to her third opponent while Buffy went over towards the leader, who had calmly sat and watched his lackeys get picked off one by one. Charlie dusted the last lackey, and decided to sit down on a head stone to watch, far enough away to not get caught in the crossfire, but close enough to hear.

“You know, me and my boyfriends sister were bonding, then you had to come along and ruin it, by trying to make us your dinner,” Buffy said while throwing punches and kicks left and right. The vamp leader got a few punches in.

“It’s going to be fun playing with the soldiers girl and sister, haha.” He started laughing.

Buffy and Charlie started laughing with him, well, more like at him. The lead vamp, (let’s call him Bob) thinking he could use there fit of laughter to his advantage, and attacked the Slayer. She dodged the attack, then gave Bob an upper-cut followed by a round-house kick to his side. As Buffy was about to deliver a slightly deadly punch to his head, Bob asked, “Why did you laugh?”

“Because , soldier boy isn’t my boyfriend anymore.” She answered, rolling her eyes.

“Then who…” Before he was able to finish his next question, he sensed two master vampires coming there way. He slowly started to grin an evil grin, he turned to where there signatures were, and called out, “I have the Slayer and a ripe piece of meat. I just have one thing to ask. Can I have first turn with them?”

“We don’t care to share,” came a voice from the shadows that Charlie, who had moved closer to the fight, would have recognized if she wasn’t still giggling.

“We’re right selfish blighters,” informed a rough British voice that had Buffy fighting a smile.

The bodies that belonged to the voices came out from the barrier of trees wrapping around the cemetery, as the first figure came into focus, he was in game face, he was tall, had broad shoulders, brown hair that stuck up in the front, and a large forehead which made Charlie groan in annoyance.

The second figure came out, he was slightly shorter then the first, he was also in game face, he had a slimmer figure then the first, and blinding white hair, which made Buffy have to fight off an even bigger smile.

The first figure walked over to Charlie and circled her, with his hand on his chin looking to be deep in thought, ‘Yeah right. I’d be surprised if he had a brain in that thick Neanderthal skull of his,’ Charlie thought sardonically. He stopped in front of her, after looking her over very thoroughly, and gave her a malevolent smile, before telling his companion, “I’ll take this one, you can have the Slayer.”

The second figure walked toward Buffy, and gave her a look over, at the same time as the first. As he finished looking Buffy over, taking more time then his companion, he looked over at him and answered his question, “Sure, why not? She looks like a right feisty bird. She’ll be fun to break-in.” He finished with a wicked grin on his face.

“I know what you mean, this will definitely be fun,” the brown haired one said, while running his index finger down Charlie’s cheek, going close to her mouth, where she tried to bite it off, but he snatched it away before she could. He grinned wickedly at her and said, “A whole lot of fun.”

Charlie was trying to fight the urge to kick him in the groin, and punch him in the face. ‘What does he think he’s doing? And I thought I’d give him a chance to prove he wasn’t the jackass I thought, and now know he is,’ Charlie thought angrily, cursing herself for even thinking about doing anything but kicking his ass.

Buffy was trying to fight the urge to jump the blond male Adonis, ‘He is so sweet. Wonder why they came? I’ll have to ask them later.’ Buffy looked over at Charlie, and saw she was glaring at, Tall, Dark, and Forehead, ‘Wow, she really dislikes him, huh, can’t say he doesn’t deserve it though.’ As Buffy started looking at the blond, a plan started forming in her mind.

“What do you think we should do with’em, Angelus? I think we should lock’em up somewhere and have our wicked way with’em over time,” the blond said.

“Yeah we’ll lock’em up, then we’ll turn’em in a couple of years,” he ran a hand down Charlie’s arm, “This ones’ mine Spike, do what you want with the other.”

“Hey I found them first,” Bob, who doesn’t like being ignored (annoying bugger), cried out, “Either I get to keep one of them, or I get to have my way with both of them.” He said screaming the last word out. His eyes widened and then he crumpled into dust, Charlie was standing behind him, stake in hand.

“God he was annoying,” she said, while thinking, ‘Why didn’t I just do that in the first place?’ She looked up and saw the looks that her brother and The Neanderthal were giving her, “What, did you think I was just going to sit by and wait for you to finally off the guy? I don’t think so, he was way too annoying. I was getting worried that I was going to lose my mind, and start seeing pixies,” Charlie answered the looks. Buffy was trying really hard not to laugh, but was failing, miserably. Spike was grinning and clapping telling her that the execution was lovely, and Angel was…. pouting?

“Why are you pouting?” The blond/brunette asked the tall brunette in front of her.

“Because I was having fun,” he answered still pouting.

“Oh good god, you are such a a arrrgghh,” Charlie growled, turned and stomped out of ‘Sunshine Cemetery’ and towards Buffy’s house.

Angel looked at Buffy and Spike, then took off after Charlie.

“Well, that was fun,” Buffy said as turned towards the bleached vamp beside her, she put her arms around his neck and leaned capturing his lips with hers, in a passion filled kiss. When they separated a bit later, Buffy had a smile on her face, with a slightly glazed look in her eyes. Spike too had a grin, which turned into a cocky smirk after seeing the look on her face. When Buffy woke from her haze she noticed the smirk, and gave him a slight push on the shoulder. He gave her a grin as he pulled her into a soft kiss.

When they pulled apart, Spike looked like he was fighting with himself, “Hmmm, what’s going on in your head?” She asked him.

“Besides you?” Spike smirked when she blushed, Spike sighed and answered her, “I’m thinkin’ about Charlie, I’m worried about her, I haven’t seen her in two years, Angel has a crush on her, and I think something’s more wrong with him then usual, he isn’t acting like the brood-boy we all know and hate, well at least I hate,” Buffy rolled her eyes when he said that last bit.

“Well, maybe he’s trying to change for her,” she elaborated saying, “You know, trying to be less tall, dark, and broody, and more, tall, bright, and friendly,” she finished with a bright smile. Spike couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Angel being bright, in both senses of the term.

There nice little moment was ruined by the sound of a chainsaw starting up, they turned towards the sound, and saw a vampire holding up a chainsaw. The best way to describe him was, the look on his face, even with the bumpies, was psychotic, he was wearing a trench coat, all black clothes, black boots, and a black hat, that looks like the one Indiana Jones wore, except black. He had caught sight of the Slayer and Master Vampire, and thought, ‘They are of no match to me, and my chainsaw.’

“You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m tellin’ you why, The Roach is gonna kill you, tonight,” the vampire, apparently called ‘The Roach’ sang in a low scratchy voice. He started running towards Buffy and Spike, chainsaw roaring. At the last second the Slayer and her vampire stepped to the side, away from the other, and Roach slammed into the mausoleum behind them, the chainsaw making a nice deep gash, in the side of the mausoleum, he turned around, and saw the Slayer and vampire laughing, Buffy was holding her sides, and Spike was chuckling while clapping.

“Bravo mate, excellent execution of that swing, that didn’t know what hit’em,” Spike continued to clap, until Roach came at him, fury in his eyes for missing the target, ‘I will not miss again!’ He promised himself, adding, ‘Even if I die trying.’

The second Roach neared enough, he stepped to the side, and Roach, still lost in thought, didn’t notice until it was too late. He tripped over a piece of a broken head stone, and fell on a stick, sticking up in the ground, impaling himself right through the heart, turning to ash in seconds. Buffy who had started to calm down, erupted into laughter again, after seeing that. Spikes parting words to the now dusted vamp, was, “Death by twig.”

“What was up with that line in the beginning? Does he have no imagination? I guess not,” Buffy said, after subsiding from her laughter.

“Eh, not too many vamps have any imagination when it comes to entrances, luv,” Spike answered her. “Charlie loves Christmas, if she heard what that vamp did to one of her favorite songs, she would have tortured him,” Spike said, voice full of mirth.

“When’s her birthday?” Buffy asked.

“The day after Christmas,” Spike answered, grinning.

“Wow. Your serious?” He nodded. “Wow. What does she do on her birthday?” Buffy asked curiously.

“She always liked having a Christmas party, even if it was after Christmas,” Spike answered, with a small smile.

Buffy grabbed Spikes hand, and they walked towards her house, “That sounds fun,” she said.

“Yeah, it was. Then she got older, started liking music other then mine, dancing, I had to stake half my minions when she started dancing. It was horrible, she went from being the perfect little girl dressing up in the same colors as me, to a teenager getting asked on dates, I hated it,” Spike finished, with a small pout forming on his lips.

“Oh, you poor thing,” Buffy gave him a kiss on his pouting lips, she pulled back and said, “You did a good job raising her, she’s a good girl, no matter how much she dresses like you, although she can pull it off, your more of a puppy then a …” she got cut off by Spikes lips sealing over hers.

Spike pulled back and asked, “Why don’t we get some movies before we head back?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” she replied. They headed towards the movie rental place, then headed to Buffy’s with there movies.

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