Author's Chapter Notes:
A HUGE thank you goes out to my amazing BETA, Lauriel for sending back my chapters ASAP so I can post them up here for everyone to see. You’re amazing *smiles*.

Again, as always. Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed on the last chapter, your responses always help in writing chapters to come. Thank you to: cordykitten, sarah g, c98, nat, demona424, Ivy, JO, Pam S, Spikes_slayer08 and _3xy_. Based on your reviews I think I’ve come up with a good ending. Some of you may not like the way the last two chapters go and some of you might *shrug*…. So here it is….
Chapter 20:

“Are you coming tonight?” Dru asked, turning to face her brother who was sitting on the couch, a depressed look on his face. She had organised with Darla and Buffy to go to the Bronze, in the hopes that her brother would come to listen to Buffy sing.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Harm’s making me go.”

“I still don’t understand what you did, William.” Dru said sadly, sitting down next to him. “How you could do that. To Buffy,” she met his gaze. “To me.”

“I didn’t want to hurt either of you, pet. I-”

He was cut off. “You know I can look after myself,” she glared at him. “I punched Angel twice.” Spike grinned and let out a laugh.

“Yeah, you got him good.”

“What makes you think I’d ever let him touch me like that?” She curled one of her legs under herself on the couch.

“I don’t know.” Spike groaned. “I wasn‘t thinking about anything clearly. I didn’t even-” he was cut off again by Dru’s scoff.

“You. Are the worlds biggest ponce, William,” she pointed out. Not once had he stood up for himself, not once had he stood up to Angel. Her brother had taken the same martial arts classes as her up until they were 13 and yet Dru couldn’t remember a time when he had taken the initiative and showed Angel who was the boss.

“Oi!” he yelled, glaring at her. “I am no’.” Dru raised her eyebrow.

“Really? Then when’s the last time you stood up to Angel, or Harmony, or Cordelia?”

“Well I…”

“Exactly.” She shook her head. “You know what our cousin is planning to do tonight, because of that stupid agreement you made four years ago?” Spike shook his head ‘no.’ He knew Darla had come down from LA as she had stayed with them last night, but the two of them had told him she was on a break from work and was just visiting.

‘You really are stupid mate.’

“She’s planning on taking my place.”

Spike’s eyes widened. “Wha’ do you mean, taking your place?” Dru shot him a look that yelled ‘Are you really that dense?’ “You mean she’s going to sleep with Angel?”

“Yes. But that’s not going to happen, is it, William?” Dru held his gaze. “You seriously need to grow some balls and stand up for yourself once in your life. Prove to me and Buffy and Darla that you’re in control. That Angel can’t manipulate you anymore. I’m a big girl now, William,” Dru smiled softly at him. “You may have had good intentions when you were younger, of not wanting to hurt me. But I can take care of myself now.”

‘I really have been the world’s biggest ponce.’ Spike thought to himself, leaning further back into his chair. ‘I belong to the Nancy tribe.’ He let out a groan as Dru giggled.

“Yes, you do.”

“You know that’s really annoying and creepy righ‘?” Spike said, staring at her. “It’s no’ nice to play around in peoples noggins, pet.” He tapped the side of his head, near his temple.

“Yes, I know.” Dru stood. “But your mind is always so interesting to read.” She held out her arm, pulling him up to stand with her. “Now,” she smiled. “Are you ready to show Angel who’s the boss? Or do I have to punch him again for you?”

“Oi!” Spike glared. “I’ll be the one doing the punching. I’ve got a few years worth just waiting to be let out across his face.” He grinned, glancing at Darla as she walked down the hall to join them.

“It took you long enough,” she sighed. “We’re going to be late. The sunshine makes such lovely sounds for us today.” She giggled, grabbing her coat just as Darla gathered hers.

“You know, pet,” Spike sighed, following his sister, “sometimes I have no idea what you’re on about. It’s night time, luv. There ain’t no sunshine out.”

“Yes there is,” she smiled at Darla.

“Whatever, le’s go.”

“No,” Darla said, turning to face him. “You can’t come with-”

“It’s ok,” Dru cut in. “Spike, go with Harmony and we’ll come to you later on.” She grinned. “We’ll confront Angel.”

“Dru, I thought the plan was not to te-” She was cut off again.

“It’s ok, pet. It’s about time I stood up and faced my demons.” He opened the front door for them. “I can’t let you face them for me.”

“You‘re going to explain this to me, right?” Darla asked, turning to face Dru, who nodded in response. “Because right now I’m really confused.”

“Jus’ get going already. I’ll see you birds later.” Dru giggled and glided out the door.

“See you later, Nancy boy brother of mine.”

“Oi!” Spike yelled, glaring at his sister’s back. Darla turned to face him with a smile on her face as she walked backwards down the footpath.

“Well, you kind of are. Unless you’re finally growing a pair an-”

“I’ll be seeing you later.” Spike glared, shutting the front door.

Darla growled. “I swear. If one more person cuts me off tonight I’m going to get really really ticked off.”


“Ok. Explain that to me again. Yesterday we agreed that I was going to take your place in Angelus’ little deal with Spike. And now what’s going on?” They had walked the short distance to Buffy’s house to collect her and her guitar and were currently walking down the footpath on their way to the Bronze.

“Well,” Dru started, taking a deep breath. “After our discussion yesterday I went home and had a think,” she glanced at Darla. “I couldn’t let you do what you were planning on doing. Sleep with Angel.”

“But he was going to go after you.” Buffy said, voice a mask of concern.

“I think we were all so caught up in the emotions of what had happened and what was happening that nobody, my brother included, thought for one second that I,” she glanced at Buffy, “we could look after ourselves.”

“Speak for yourself,” Buffy grumbled. “I don’t have years of Tai Kwon Do experience.”

“The point I’m trying to make is that we’re not little girls anymore. We don’t need protecting,” Dru continued. “My brother has failed to realise that we‘ve gotten older and has just continued to live inside his little shell.”

“I’ll say,” Darla sighed.

“He broke when we went to the cabin. Couldn’t handle not being near you again, Buffy. He loves you so much.” She sighed, linking her arm with Buffy’s as they rounded the corner, coming up to the Bronze’s entrance.

“Let’s just hope he doesn’t make a complete fool out of himself tonight,” Darla laughed.

“He still has a few tricks up his sleeve,” Dru smiled, knowing all too well how her brother was going to fix tonight and stand up for himself. It had been a long time coming.

“Let’s hope I don’t make a fool out of myself first,” Buffy pouted, nerves starting to rake up her body.

“You’re going to do fine, Buffy,” Darla smiled, Dru squeezing her arm tight as they walked through the front door to the Bronze.

Chapter End Notes:
One chapter to go:).... I'd love to hear what you think....

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