[Reviews - 499] LikedPrinter
Summary: William knew that she considered him a friend or maybe even a big brother, but she'd promised to marry him once and he had every intention of holding her to it. Just as soon as he worked up the nerve to remind her, that is. Who says you can't find your soul-mate in preschool? Nominated at the Sunny D Awards and at Cradle of Humanity! Thank You.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Completed: Yes
Word count: 54587 Read: 46579
Published: 05/10/2008 Updated: 10/20/2009

1. One by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 21] Liked (1779 words)
All right. So I'm kind of hoping to find a beta-reader for this one...if you're interested please send me a message so we chat details. I'm mostly just hoping for a second set of eyes to check for basic grammar booboos and typos.

That said, I just couldn't wait to see if people wanted to read this one-so please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox studios. This story is not meant to infringe upon anyone's rights, only to entertain.
Man I hope it entertains and boy do I wish I owned Spike. I think I would do very well with him. *sigh*

2. Two by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 15] Liked (1779 words)
Wow. I guess people like the cuteness. Thanks for the reviews everyone and special thanks to Okdeanna for beta-reading for me. Of course any errors are undoubtedly my own.

As always I don't own anything except my words.

3. Three by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 16] Liked (1345 words)
All right, so here is the situation. I've just made an interesting personal discovery. I may, in fact, lack the patience required to work with a beta reader. It's only been few days since I sent my latest chapter to the helpful elf who graciously agreed to give it a read for me-but I can't wait to post it. (Yes-I was one of those kids who only had a good day if the teacher gave me a pat on the head and told me what a clever girl I was. ) So I'm going to post and if she finds anything serious I'll come back and edit. Yeah, I know-pathetic. Anyway-In light of this embarrassing personal admission I expect reviews folks. (I can put up another chapter this weekend if enough people seem interested. ;))
Update: Okdeanna, my lovely beta, just sent me her edits-I'm including them now. As always, though-all mistakes are my own.

4. Four by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 19] Liked (1557 words)
Thanks to OkDeanna for her beta-reading. :)

Thanks to everyone who reviews-I'm so excited by the reaction this little story is getting.

5. Five by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 20] Liked (1562 words)
Thanks to OkDeanna for the beta-reading and advice. Please review!

6. Six by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 15] Liked (2092 words)
So a bunch of folks are giving poor Buffy a hard time for her misunderstanding-ease up on her a little please. She's young and Giles said lots of confusing things and William is clearly hiding something.
Also-it's funny yeah?
Anyway thanks to my lovely beta Deanna!!!
Don't forget to review. :D I have another chapter ready-so I'll be posting again very soon.

7. Seven by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 20] Liked (1576 words)
Thanks again to Deanna for the beta-reading!

I'm excited to hear what folks think of this chapter!!! I think there will be a couple of surprises (though more are on their way).
So...please review!

8. Eight by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 31] Liked (1856 words)
Thanks again to Deanna for the beta-reading!

So, I put together a little soundtrack for this fic. If anyone is interested, you can see it on my LJ.

All the lovely reviews have made me snoopy dance! Thanks :D

9. Nine by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 27] Liked (3263 words)
So as a thank you for all the nice reviews and comments, I have an extra long chapter for you!

I have to thank my lovely beta-reader Deanna-she rocks!

10. Ten by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 17] Liked (3621 words)
This is the one that got deleted during the recent troubles. :) Thanks to OkDeanna for the lovely beta-reading.

11. Eleven by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 24] Liked (2229 words)
Once again this update was too long in the coming-sorry. I really am hoping that things will get mellow again soon. :)

Thanks to OkDeanna for the beta-reading!

Reviews help!

12. Twelve by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 19] Liked (1190 words)
This is unbeta-read at the mo. So if you see something, let me know. :)

13. Thirteen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 20] Liked (2308 words)
Yeah-here is another un-beta'd chapter for you. :)
Thanks for all the kind words-I'm sort of blown away by all the support for this story.

14. Fourteen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 15] Liked (2114 words)
Okay-so I'm a little nervous about this one. I've tried to hint about some of this, so I don't think it should come as a big shock, but...let me know if you're still with me and if you still love my William. And YES, there is still some angst to come, but I'll intersperse it with smutty goodness if you are all good little kiddies and review :P

15. Fifteen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 14] Liked (2612 words)
Again-a long wait for this one. I know I'm awful. All I can do is apologize and hand you an extra-long chappie. Anyway I hope you like it. Also, I promise I am going to finish this one-I won't leave you all hanging, I just might take a bit between post sometimes. :)

16. Sixteen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 20] Liked (2073 words)
I know, I know I suck (and not in the sexy vampire way) at responding to reviews lately. It doesn't mean I don't treasure them. I really do. Please keep them coming.
Thanks to everyone who has kept reading despite all my delays. I love this story and will finish it (baring death or a real life encounter with Spike-in which case I would be way too busy following him around offering to be eternally his to even remember my user name)

17. Seventeen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 16] Liked (1548 words)
More is on it's way soon. I actually have writing time available due to the lovely Thanksgiving Holiday (my family did the big dinner last weekend).
Thanks for reading and thanks even more to everyone who has made my day with a review. :)

18. Eighteen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 14] Liked (1581 words)
Thanks to everyone who sent me their thoughts on the last chapter. I know we're heading into the hard stuff and I hope you all can stick with me until the end.

Special thanks to DampersandSpoons for the beta-reading. She rocks. She might be my new bff, she'll have to come over for porn with the sound off (it's better if you write the dialog yourself) and cheap champagne.

19. Ninteen by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 45] Liked (2341 words)
Immense thanks goes to DampersnSpoons for all of her help. Clearly all mistakes and missed opportunities are my own.

I know that this is a painful chapter and I'll admit right now that the next little bit will be tough. These two are perfect for each other, but that have made a total mess of it.

20. Twenty by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 13] Liked (1670 words)
Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I really thought that folks were feeling done with this fic. Hearing that so many people still want to see it through really helped me plow through the giant writer's block in my path. Also...I was touched.

Big thanks (like Big Love but with less wives) to DampersnSpoons for betareading. :D She is awesome.

21. Twenty-One by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 28] Liked (2433 words)
Thanks, as always to DampersnSpoons for the beta-work. *huggles*

Thanks also to anyone who is planning to leave me a review. You're cool!

22. Twenty-Two by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 14] Liked (1943 words)
Whoa-look a chapter of Promised. I know, I'm almost as shocked as you. *shakes head* This one got really hard for me for a long time, but it's flowing out again and will be coming to an end soon. Which should clear up some time for me to work on other WIPs and a few new ideas that are dancing around in my head. I kind of wish they'd stop the dancing as I have a major headache. ;) Anyway-thanks for reading and please let me know what you are thinking.

23. Twenty Three by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 17] Liked (1798 words)
Look two chapters in the same week-I might just finish this fic after all. :D
Anyway-thanks to everyone for the kind words and reviews. I know that I don't respond to them all individually, but I absolutely read and treasure each one. And thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the few that I have left. (It's so hard to say goodbye to these two.)

24. Twenty Four by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 15] Liked (3666 words)
I wrote Promised!!!

There is only one chapter after this, okay-maybe two. But still almost done. Also-I have most of the ending already written. This fic will be done and posted by the end of the month. Whoa.

Please don't forget to let me know what you are thinking. :D People seemed excited about the Christmas visit, so I decided to give it to you all in one big chunk-no interruptions for flashbacks or chapter breaks.

25. Twenty Five by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 24] Liked (4651 words)
Here it is-started a year and a half ago and finished today...Promised. I'll miss these two in a few weeks, but right now I am sooo glad to be done with this fic.Please note that this chapter is divided into two posts due to length. Please let me know what you think. Thanks for all the support and comments. DK