[Reviews - 21] LikedPrinter
Summary: Joyce and Hank have had it with Buffy's boyfriend, Angel. So they've each set her up on a blind date for her to go on while they watch, with Angel, from their living room. At the end of the day Buffy has to decide if she wants to keep seeing Angel, or one of the new guys her parents have chosen. Buffy is about to get a shot of PARENTAL CONTROL!!! This is based off the tacky MTV show Parental Control. I just Buffy-fied it :)
Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5126 Read: 2682
Published: 09/01/2009 Updated: 09/01/2009

1. One-Shot by Charlie Aome [Reviews - 21] Liked (5126 words)
I got to thinking about this while driving in the car one day. I thought it would be funny so i hope you like it. If you wanna check out an episode of this incredibly tacky show you can do so here: www.mtv.com/shows/parental_control/series.jhtml

Everything in bold is narration and italics are thoughts.

Thank you to CallMeKitten for betaing! You amazing darling i love ya! Amazing banner by xaphania because she is a sexy beast and i love her! thank you darling :)

This is also dedicated to ImmortalAngel because she's a super cool cat! and she was so excited to read this. Helped motivate me to focus.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not the characters nor the TV show this is based on. I'm just using it for my own, and your, entertainment.