
Chapter 22

Buffy and Spike stumbled back from the bar in the early hours and managed to make it into bed. Spike had practically passed out as his head hit the pillow. Buffy gave a small giggle as she pulled his boots off.

She tugged her own clothes off and pulled one of Spikes t-shirts on before crawling into bed next to him. Wrapping herself around him, she allowed a little of reality to settle in.
This was their last night here. She had pulled Lou aside at the beginning of the evening and told her not to mention it, she didn’t know why but she wanted Spike to just be himself and not have to think about it.

It had been a great evening, dinner was great and the company had been better, but now lying here next to Spike she felt the tears well in her eyes. She knew things wouldn’t be the same. When they got back she just didn’t know what would happen but she knew that something bad was going to happen.

Closing her eyes she finally felt the pull of sleep and drifted off.

Buffy was jolted awake by a disorientating feeling, well that and Spike swearing his head off.

“Oh fuck, I think I’m gonna Ralph.” Spike ground out as the feeling stopped.

Buffy looked around her and fell back on her ass. There stood Giles, Xander, Anya, Willow and Riley. They were back home.

“Spike?” Buffy tried to tug on his arms but Spike was to concerned with trying to crawl into her lap.

“Spike.” This time it was more urgent.

“What? I swear I going to kill Dave.” Spike looked up at Buffys face and saw something akin to terror there and then his gaze shifted to the room.

“Oh fuck.” Spike mumbled before slumping backwards onto the carpet.

Giles stared at his slayer, something was very wrong here. Spike was wearing only jeans and Buffy appeared to be wearing a Sex Pistols t-shirt. What on earth had happened?

Spike grabbed Buffy’s shoulder to pull himself up, he couldn’t really leave this all to her could he?

Seeing Spike grab Buffy the distinct nose of a gun being un-holstered sounded through the room.

Immediately Spike and Buffy rolled into defensive crouches. They were back to back; one hand pulled back, a mirror image, and in their palms floated balls of fire and ice.

“Riley! Do you mind?” Giles shouted indignantly, he felt a twinge of pity for the little soldier boy. A lot had apparently occurred and Giles had the feeling that he wouldn’t be seeing much of Riley in the future.

“He grabbed her!” riley tried to explain.

“In his heinous attempt to get up. Yes I can see your worry.” Giles snapped, his attention was riveted to the blond pair, whatever had happened they seemed to have acquired powers.

“Buffy you have powers!” Willow squealed and jumped up.

“Yeah Buff, what’s with the fireball?” Xander joined in.

Buffy ignored everyone, she could feel Spikes desire to release the ice-ball that he held and she knew exactly who he wanted to unleash it on.

“Self-defence only, remember?” She whispered softly to Spike.

Spike harrumphed before lowering his hand.

“Why don’t we give Buffy and Spike a chance to orientate themselves?” Giles suggested mildly, he was dying to get his note pad.

Everyone sat back down, but continued to stare at the two. Buffy shrugged, she stood up and looked questioningly at Spike.

They had balls of fire and ice, and nothing to do with them, they had learnt how to use them up when it happened, but it wasn’t something she particularly wanted to do in front of others. No choice though really.

Spike stood and followed her lead; he was actually surprised that she was going to do this.

Spike mirrored Buffy’s movements as she crossed her palm with the other, the power balls split in two, leaving two smaller ones, one in each palm.

They raised their hands to shoulder level then began to bring their palms together. About an inch apart, steam began to hiss and fire and ice met. Slowly leaning further into each other the fire and ice slowly began to extinguish each other, steam hissed around the pair as water dripped down their arms.

Giles ripped his glasses of his face and began to polish them vigorously. Xander watched, open mouthed while willow blushed scarlet and looked away.

What they were doing might have been innocent but it screamed of intimacy.

When Buffy and Spikes finally closed around each others they slumped against one another panting.

“Wow that really makes me think of sex, Xander could I see you in the bathroom for a moment.” Anya stood up and Xander hung his head in his hands.

“What? I was trying the tact thing, I didn’t ask you to come and have sex with me.” Anya sounded exasperated.

Willow snickered and Xander pulled Anya out of the room.

“What was that?” Riley demanded as he stalked closer to the pair.

Spike immediately tried to shift into defensive again but Buffy stopped him by closing his fists in her own.

She sighed heavily before casting an annoyed glance at Riley.

“Why are you even still here?” Buffy asked.

“What do you mean? You asked me to wait for you.” Riley looked at her in disbelief.

Spike leaned forward and whispered something in her ear, understanding finally dawned on her.

Giles, could we maybe get a cup of coffee and some clothes? Then we’ll go through it.” Buffy looked weary, Giles nodded and set of upstairs to get some clothes while Willow set off to make the coffee.

“Buffy, what’s happened?” Riley looked imploringly at his girlfriend.

“Riley I have got the mother of all hangovers; I want clothes, coffee then to tell my story, in that order ok?” Buffy turned back to Spike cutting Riley off from any further conversation.

She looked at Spike trying to let him know that she would tell the story. A part of Spike fell; she didn’t want him blabbing about them, he gave her a curt nod and went to sit in one of the armchairs.

Buffy watched him walk away and felt a piece of her heart break, she didn’t want to rush things, why couldn’t he see that.

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