[Reviews - 28] LikedPrinter
Summary: Season 5: Buffy has discovered that The Hellgod Glorificus captured and tortured Spike in an attempt to make him tell her where the key was. This is the “fang fic” that tried to barge its way into “A New Day”.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes
Word count: 25451 Read: 24535
Published: 05/31/2009 Updated: 06/04/2010

1. Chapter 1 - Deadly Pet by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 5] Liked (2280 words)
Disclaimer: Spike, Buffy and company aren’t mine. I just like to play with other people’s toys. I promise to return them happier than they were when I borrowed them. A few of my favorite lines from “Intervention” follow. They were just too good to leave out. (All these years later, I still snicker over the Buffybot.) No copyright infringement is intended. I’d appreciate any comments/suggestions you may have. Thanks for reading. ‘Single quotes are thoughts’. I've reworked all chaps.

2. Chapter 2 - The Beginning of the End by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 1] Liked (2801 words)
Spike, Buffy and company aren’t mine. I just like to play with other people’s toys. I promise to return them happier than they were when I borrowed them.

3. Chapter 3 - Yours by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 4] Liked (2127 words)
Disclaimer: Spike, Buffy and company aren’t mine. I just like to play with other people’s toys. I promise to return them happier than they were when I borrowed them. No copyright infringement is intended.

4. Chapter 4 - Soul Mate by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 1] Liked (2572 words)
Spike, Buffy and company aren’t mine. I just like to play with other people’s toys. I promise to return them happier than they were when I borrowed them. No copyright infringement is intended.
I’m sorry for the delay in updating. I’ve been ill this past month.

5. Chapter 5 - If You Loved Her by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 2] Liked (2153 words)
Finally, I'm updating...I've been offline for months.

6. Chapter 6 - In the Beginning by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 1] Liked (2300 words)

7. Chapter 7 - What Big Teeth You Have by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 2] Liked (2120 words)

8. Chapter 8 - by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 1] (2192 words)
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I just like to make them happy.

9. Chapter 9 - Not a Dirty Little Secret by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 3] Liked (2391 words)
They aren't mine, I just like to make them happy.

10. Chapter 10 - Cherished by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 1] (2459 words)
Not mine, I just like to make them happy/

11. Chapter 11 - Peace by Joyful Dayz [Reviews - 7] Liked (2056 words)
Not mine, unfortunately. I just like to give them a happy ending.