"I swear I'm gonna kill you Slayer!"growled Spike.
Buffy rolled her eyes. "It's just a little morning sickness!"
"Yea, that means no patrolling, no fighting demons, and no bloody coffee!" Racing up behind her, he grabbed her Starbucks cup and threw it away.
Buffy stopped cold and glared at him. "You threw away my Starbucks."
Spike's nostrils flared as he glared down at her. "Damn right I did."
Buffy's mouth pinched tight and she threw a punch at him. "That was decaf you moron!"
Spike ducked under her swingand came up laughing. "It's still bad for lil' Billy."
Buffy held up a hand and turned away. "I'm so not naming my child Billy."
Spike growled. "Our child."
Buffy smiled at him and continued to walk away. "Yes, our child."
Spike came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Looking over her shoulder at her body, he leered. Palming her stomach, he caressed the slight rounding. Buffy rolled her eyes at him and stood there.
Ever since they'd found out that they were pregnant, Spike just couldn't stop touching. She couldn't even change in front of him anymore. His gaze would immediately drop to her stomach and he'd get growly. He almost maimed the mailman for giving her a once over yesterday.
Five years had passed since Sunnydale was destroyed. They had lost a few more Slayers, gained a few more. Kennedy had been put in charge of the secretive training school they'd set up. Dawn had went into Watchter's training, much to her delight. From Giles' description, there wasn't much left of Bath's boutiques. Willow had transcended past normal witchcraft. She now ran a coven of 'higher' witches. She practically was part of the Goddess, or so Buffy was told.
Xander...well Xander never really got over Anya's death. For a while after he came back, he'd went into seclusion. Every once in a while, late at night, she'd find him drunk in the kitchen. Most times Spike was with him. They would be sitting on the floor, quietly talking. Xander would mostly be crying. In the morning, he would be gone. No evidence to be found.
Then one day, she found him on the beach with Cho-Ahn. They were sitting side by side, staring at the ocean.
She had later learned from Spike that they had much in common. The Bringers had killed her entire family. Slaughtered them. They'd also killed her Watcher. Now having an excellent grasp of English, thanks to 'Pretty Spike', they had much to talk about.
Everyone still got a kick out of his nickname. She was only allowed to call him that though. Not even Buffy could use it. Xander had joked about it one day and Spike nearly beat him. She had asked Cho-Ahn about it but she'd just shrugged. When she'd asked Spike, he had mumbled something about the first Slayer he'd killed. Buffy had let it go.
Nowadays, Xander helped out tactically at the school. His memories of 'soldier guy' had really stuck. He had refused to live at the Summers house and bunked at the school instead.
From reports from Giles, Faith and Wood was overseeing the European side of things. Andrew chipped in every so often, as an assistant. Needless to say, he was a glorified punching bag along with Watcher in training.
Now, with half the team covering Europe and the other half in America, things finally seemed to be pulling together.
Buffy grimaced as Spike palmed her stomach again. She had a feeling it was going to be a long pregnancy.
"Spike!" she whined, shaking her shoulders.
Spike pouted. "What? I'm just showing love to my knocked up momma!" He curled his tongue up at her, which caused her to giggle.
"Oh that's nice! Knock me up and then crow about it! Like your ego needs anymore inflation," she joked.
Spike got a twinkle in his eye and lightly thrusted his hips at her.
Buffy stepped away, pointing a finger at him. "That doesn't need it either!" She began walking back up the path and Spike laughed as he joined her.
As they neared the house, Buffy yelped as Spike picked her up. Clutching at his shoulders, she smacked at him. Spike retaliated by pretending to drop her. "Hey! What's the big idea?" she yelled.
Spike chuckled as he carried her up the steps. "Sorry love. I just realized that I never did carry you over the threshold."
Buffy blushed as he carried her in the house and then towards the stairs. Clutching his shoulders harder, she frowned. "Threshold has been crossed Spike. You can put me down now."
Spike smirked and went towards their bedroom. "How bout we christen the bed?"
Buffy blushed but didn't say a word as their bedroom door closed.
"So how's the Buffster doing today?" asked Xander. Buffy smiled as he handed her an ax.
"Don't think so," stated Spike, snatching it from her hand. She frowned, then grimaced, as he handed her a plain ol' stake instead.
"Spike! I can handle an ax!," she protested.
"Not while you're pregnant, you're not!" Glaring at her, he turned away to the trainees and helped them through their motions.
Buffy sent a pleading look to Xander, who held up his hands in surrender. "He knows where I sleep and I'm not butting in."
Buffy rolled her eyes. "Coward," she muttered.
"Sane," he replied. Sighing, he looked over the new recruits that had arrived the day before. All in all, he was in charge of about fifty girls weaponry. "This group looks good. Lots of dirty fighters." Rubbing his hands together, he joined Spike on the floor.
Buffy sighed and sat herself down on the bench beside the weapons table. Being pregnant was such a killjoy sometimes. Spike wouldn't let her handle any of the weapons, only a stupid stake. He watched her like a hawk, making sure she didn't get tired. He even made her cut back on her training! If everything had been normal, she would have thrown a fit! But she saw that look he got in his eye when he didn't think she was watching. Even after all these years, he continued to look at her in awe. Most of the time she basked, but at times like these, she wanted to give him a swift kick in the ass to remind him of just who she was.
Looking up, she inhaled and quickly dodged the sword that came her way. Looking back towards the group, she picked out the one who'd thrown it by the absolute terror on her face. Sighing, she stood up and pulled it out of the wall. Approaching the floor, she almost felt bad for the girl. She looked like she was going to pass out and rightly so. Spike was in her face, yelling, with Xander not far behind. The other girls had scrambled away and went to the other side of the room. The girl was on her own.
"I ought to tear your neck out!" Spike yelled. Xander stood behind him, glaring at her.
Buffy wasn't suprised the girl hadn't wet her pants already. She looked a minute away though. Coming around the group, she pointed the sword towards the ceiling. Putting her hand on Spike's shoulder, she gently nudged him away. He looked a little takenback but stepped back, sending the new Slayer deadly glares. Turning to the girl, she stared her down. "What's your name?" she asked.
"E-Eloise," she replied, a soft Southern twang to her voice.
Buffy sharply brought the sword point down to her throat. "Well Eloise, the first thing a Slayer learns is always, always have control of your weapon. If you don't, you'll be just another dead girl they write about in the papers." Gesturing towards Spike with the sword, she asked, "You see those men?"
Eloise nodded stiffly.
"Well those two men know more about these weapons then you ever will. One has killed more people then you could ever dream about and the other has helped me kill more demons then hopefully you will ever see. So when they get in your face and scare the shit out of you, believe me, you will deserve it. Are we clear?"
The girl nodded, blushing, shooting scared eyes at the two men.
Arching a brow at the girl, she waited until she took back her sword.
Walking away from her, she smiled at the guys, as she walked towards the door. "Have fun."
They stared after her, silent. Xander clapped Spike on the back. "I love the way she makes us out to be bogeymen," he joked, smiling.
Spike nodded slowly. "Yeah. Herself being the leader." Arching an eyebrow at Xander, he smirked. "Let's go scare a few more bints huh?"
Xander clapped his together and went towards the huddle of girls.

Meiki by spikeluv84
Author's Chapter Notes:
this is a WIP! hope u like!