Author's Chapter Notes:
I must warn that this chappy is high in the angsty department. All ye who can't take it, don't read any further...really... Stop that!

As for the rest of you: enjoy!
Ballroom Blitz

By Aurelia Carlisle

Chapter 3: Rational

On both sides of town, they woke from their disturbed sleep. Him, 15 feet underground in the heart of Restfield. Her, in the plush bed of her childhood home. Both recalling the blur of lace and dim lights, the sounds of music and laughter. Only to push the unsettling thoughts to the back of their minds, bringing forth the worry and confusion of future events.

Were they doing the right thing? Was it her place: attending this malevolent soirée? Was it his to accompany her? To lead her to this new level of darkness?

Neither knew. These thoughts were best dwelt upon with a rested mind.

They both fell back into slumber, only this time dreamlessly.


Buffy was utterly exhausted the next morning. There was something about falling asleep while walking downtown that didn't scream 'rested'. After last night's dream, she didn't think she could avoid the gang for much longer. There was a chance they didn't even know about the whole shindig yet anyway.

She'd decided to tell Giles about her dream. Maybe he could shed some light on it for her. She didn't particularly like sharing her nightmares with anyone, but you know what they say, 'desperate times...'

As soon as she stepped into the Magic Box, the animated chatter of her friends quickly ceased, leaving only the sounds of Anya's heels clacking, as she did her 'capitalist dance of superiority'. At least someone was enjoying themselves.

So they knew, perfect! She wondered how long it would take until one of them said something. She waited. . . . .

After a few seconds of the painfully awkward silence, Xander couldn't take it anymore.

“Are you crazy?” he asked.


“Have you gone completely loony, round the bend?”

“Xander, I don-”.

“Because trusting Spike, of all people, to take you to a party crawling with vampires? You're just the poster girl for sanity, huh, Buffy!” Xander said, laying the sarcasm on thick.

“I don't have a choice: this is my-”.

“Job? Duty? We've heard it all before, Buffy. Only then it was just nests and the like, not an entire fucking ballroom!”

“There's no sense in arguing with her, Xander. She's obviously already made up her mind,” said Tara, avoiding Xander's glare.

The girl in question had had enough deliberation with the Scoobies and exited out the training room door. Meanwhile, her friends were still warring, unaware of Buffy's sudden departure.

“That doesn't mean we have to like it,” Xander huffed. He slowly turned to Willow. “Uh, Wills? Been feelin' neglected and/ or vengenc-y lately?”

“Hey! How come I'm always the first to blame when this stuff happens?” she asked, offended. “And if it's vengeance you're lookin' for, why don't you ask Little Miss Ex-Demon over there?”

At Willow's comment Anya stopped mid-money dance and glared.

“Me? Just because I'm happy with this little turn of events doesn't make it my fault. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't make that happen. Revoked powers, remember? Way to rub it in!”

“I think we should all just calm down and let Buffy explain. I'm sure there's a rational explan-”.

“Rational, Tara? What part of going into a death trap with Spike is rational?”

“I'm sure Buffy knows what she's doing. She wouldn't walk blindly into a situation like that. It's not like her, right Buffy?”

They never even heard her leave.

“Now you've done it!” scoffed Xander.


Spike concentrated on the distraught girl bunched up on his chair from a close by sarcophagus. This was not the Slayer who foiled his plans time and again. And it definitely wasn't his cradle-robbing grandsire's ex-honey. This was Buffy Summers: minus wacky side-kicks, no snappy comebacks, just truth. He liked this new side of her. So vulnerable and human, even in this moment of weakness he couldn't find any desire to harm her.

"What is it, pet?" he asked hesitantly. "Are you okay?"

“I don't know if I can do it,” she confessed, staring blankly at the floor.

“Can't say I blame you, luv. The idea of walkin' into a Slayer conference wouldn't exactly give me warm fuzzies.”

“It's just- how's it all going to go down? I mean I can't just lure them away one by one. Even if I could, there's too many of them. We wouldn't be able to take out half of them.”

“Well, we've got a few days. There's plenty of time to go over the logistics.” At her doubtful look, he crouched down to her eye level and hooked a finger under her chin. “Hey now, none of that. You were born for this, pet. They didn't pick you for your keen fashion sense.”

“Why are you doing this Spike? I know you have to be there to get me in, but what's in it for you? This isn't really gonna boost your street cred with Sunnydale’s demon population.”

“Well, not only did you offer, but- think about it from my point of view, luv. I get to show all of those snobby bastards just how useful I am -sans Dru-. Get to be all manly in an all-out brawl.” He looked into her eyes, “All this, with a gorgeous woman on my arm- a slayer, no less.”

“I see your point,” she began, blushing and looking away. “I'm just angsting over nothing. I can do this. We can do this.” She stood up, really looking at him. “And Spike?”

“Yeah, pet?” Something in her voice made him turn around.

“I- it's just... oh screw it!”

With that she brought her face to his and, for the second time without magical influence, kissed him. Spike was surprised at first, then, deciding there was a god, grabbed her around the waist and returned the kiss. As the lip-lock grew more intense, she nearly forgot who she was. But unfortunately, she didn't. Her eyes shot open and she pushed him away. With one last fleeting look, she saw the emotion on his face and did the only thing she thought she could. She ran.

Chapter End Notes:
I did warn you about the angst factor so no flames. I'm not a fic-ninja, I don't think I can take it.

Be Kind,
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