Author's Chapter Notes:
Hello all! So sorry it took so long to get this out to you, but I've been fighting it hahaha! Finally happy with it so enjoy! Please review! Thank you to Ash for her help in getting me writing again and getting this story in a good direction, also for betaing for me. :D

Thank you cordy kitten for your reviews, love them!

Enjoy the chapter!
As the party wore on the mistletoe caught more people. Joyce and Giles got caught under it three times, everyone else once or twice, except for Buffy and Spike, and, Charlie and Angel, who got trapped so many times, Charlie stopped counting.

Charlie took to standing in the middle of the room, away from the cursed mistletoe, and Angel. 'I am going to kill Buffy! Did she have to go mistletoe crazy?!'

Charlie looked around the room, and couldn't help but to smile. Even though Xander had hurt Anya terribly, she still tried to enjoy herself, but Charlie knew Anya was incredibly hurt.

Anya looked up when a shadow was cast over her, and saw it was the other Watcher, Wesley. She smiled at him and motioned for him to join her.

“I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I knew Mr. Harris was a rash boy, but I had hoped he'd grown out of it, I am terribly sorry that he hasn't.” Wesley said as he put his hand on her shoulder.

“Thank you, Wesley,” Anya said quietly. Tears came to her eyes as she thought of Xander. “I've tried to be normal, for him. Every time I say anything about my past as a demon, he tries to shut me down, unless Buffy wants to here it. I'm tired of it! I think I'm going to crack if I here him say, 'Not now Ahn!' or, 'Be quite Ahn!' ” Her face turned red as she kept talking. Wesley wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

'She shouldn't have to deal with that! I can't believe she has put up with that behavior!' Wesley thought, completely disgusted with the boy now, more then he ever was.

“I listened to him cause I thought he loved me!” Wesley pulled the now weeping blonde into his lap, wrapping her tightly in his arms. He noticed the room looking over in concern, and waved them off, he could take care of the beautiful blonde.

“He is an idiotic young boy, my dear. He should have realized, how remarkable you are, you turned your back on Demon-hood. That must have been difficult for you to do.” Wesley, gently kissed her head, “you should have been praised, giving information willingly to help out your new friends, he should not have made you feel inadequate, for even a moment.”

The room failed to notice the brunette male of the hour had been spying, until he stormed in the house. In seconds Angel had him against the wall in full game face, snarling. Charlie came up beside the vampire and said, “that translates to, 'What the hell are you doing back in this house!' In fact that's my question as well, pillock.” Charlie snarled out at the end.

“I'm here to get Ahn away from that British creep!” Xander exclaimed, choking towards the end as Angel shoved his arm further into the squirming brunettes throat.

“Oh yeah? Well that British creep, as you so eloquently put it, is comforting her, after all the shit you've put her through.” Buffy snarled, Xander had the decency to look frightened. “Not only did you try to dictate who I should be with, you treated Anya like she was dirt on your shoe. Its enough, until you grow up do not come around anymore. If, and that's a big if, we need you for anything, we will let you know. Now kindly get out of my house!” Buffy snapped as she pulled Xander from the brunette vampires hold, and pushed him out of the open front door.

“You'll all be sorry! You will need me one day, and I'm not going to be there!” An angry Xander shouted.

“Xander Harris lower your voice and act your age!” Joyce called out, beyond upset, beyond even pissed.

'Mental note: Keep mom away from liquor tonight.' Buffy thought as she and her mom made there way back into the house, firmly closing the door behind them.

“OK, I think we're all done for the night, so thank you for coming, and I'll see you tomorrow at the Magic Box.” Buffy said, and everyone agreed.

As they walked out Cordelia said, “I can't believe he treated that girl like that, what an asshole.” Buffy couldn't agree more, neither could Fred and Gunn.

Willow and Tara left next, they had classes in the morning and needed to get to bed at a decent hour. “I feel so ashamed for not sticking up for Anya, I didn't know,” Willow whimpered in Tara's arms.

All that were left at the moment was, Wesley, holding a weeping Anya, Charlie, who was sharpening a large knife, 'I wonder where she pulled that from?' Angel, who was brooding, what a shock, and of course, Giles, Joyce, Dawn, and Spike, who were all looking sympathetically at Anya.

'Oh Xander, how could you have messed up such a good relationship?' Buffy thought as she felt Spike come up behind her, and wrap his arms around her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Every head turned to the front door as the knocking became insistent.

Buffy felt a tingling on the back of her neck, which shouted old vampire, where as Spike and Angel felt family.

As Buffy and Spike made there way to the door, Buffy looked around the room, her eyes settled on Charlie, who was staring a whole through the door, while twirling her knife.

Spike opened the door, and was greeted by a sobbing, pitiful looking Drusilla. “Please help me, its Edith, shes gone terribly mad!” She sobbed before she passed out leaning against the barrier.

Charlie was by her in a flash, laying the insane vampire down on the porch checking her over. “She needs blood.”

Spike shook himself out of his stupor stalked towards the kitchen, returning a few moments later with warm pigs blood, he handed it to Charlie silently.

Everyone watched as Charlie pressed the cup to Dru's lips, and the inevitable game face transformation the minute blood was presented to the obviously famished vampire.

Buffy looked around the room, calculating, then she uttered words she, nor anyone else ever thought, or dreamed, would pass her lips. “Come in Drusilla.”

A shocked silence settled over the room, as Charlie and Spike pulled Drusilla into the house. Spike broke the silence, “we are going to tie her up in the basement.” Spike turned to Buffy and looked more serious then she had ever seen him. “ After she starts to get her strength back, you will dis-invite her, or what ever the mojo is called.” When Buffy nodded, he led the way to the basement.

He turned when he heard the jingling of chains, and saw one of the sexiest sights his eyes ever beheld. Buffy holding manacles up while approaching him, swaying her hips slowly. Spike raised his hand to his chin checking for drool.

Buffy passed him and tethered the chains to the basement wall. When she turned to help Spike and Charlie, she noticed her vampire hadn't stopped gazing into space, and giggled. She walked over and kissed him gently. That must have jogged him out of his stupor, for he he tried to deepen the kiss. It would have worked to if it hadn't of been for meddling little sisters.

“Not that I mind you two being together, but could you maybe help tie Dru up? Much appreciated.” Charlie grumbled the last bit out.

Spike at least looked bashful for making out with his slayer in front of his little sister. In quick succession they had the insane vampire chained to the basement wall.

She woke up after they had the last chain in place.

“The Pixies are every where. Miss Edith is planning something very big. She'll bury Sunnydale if you don't stop her!” Drusilla cried out. Angel went to her and held her, comforting her.

Charlie tried not to acknowledge the twinge of jealousy that shot through her. It's not like I want him or anything, so there's no need to feel jealous what so ever. Yeah keep telling yourself that. Oh shut up. Charlie was pulled from her thoughts as Dru called to her.

“Oh my wicked petal, you must not let Edith win, promise me you won't!” Dru cried out, grasping at the hem Charlie dark washed blue flare Levis.

“I promise, you have my word. I will go to any means necessary to stop her.” Charlie said with conviction strengthening her voice. She felt eyes on her, boring into her, she didn't have to look up to realize it was Angel. That didn't mean she didn't look, bollocks. He actually looked worried.

Drusilla gasped, moaned, clawed at the ground, digging rivulets into the concrete under her. Charlie and Spike exchanged glances, knowing what was coming. A vision.

In Humanus educare per in Vespertilio.

In Interfector in amor cum Vespertilio.

In Vespertilio exsecrabilis cum anima.

In Vespertilio in amor cum Interfector.

Quo Vespertilio investigatinis pro aliquid ille perdit.

Quo Interfector excipere aliquid ille perdit, et voluntus fundare.

Quo Humanus haud humanus, modo haud in daemon, Aliquid magis.

Quo Exsecrabilis Vespertilio exsecrabilis non magis, modo in lupis in ovis vestitus.

Quo Interfector et Quo Vespertilio voluntas mox esse unus ei voluntus repulse quo Malum, cum duo cetera.

Quo Humanus et Quo Ceterus Vespertilio voluntus pugna affectus pro invicem ceterus ibi socius, ei are necessitates ad auxilium repulse quo Malum.

“Okay, what did that mean?” Asked Buffy inquisitively.

Anya spoke up, “its a prophecy.” When she received curious looks, she elaborated. “All prophecies are spoken in Latin. Now my Latin is a little rusty so you'll have to give me a minute.” Anya stated as she paced mumbling to her self.

“A Human raised by a Vampire.

A Slayer in love with a Vampire.

A Vampire cursed with a soul.

A Vampire in love with a Slayer.

The Vampire searches for something that was lost.

The Slayer harbors something that was lost, and will soon be found.

The Human is not human, but not a demon, Something more.

The Cursed Vampire is cursed no more, but a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The Slayer and The Vampire will soon be one, together they will defeat the Evil, with two others.

The Human and The Other Vampire will fight feelings for each other, but soon will know the other is there mate, they are needed to help defeat the Evil.” Angel translated. Everyone in the room looked at him. “I've kept up on my languages.” He said in answer to the questioning looks.

“That's it!” Anya exclaimed in delight.

“That sounds so familiar,” Giles said, while rubbing his glasses in thought. “I think it's about Spike and Buffy, and, possibly Charlie and Angel.” Giles said. The sound of a door slamming reverberated through out the house.

“My dark little Peach is running, someone needs to stop her before the big black bird takes her far away.” Drusilla said as she swayed looking out the window towards the starry sky out side.

'No, no, no, no. NO!! I will not fall for that, that, pretentious bastard, who acts like some sodding, brooding asshole! I can't. Charlie thought as she made her way to the mansion.

She was so happy she talked Angel into getting the T.V and DVD player. That's exactly what she needed right then, a blanket to curl up with on the couch, while watching a good movie.

She just got comfortable when the credits for her movie started. She had settled on 'You've Got Mail'. Charlie loved that movie, it was a great feel good movie for her, and Tom Hanks wasn't to bad to look at.

Charlie was so enthralled in the movie that she didn't notice the door opening or the figure coming up behind her. She let out a piercing scream when a large hand rested on her shoulder. She jumped off the couch drawing out a dagger from somewhere, and crouched into a fighting stance.

She was breathing heavily, her eyes held a glint, one they might have if someone was facing the Reaper. Her eyes finally focused, on the man that had startled her, his hands were raised in surrender, and he was slowly edging towards her.

“Angel? What is your PROBLEM?! Do you enjoy giving me a heart attack?” Charlie said as she grabbed at her chest, knife still in hand.

“I'm sorry I said your name, I thought you were just ignoring me, it wouldn't be the first time.” Angel grumbled out the last part. He kept a wary eye on the dagger Charlie had clutched in her hand.

“Sorry, I was just watching a movie.” Charlie said as she got settled back on the couch, she looked over at him and asked, “Would you like to watch it with me?”

“Yes I would. But do you think you could put the knife away?” He asked.

“Oh,” Charlie looked down at her hand, “right, sorry 'bout that.” She giggled slightly as she put the knife away. They sat on the couch, and resumed the movie. During the course Angel slowly scooted closer and closer, until his thigh was almost touching her crossed legs.

They stayed up for the majority of the night watching movies and talking. Neither of them felt the need to talk about the prophecy, that could wait till later, when the others were present. For now they were basking in the presence of a newly formed friendship, and on Angles part, hopefully something more in the future.

Chapter End Notes:
The Latin is translated from a English to Latin dictionary. Hope you liked it!

Please review. Reviews really do help get the creative juices flowing, just throwing that in. ;)



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