Author's Chapter Notes:
Thank you sooooo much to Lauriel…. You’re an amazing Beta… hehe *big hugs*…. ALSO a massive HUGE thank you to everyone who reviewed on the last chapter: cordykitten, JO, Ivy, Pam S, Spikes_slayer08
Chapter 9:

“God, what just happened?” Buffy sighed, walking back over to her bed and sitting down. So many emotions were rushing through her head all at once, giving her a head spin.

Last night Spike had been so upset and angry with her and this morning he was professing his love for her. That just didn’t happen. Spike had spent the last 4 years ignoring her, not saying a word when his new friends had picked on her and now… he was in love with her.

With a shake of her head, Buffy rid herself of the thoughts and got ready for the day. As she pulled her t-shirt over her head, realisation hit. She’d made out with Spike.

She, Buffy Summers, had kissed Spike Giles.

Buffy had trouble containing her grin that day.


“You‘ve got some explaining to do, mister!” Dru pulled her brother into his room and shoved him down on the bed.


“What happened last night?” Spike looked up and stared at his sister, confused. “Last night. I want to know what revelation you had while you were out drowning your sorrows in booze,” she crossed her arms, waiting for his response.

“Oh! Right that.” Dru nodded, her eyes waiting. “ Well me and Buffy got into a bit of a fight and I left,” he shrugged. “Went to the first bar I could find.” Spike stopped.


“Met Oz there.”

“What’s he doing out here? It’s miles away from Sunnydale,” Dru pulled up a chair, opposite Spike.

“Said he was drivin’ out to LA, gathering parts he needed to fix his guitar,” Spike shrugged, moving to sit more comfortably on the mattress.

“Will you just get to the revelation part please!” Dru snapped, impatiently.


Last night at the first bar Spike could find.

“Bloody stubborn bint!” Spike growled out, plonking himself on a barstool. “I mean, what does it take to- argh.”

“What’ll it be mate?” The bar tender stood in front of Spike, towel over his shoulder and an empty glass in his hand.

“Bourbon,” Spike sighed, head resting on his arm. “Just gimme the bottle.”

As Spike downed his first glass of the liquid, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

“Spike?” Turning his head, Spike answered.

“Yeah?” He was already pouring more bourbon into his glass.

“What are you doing?” Oz sat on the empty barstool next to Spike.

“ ‘m downing my sorrows,” he sighed out, before taking a swig. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“I’m driving out to LA.” Oz ordered a beer. “Just stopping overnight. I’m picking up parts for my guitar and amp tomorrow.” The bar tender gave Oz his beer and accepted the money Oz held out as a tip.

“Oh, ok.” Spike took another sip of his drink.

“So again I ask. What’s with your mass sorrow drowning?” Spike sighed and started his tale. Oz watched on with a knowing smile on his face. Every now and then Spike would stop to take a swig of his drink and then fill the glass up again, repeating the process until there was no bourbon left. “So let me get this straight,” Oz sighed, placing his now empty beer bottle on the bench top. “You were best friends with Buffy for years and you humiliated her in front of the whole school, and shacked up with Angel and all his lot, hoping that you’d have a higher popularity status. But in the meantime, let Angel and his gooneys take the shit out of Buffy and her friends for just being themselves, not saying two cents to defend them?”

Spike groaned his response and ordered another bottle of bourbon, “I know, I’m a git.”

“Hey, you said it first,” Oz held his hands up in defence. “Look, I can’t tell you how to fix this situation, because really, you’re basically up shit creek.” Spike groaned and took another huge gulp of his drink. “Seriously, you need to take a real hard look at what you want in life, man,” Oz leant back, his back resting on the bar. “I know if I had a girl like that, someone who’s funny and smart, a little bit nerdy,” Spike lifted his head and stared at Oz. “She gets these cute little dimple things when she smiles,” Oz was looking off at nothing in particular.

“Are we talking about Buffy still?” Oz coughed and met Spikes gaze. “You’ve got it in for Red?” Spike smiled wide as Oz averted his eyes.


“Yes, you do!” Spike sat up fully in his chair. “You’ve got the hots for Red!” Picking up his glass he saluted Oz, “best of luck mate,” and took a massive swig.

“Anyway, back to the topic of your sinking boat,” Oz sighed. “You need to figure out if Angel, Cordelia and uh- Harmony are worth it all. Is being idolised at school, is being popular, enough for you? Or do you want something that’s going to be real?” Spike was silent, only taking a small sip of his drink.

“I don’t know mate. I really don’t know,” he sighed.

“Anyway I thought you hadn’t spoken to Buffy in years?” Oz ordered another beer.

“I haven’t.”

“What changed?” Oz met Spike’s eyes.

“She did,” he whispered, eyes glazing over. “She used to be so quiet you know.” Oz nodded. “And then, it’s as if overnight she just…grew. She shines, mate!” Spike took another sip of his drink. “When I see her with my sister she’s so happy, laughing and smiling,” he glanced at Oz. “I used to make her smile like that,” he looked down at his glass. “But I’ve only managed to hurt her more.”

“You’re in love with her?” Oz asked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.

“What! I’m not-” Oz raised an eyebrow at Spike. “I don’t know,” he whispered.

“Like I said before. Is what you have enough? Or are you going to, for once in your life risk everything to have something real?” Oz stood, Spike remained quiet. “Don’t get too drunk. Just think about what I said and then go home.” Oz placed a hand on Spike’s shoulder, who nodded in response. “I’ll catch up with you another time, right now though, I’m going to catch some Z’s.”

“Night,” Spike said, sipping more of his drink. “Oz!”


Spike turned in his chair and smiled at Oz. “Thanks mate.”

“Anytime,” he smiled, before walking out the door.

Dru... review

Chapter End Notes:
hoped u like that chapter:)..... better do what Dru says or she'll hurt you:P

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