Rated: NC-17
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: No
Word count: 33974 Read: 29351
Published: 01/24/2009 Updated: 09/14/2010
1. Part One by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 17] (4062 words)
Much thanks to DampersnSpoons for her advice and editing, she is a queen amongst beta-readers.
2. Part Two by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] (1886 words)
Part Two is a little shorter, but I'll have Part Three up for you soon. Thanks for reading and for reviewing.
Thanks to DampersNSpoons for the awesome beta-reading.
3. Part Three by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 12] (2208 words)
I'd like to give a big Thank You to all the readers who have taken the time to review and an even bigger Thank You to Dampersnspoons aka beta-reader extraordinaire.
4. Part Four by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 12] (2413 words)
Thanks, as always, to DampersnSpoons for her advice and beta-reading. In her world, even boobs are snarky.
Sorry for the delay on this one. I've got a good chunk of the next chapter done, so it should be up for you soon. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to review.
BTW-If any artists are inclined, I'd love to have a banner for this fic. *bats eyelashes*
5. Part Five by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 16] (1340 words)
Thanks to DampersnSpoons for the beta-work. If you haven't been reading her newest fic, College is Awesome, you are missing out. *sigh* She's dreamy.
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to leave me a review.
Sami, Sanityfair, Pennydrdful, Cordykitten, Brett, Pet,photographynut, kudagirl, dragonfly lady, Pfeifferpack (I'm sure I'm forgetting someone important.) -your support makes me tear up a bit. Thank you. I think that folks are going to like this chapter, so I want to dedicate to you all. Thanks for helping me keep the Spuffy dream alive. I'm totally on Team Spike.
6. Part Six by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 8] (1778 words)
Thank you so much for all the supportive comments. I'm so thrilled with the reaction this fic is getting.
As always, thanks to DampersnSpoons for her beta-work and for the lovely banner she made me! :)
7. Part Seven by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 8] (2116 words)
Thanks to DampersnSpoons!!! She is like a superhero who beta-reads. Also she's funny. Hmmm...what would her superhero name be?
8. Part Eight by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] (2590 words)
Finally- I have an update for at least one of my fics. Things have been crazy lately (both in a good way and a not so much way) and I'm really sorry to have left so many readers hanging on the cliffs.
I should have had this ready last night, but then I discovered Mr Himber's tweets. So fun! So I now have a twitter account. Cause I needed something else to try and keep up with. ;) Anyway-I need followers, so if you're inclined -- please do. https://twitter.com/DoriansKitten
Also- big thanks to whomever nominated me over at the Spark and Burn Awards. My fic Promised has been nominated for: Best Angst, Best Romance and Best Supporting Character. That one is especially sweet for me since it's a nom for Liam (who of course always starts with a strike against him in Spuffy fic). I love my Liam! Someone even nominated me for Best Author. I'm shocked and honored. Thank You. These things can mean a lot to writers, so if you're reading something and loving it, please take a minute to give it a nomination at you favorite award site.
Anyway, without further ado. (Please remember to review).
9. Part Nine by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 5] (2298 words)
Check it out-I didn't fall off the face of the Earth after all. I'm sorry for the delay and wish I could promise that it won't happen again. I can't. Life is mad-crazy right now. That said I have most of the next chapter written already, so I hope to have it up soon. Also-I haven't forgotten about Promised. An update is coming for that one soon too. Thank you for reading and please don't forget to let me know what you are thinking.
10. Part Ten by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 8] (2483 words)
Thanks to the lovely person(s) who nominated this fic at the Spark and Burn awards and at the Fang Fetish Awards. :D *hugs* I hope you enjoy the newest chapter.
11. Part Eleven by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 5] (2351 words)
I'm excited to be writing Soul Meets Body again. Big thanks to SanityFair for the beta-reading! She is awesome and any errors are completely my own. Oh, and since I haven't mentioned it in a while: No copyright infringement is intended. I am in no way connected to Joss-except in that weird six-degrees of separation kind of way-and do not own these characters. I wish that I did and could make money using them but I don't, can't and won't try. The story is mine though, so I do ask that I be contacted before it is reposted anywhere. Thanks for reading and for commenting. I love comments and all the people who give them.
12. Part Twelve by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] (2329 words)
Sanityfair worked her magic and beta-read this for me. She is made of awesome. So just like I did for Promised, I have made a mix for Soul Meets Body. I tried to use only Death Cab songs, since I took the title from one and they have so many that fit (seriously they have a song called: Death of an Interior Decorator-WTF?) but I ended up cheating a little and including a song from The Postal Service. Anyway, if you are interested you can find it on my LJ Page: http://dorians-kitten.livejournal.com.
Thanks for reading and for reviewing.
13. Chapter 13 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 5] (1534 words)
Thanks again to Sanity Fair for her beta-reading and advice. (Go check out her story-The Kiss at EF!) As always, any mistakes are entirely my own.
Don't forget to leave me a review. :) Thanks for reading.
14. Chapter 14 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] (2188 words)
Check it out-another chapter right away! Ooh-and I have another one just about ready to send to my lovely beta-reader. Oh yeah, that's right; I am going to finish this story. Boo-ya!!! Anyway, I think this is a fun chapter. I am hoping you guys will agree. If you do, please let me know. What the hell, let me know if you don't agree too.
I tried yelling "Danger, danger, Will Robinson." to get my cat to stop chewing on something that she shouldn't. Her responding glare suggested that she now believes that I am crazy, but she did stop chewing on the phone cord. The moral of this story is that I have been spending too much time alone in my office.
As always, I owe big thanks to SanityFair for her beta-reading. If I ever get to meet her I am going to give her a big hug.If any of you guys meet her before me you should give her a warm up hug. Any mistakes are my own. The characters and verse belong to Whedon and Mutant Enemy and a whole slew of other people who aren't me. The story is mine though and I like it. :)
15. Chapter 15 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] (2398 words)
I have had this chapter written and beta-read by the lovely Sanity Fair for an eternity, seriously there may still have been snow on the ground. I held off on posting because I had nothing left-no more chapters written-and I wanted to wait until I had something going before I gave up this chapter. That has finally happened. Updates will undoubtedly still be irregular for this fic, but they are coming once again. Thank you to anyone who hasn't given up on me or this fic and thank you to Sanity Fair for her beta-reading and advice. If you see a mistake it is undoubtedly because I was too stubborn to take her advice.
Comments are love.