Buffy awoke Tuesday morning with a big yawn. Rubbing her eyes, she peeked them open and stared at the wall. After a few seconds, she frowned and stared harder. That wasn't her wallpaper. Her wallpaper was yellow. This was a green foamy color. Tensing, she looked at her sidetable and noted that her clock was gone. She didn't remember it breaking. Where could it be? Throwing the cover back, she sat up and looked around. This wasn't her room! Where were her posters? Where were her stuffed animals? Where were her new clothes that her Dad had bought her at Neimann's?
Jumping out of bed, she ran a hand over her hair and paused. What had happened to her hair? Pulling it towards her face, she almost screamed. It was shorter and most of the blond was gone! Running to her mirror, she stared at a person that she didn't know. Her babyfat was gone, her face was leaner and older. Reaching out, she touched the mirror hesitantly. Backing away from her mirror, she noted that her whole body was different. Her breasts were smaller, her body was leaner and her nails were horrible!! Her brand new manicure was gone and they were bitten down to the quick! Running her hands down her body, she paused at the slight swelling at the bottom of her stomach. It felt odd. Hard but soft at the same time. What had happened to her?
Looking around the room in confusion, she almost wanted to scream. She didn't know where she was, she didn't look the way she was supposed to look, and she wanted out! Buffy jumped and almost screamed as the bedroom door opened. She stared as a half-naked, totally-in-need-of-a-tan, blond man walked through. Closing the door softly, he smiled at her and walked towards her. “Good morning Pet.” Reaching out to her, he grasped her, pulling her close. Buffy's head jerked back as he leaned down for a kiss.
Spike smiled at the wide-eyed expression on her face. “Still suffering from the sickness?” he asked, palming her belly.
Buffy jumped back from his touch. “Si-sickness?” She didn't know what was going on. Feeling oddly lightheaded, she shook it and focused on the strange man. He acted like he knew her. Intimately. She knew that wasn't possible! She was saving herself for the day Tyler finally got off his ass and got serious. Hopefully by Homecoming!
Spike titled his head, a curious look on his face. “Are you alright baby? You seem a little...off?”
Buffy backed away. “Yeah...and you seem a little British.” She continued to back away as Spike chuckled.
“Look, I know you told to me stop worrying and I'm promise I will.” Giving her a leering smile, he reached for her again.
Stumbling away from him, she fell against the curtains. Latching onto them, she shoved them away to get to the window. Sunlight spilled into the room as she frantically worked for the lock. She'd been kidnapped. That was it. She'd been kidnapped and now she was stuck in a strange room with a half-naked man who was obviously wanting to have sex with her. She had to get away and find her mom!
She screamed as hands grabbed at her shoulders. “Pet, what are you doing?” She didn't answer as she tried pushing him away with one hand. The man continued to grab at her. “Buffy!”
“Get away from me!” she yelled. Swinging her arm out, she hit him in the face and pushed past him as he went to his knees. Reaching the door, she slammed it open and was confronted with a wall full of pictures. They were of her and people she didn't know. Including the pale blond man. They were all smiling. She didn't know any of these people. Where was she? There were pictures of her with a birthday cake, hugging a younger girl. Her and a redhead, hugging a brunette guy. A picture of her and blondie kissing. That one almost choked her. They were kissing!
As she stumbled down the hall, the one at the very end stopped her. There was a picture of a sonogram framed on the wall. Someone had wrote “Little Billy” across the top with white marker. Palming her stomach softly, she whimpered and stepped away. She was pregnant? How? Where was she? Looking down, she noted that she couldn't feel her feet. Staring at them, she watched as they moved but she couldn't feel them.
“Buffy?” asked that British guy. He was behind her, staring at her.
Looking towards him, she began to sob. “Where am I? Who are you?” Spike reached for her hesitatnly. She backed away, shaking her head.
“Buffy...what's wrong? You know who I am,” he said softly.
Buffy shook her head again and then she did something she'd never done.
Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fainted.
Spike almost screamed as Buffy slumped to the floor. Running to her, he slowly picked her up and craddled her to his chest. His mind spun in circles at what to do. She'd been fine when they'd went to bed the night before. Now she doesn't know him.
It made no sense. Who would do this? No one around knew who she was. Their beach front home wasn't teaming with demons. Besides training, their small section of town was quiet. Who? Who? Spike turned a circle in hall, holding Buffy to his chest, mind spinning. What could he do?
Putting his hand to her stomach, he felt and listened to the baby. The baby was fine. The baby was there.
Where was Buffy? Where had she gone?
Holding her close, he went back into their room and slid her back into bed. Biting his lip, he stared down at her. He wouldn't cry. He had to be strong.
His will almost broke.
Taking a deep breath, he pulled a chair up and sat down beside the bed. Holding his head in his hands, he took deep breaths. He had to be strong for Buffy. He had to find out why she didn't know him.
Letting out a weak chuckle, he stared at her sleeping form. He suddenly wanted to scream. Just roar and scream and fight. Why did it always seem that Fate wanted to fuck him over in the end? Everything had been going perfect. Five years perfect. Now that bitch Fate wanted to raise her head and toss him over. Well, he was about to tell her to piss off, with his big black boot in the foot of her ass.
He was going to fix this. He wasn't loosing her again.

Meiki by spikeluv84
Author's Chapter Notes:
sorry this took so long! Muse didn't really wanna work w/ me and this new tatt kind of killed typing for a while. hope u like!!