Author's Chapter Notes:
Hey folks! Sorry for the crazy delay in updating. Life caught up to me! Please Enjoy a nice, LONG chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss and ME own it all. Blah blah blah, forgiveness makes us human...haha.
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind—“

Cordelia froze mid speech; eyes closed and posed in a ridiculously dramatic fashion, and opened one eye to spy on her audience. There he was, smiling up at her like a well-behaved beagle.

Xander broke out into applause, unsure what the appropriate thing to do was.
Cordelia smiled and relaxed her theatrical posture before collapsing onto the ground beside him. The desperate specimen that he was, Xander had agreed to “help” Cordy all morning before class…despite his own schedule. They’d long since moved from the student lounge to the courtyard outside the theatre studio and had barely made it through the entire monologue once. Cordelia had stopped mid speech numerous times, making sure Xander was still there, in case Angel took this route to get to class. While there had still been no signs of Angel, Xander had at least kept Cordelia entertained.

“So?” She began, nudging him with her elbow, “How was that?”

Xander nodded, “You’re a natural.”

Cordelia waved off his compliment, but smiled all the same. Truthfully, she was struggling, big time. And she could probably use real help…but Xander’s dotage was contagious, and the guy was actually very charming, in his own oblivious way.

“So, how come you’re single?” Cordelia wondered bluntly.

Xander’s eyes widened in embarrassment. It wasn’t an unfamiliar question. It was certainly one he’d considered numerous times, but to have the object of your affection ask you point blank…well, what does one say?

“Schnaunkneeszerdubloo….” He mumbled incoherently.

Cordelia furrowed her brow in confusion, “Uh…bless you?”

Xander laughed sheepishly, “No…sorry…umm, I don’t umm…” he started before sighing and giving up, “I’m really awkward.”

Cordelia laughed gently, resting a hand on Xander’s leg, “Maybe just a little.”

Xander blushed, but was grateful she’d responded kindly, “Can I uh….can I ask you something now?”

Cordelia had a feeling she knew what the question would be, but she feigned ignorance for the moment and nodded politely.

“Why Angel?”

Cordelia frowned, that was only sort of what she’d been expecting, “Umm…well…he’s cute…and he’s athletic….and he’s….”

Xander watched her intently as she lingered in thought, waiting for her to come up with more reasons.

Finally Cordelia sighed, “Honestly, I don’t know anymore.”

Xander’s face lit up, “Really? Why?”

Cordelia bit her bottom lip in consideration, “Well, I mean…he’s not all that bright sometimes…and he’s kind of bossy, which can I just say, major turn-off? And he uses way too much hair gel…and ever since he made that bet with Spike about Buffy he’s been a total jerk.”

Xander was intrigued. He’d only heard snippets from Willow about Angel’s ill-conceived plan…but he hadn’t known that Angel had made a bet with some guy…and who was Spike? And what exactly was the bet about Buffy?

“Who’s Spike? What bet about Buffy?” Xander voiced his questions.

Cordelia waved her hand absently, “Some guy Angel’s known for, like, ever…he was supposed to just be a distraction for her, ya know? But then Buffy and I got into this fight and I told her I was with Angel and then we were just gonna be like, whatever! But Spike wanted his money so—“

“Wait, there’s money?”

Without missing a beat, Cordelia nodded and continued, “Oh yeah. Angel was gonna pay Spike like, 500 dollars to keep Beasty out of the way but then we figured, why bother now that she knows about me and Angel right? But Spike was like, ‘I want me money’, or however he talks and so Angel, like a scared little boy, totally makes this stupid bet with Spike to get Buffy to fall for him by Halloween or something and I’m all, ‘why waste your money?’ But oh no, Angel’s just gotta be the winner somehow and—“

“Spike’s trying to get Buffy to fall for him?” Xander repeated in disbelief.

Cordelia nodded as Xander laughed, “Does this Spike guy know how impossible that’s gonna be?”

Now it was Cordelia’s turn to laugh, “Yeah well, you didn’t see them in acting class last week. I think it’s working.”

Xander’s jaw could have fallen off it dropped so fast, “What?”

Cordelia shrugged, “Serious sexual tension. I don’t know…and normally I’d be happy to finally see Buffy get some, God knows she needs it but now all Angel can do is worry about losing his stupid bet to Spike!”

Xander nodded absently, listening to her as sudden ideas formed in his own head, “But if Angel just wants Spike to lose, why doesn’t he just tell Buffy about the bet?”

Cordelia snickered, “Yeah, right, and incriminate himself? Besides, Buffy’ll never listen to him long enough to hear it.”

“Well, what if somebody else told her? Someone she trusted?” Xander considered.

“Like who? And no,” Cordelia said, suddenly changing her mind, “I’m tired of Angel’s crazy obsession with Buffy. I think I want him to lose his stupid bet!”

“Really?” Xander chirped.

“Yes!” She reaffirmed, standing triumphantly, “I’m gonna help Spike woo Buffy!”

Xander watched bewildered as he watched her grab her bag and march off with newfound (if not bizarre) motivation before running back seconds later and planting a kiss on his cheek.

“Thanks for your help. See you after my class, right?”

She didn’t wait for a reply. Just as well, Xander couldn’t speak just then anyway.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Buffy paced back and forth in her apartment, one hand tersely running through her hair as the other held the phone to her ear. She’d lost track of how long she’d been on the phone to her mother. Like it mattered.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner. Yes I know, but it’s only been a few…yes, yes, I got the letter. Of course I read it! When have I ever not—Mom! Yes, I just said I was sorry. Well I it got on Friday Mom, mine wouldn’t have gotten to you today anyway—I know, it’s…yes. I never said that! What do you—how do you know what I’m thinking? I’m not…no, Mom, I’m not going to—“

The front door opened and shut, signaling Cordelia’s entrance into the apartment. Buffy had never been more relieved to see her stepsister.

“Mom, I gotta go, Cordelia just got back and we have class—yeah, she’s great…umm, I should go though, we’re gonna drive to class together,” Buffy lied. “Okay, Mom. Yes, I will. Sure thing. Yep. Love you too…bye.”

Buffy hung up the phone with a heavy hand and a sigh, cursing her luck for coming home in between classes and answering the damn contraption when it rang. She should have known Joyce would be calling about her sudden engagement…and Buffy’s lack of immediate response.

Buffy leaned into the wall for a moment longer, resting her eyes as Cordelia entered the tiny kitchen.

“Oh, hey,” Cordelia said in surprise, “I didn’t realize you were home,” Cordy lied.

She’d heard Buffy’s end of her phone conversation. Cordy had already guessed it was Joyce by her stepsister’s tone. Cordelia had also seen the letter about Joyce’s engagement…though she’d never tell that to Buffy.

Buffy silently nodded, her eyes still closed. Cordelia gave her a look which went unseen by the blonde and moved toward the fridge.

“I’m just grabbing a snack before Acting….” Cordelia felt the need to explain.

Buffy nodded once more, but spoke this time, “Yeah…me too,” she said absently.

Cordelia leaned down to fetch an apple and a bottled water before rising again and nudging the fridge door shut with her hip. She turned to regard Buffy again.

“Umm, not that we ever talk anymore but, are you okay?”

“Sure,” Buffy nodded politely.

“I only ask cause you’re not your usual….ya know…Hurricane-Buffy-self…”

Buffy snickered in spite of Cordy’s jab, “Yeah well…guess I’m worn out.”

Cordelia bit her lip in consideration before setting her snacks down at the table and pulling out a chair for Buffy expectantly.

Buffy gave the girl a skeptical look but rolled her eyes and sat down as instructed.

Cordelia silently moved to grab a knife and back to the fridge for another water before sitting down in the chair across from Buffy.

Buffy watched in curious amusement as Cordelia took the apple and began cutting delicate notches into the top of the fruit, turning it clockwise as she went. That done, Cordy turned the apple on its side and cut off the bottom before cutting up the rest into thin slices.

Once finished, she set aside the knife, pulled gently at the top of the stem and separated the slices, revealing delicate star shapes. Joyce had taught the trick to Buffy, who in turn had taught it to Cordelia when they were younger. It was one of those seemingly mundane things that bonded people, created a memory together.

“Eat,” Cordelia directed.

Buffy just stared at her star apple slice before bursting into tears.

Cordelia’s mouth ceased chewing on her own apple slice as Buffy started crying. The brunette sat frozen for a moment before gingerly finishing her food and swallowing, “Umm…” she started, unsure what to say.

Buffy waved her off, “I’m fine—it’s nothing, it’s—I’m fine. I’m sorry. I’m just—“

Cordelia opened her water bottle and took a swig, “Wow, Buff. I didn’t think you knew how to cry anymore. I’m kind of proud.”

Buffy attempted to give Cordy a dirty look through her now, smudged make-up and bleary eyes, which in turn only made Cordy laugh.

Which made Buffy laugh.

Cordelia took another swig of her water as Buffy took to her star apple slice, eating the pretty shape as she’d always done when they were kids, biting off each point before eating the rest.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

“As you work on your assigned monologues, you’ll each be assigned a new scene and new partners. We will study and dissect those scenes next week and then move on to presentations for your solo projects. Is everything clear?’

A few tardy students were still settling in as Professor Giles finished his beginning lecture. Their Acting class had fortunately kept its numbers since last week, of which Giles was certainly grateful for. And the electric performances by some of his students gave him hope that the remainder of the class would from hereon be inspired.
“I think we had a very successful first performance for our first scenes, don’t you?” He wondered aloud.

Snickers and muffled giggles were heard as Buffy blushed and ducked her head. Everyone knew Giles meant her and Spike’s scene. That’s all anyone could seem to talk about it.

And as she spoke of the devil, Spike entered on cue. Fashionably late, and…was he always that good-looking? Buffy wondered silently. He’d clearly been sleeping, his eyes were a bit blurry and his hair was slightly tousled in a mouth-watering mess of spiky tufts and curls.

Hmph…spiky Spike…Buffy snickered to herself.

He was also sans leather jacket, which Buffy found surprisingly disappointing. There was something majestic about the way the coat billowed behind him. Not that he was suddenly a lost cause to look at without it. His ridiculously toned body, which she’d noticed before, was now on perfect display. His tight black t-shirt clung to every rippling inch of his chest and arms…and the faded denims he wore still rested snugly on his muscular thighs and ass….and whew….Buffy needed to stop now.

She was in a decidedly good mood after her mini-kind of-breakdown in the kitchen with Cordy. The sisters had come to a tentative truce. Buffy surmised later that Cordy had probably heard her on the phone to Joyce, if not seen the engagement announcement. Buffy was silently grateful to Cordelia for feigning ignorance on the whole matter.

And Spike was far too much on her mind lately. It was maddening. Why now? Why after so many blissfully peaceful, man-less, solitary years, did Spike have to show up now?

“Is all our company met?” Giles laughed at his own Shakespeare joke before stamping out his chuckles when no one got the reference. “Very well, “ clearing his throat, he poised his pencil at the roster and began pairing off the class for their newest scenes.

“Andrew and Warren, Cordelia and Spike, Willow and Buffy, Jonathan and Angel. Please pair up, and I’ll come around with your assignments.”

Angel scoffed as he heard his name, leaning over to give Cordelia a quick kiss. She turned her head quickly, leaving him to kiss her cheek instead. She giggled innocently and stood up to sit with Spike. Angel gritted his teeth in mild annoyance before Jonathan slumped into the chair beside him.

Buffy moved to sit next to Willow, passing Spike on her way. Their eyes met, and Spike sent her a wink. She reacted on habit and shot him a dirty look in return. He just smirked and continued to watch her as she finally sat down in her new chair.

Giles began assigning various scenes; some students sounding more enthused than others. Buffy quickly scribbled down her page numbers as Giles came around to her and Willow.

“Buffy you will be Juliet, Willow, the nurse.”

Buffy cringed a bit at her assignment. She’d have to be all bubbly and smitten…not exactly second nature to her. She looked up from her notebook for a moment and caught Spike unashamedly still staring. She cleared her throat and quickly ducked her head to examine her notes again.

“Ah yes, Cordelia…you will be Juliet and Spike you will be Romeo. Enjoy one of the most famous scenes in all of Shakespeare,” Giles said dryly as he nodded and continued on.

Cordelia all but shrieked in excitement, though she was not looking forward to doing this scene with Spike. But she supposed it was the perfect opportunity to help him get Buffy for real and make Angel lose his stupid bet.

Spike sighed at his new assignment. The Balcony scene, bloody brilliant…with Cordelia….that should be a soddin’ train wreck…

It wouldn’t do his reputation much to be spouting off Romeo’s poncey lines about the moon and the sun and all that rot…though he himself found it to be one of the greatest seduction scenes ever written. Of course, no one would ever hear him say that.

Cordelia was already highlighting her lines, Spike stole a quick glance at the brunette and chuckled silently in amusement. She was a line-counter…one of those actresses that measured her worth by the amount she said…just as well, he supposed. Bored, he turned his attention back to Buffy across the room. She was talking to Willow…what seemed to be a fairly decent conversation. That was new.
He smiled in spite of himself and just watched her. She was unaware of his observation for the moment, that much he could tell. Her shoulders were relaxed and her tiny feet were folded underneath her as she spoke to the redhead beside her. She was twirling a pen absently in her hand before lifting the end into mouth and chewing nervously.

Spike’s breath caught in his throat. Oh to be that pen right about now. He wanted her, more than he thought he ever would….and more than he could ever remember wanting someone before. Sure, he’d had women…more than what was flattering if he was speaking to another girl and just enough to make him a stud if he was speaking to a guy.

But something about Buffy intrigued him, and it wasn’t just the money he had riding on this. It was her. The way she just wouldn’t give in. He liked it. Too many birds he’d been with gave it all away at the drop of a hat. That was convenient sometimes, but certainly not worth anything serious. And Spike found himself loving the times she was obviously affected by him and still she wouldn’t relent. Stopping to actually fight with him instead of just ignoring him altogether like he’d seen her do to many a bloke. It made him feel special, manly; to be the one to provoke a reaction in her.

How had he missed her these last three years? He’d been at this school just as long as anybody, and he’d never encountered her. Of course, he’d been a right ponce the last three years…pining over a bad break up and the death of his parents…

Not that his parents death wasn’t devastating. They’d both died within three months of each other, right after his high school graduation. His mother was the first to go, and truthfully he and his father had been prepared for that. She’d been ill for quite some time and finally…June of that summer, she’d passed. It was a bizarre and surreal summer for young William, the name he still went by at the time.

He’d been accepted to every University he’d applied to, even the few in America. William was already to stay in England until a few weeks before he’d been prepared to leave, his father died. Heart attack, very sudden. Because he’d already reached his majority, no stray family member was needed to claim guardianship. He was on his own. He’d been left everything in his mother’s will and he’d assumed everything of his father’s after he’d died…but William didn’t want to stay in England anymore.

So he sold what he could, kept what he wanted, hired someone with his inheritance to maintain the house and left for America to go to college there. Which led him to Sunnydale, California. It was the farthest away he could get, he figured. And that’s exactly what he needed.

His girlfriend at the time of his parent’s passing was a young woman named Drusilla. They’d been together for almost all of high school. When he’d made the decision to leave for California, Drusilla said she’d go with him. It would have been ideal. But grief makes you do strange things.

Angel had been his roommate freshman year, and the taller man had been instantly smitten with Dru. It was just as well, William had begun to neglect Drusilla, or so she’d said. He just didn’t care anymore. William had watched Angel and Dru grow closer over the months she’d stayed at Sunnydale, and that closeness eventually led to the inevitable affair. William was still hurt, just not surprised. Drusilla went back to England the next year.

He and Angel eventually became friends again, but it would forever more be an antagonistic friendship. And as William slowly disappeared and Spike emerged…the antagonism became greater.

Drusilla and Angel’s betrayal had been more bitter than Spike had initially realized, and though the two men had reclaimed some semblance of friendship, Spike was clearly searching for someone to replace Drusilla. Needless to say it never happened, and slowly Spike went back under the radar, focusing more on his studies once again.

Then Buffy happened. Angel was always a git, and his stupid antics just proved it. If Spike didn’t know any better, he’d have thought Buffy was who Angel was after…and a few weeks ago, he would have been happy to let the poor sod drown in his own attempts to catch the tiny blonde.

But now… sure, Buffy still hadn’t warmed up to him and time was running out but she was his to deal with now, not Angel’s. Angel got the girl he said he’d wanted…Angel had gotten Dru when she wasn’t even technically his….why were his women and Angel always connected?

Spike didn’t need the money…he’d never need any money again, not after what he’d inherited. But Angel didn’t need to know that. So what was it? Was this stupid bet about teaching Angel a lesson or was he pursuing it because he actually liked this Buffy chit.

He couldn’t say for sure. She turned him on, he liked goading her, she was hot…but did he actually, like her? He knew he already felt possessive of her and her attention…

“What?” he asked as the sudden tugging on his sleeve broke him out of his thoughts. He turned to see the expectant Cordelia staring back at him.

“I said, do you want to come over and work on this scene?” Cordelia repeated in annoyance.

Spike furrowed his brow in contemplation. Cordelia snickered and smacked his arm, “Well that settles it. You’re definitely coming over to study.”

“What?” Spike asked again.

“Look maybe you can get away with not rehearsing Shakespeare but, I need help. You’re British or whatever, right? You got like, breast-fed this stuff, right?”

Spike clenched his jaw in an attempt to stifle the desire to punch Cordelia for her ridiculous statement just now. He took a deep breath before exhaling slowly and shrugged, feigning indifference.

“Yeah, s’pose I can do that.”

Cordelia nodded but said nothing, as if she was merely just waiting for his inevitable affirmative.

“So, my schedule’s pretty open in the evenings…” Willow explained to the tiny blonde.

Buffy nodded distractedly, daring a look over at Spike and Cordelia. A small smile began to form on her lips as she watched the bleached blonde roll his eyes as Cordelia spoke.

Shaking off her stupor, Buffy turned back to the other girl and nodded once more. “We can use my place too, you know, if we ever need to,” Buffy offered somewhat hesitantly.

Willow gave her a nervous smile, “Great. Does tonight work at all for you?”

“Uh…sure,” Buffy agreed, fishing out a scrap of paper and her pen, “Here’s my address…”

Willow halted Buffy’s hand, “Oh, I already know it.”

At Buffy’s skeptical look, Willow explained, “Cordy asked me to tutor at the beginning of the semester, remember?”

Buffy nodded slowly, indeed remembering the few times Willow had shown up at her door. Suddenly a thought occurred to Buffy as to why the redhead had stopped coming over.

“Didn’t get a lot of studying done, did you?” Buffy asked dryly.

Willow’s face contorted, “No. No, I mean, we did. There was much studying…”

Buffy smirked and leaned in closer to Willow, “You know that I know about her and Angel, right?”

Willow gulped, “Oh…well…”

Buffy shrugged, “Whatever. It’s not like I haven’t tried to warn Cordy about him. He’s a total sleaze-ball.”

Willow nodded, “Oh, I agree. I’m glad she and Xander have—“

The redhead’s cheeks turned crimson at her slip as Buffy’s eyes narrowed.

“What? What about Cordy and Xander?”

“Umm…” Willow chuckled nervously, “He’s…he’s kind of been tutoring her…instead of me…”

Buffy’s face suddenly fell into amusement, “Xander? Has been tutoring Cordy?” Buffy repeated quietly, a satisfied smirk on her face as she leaned even closer to Willow.

“Does Angel know about your little switcheroo?” Buffy whispered.

Seeing the blonde’s excited eyes, Willow swallowed and chanced her own small smile, “No. I don’t think so.”

Buffy bit her lip, “How long has this been happening?”

“Only for a week or so,” Willow explained, “I tried being more subtle at first but Xander’s kind of—“

“Awkward?” Buffy guessed.

Willow nodded, “And oblivious,” she added with a sigh.

Buffy chuckled silently, “You’re a helluva lot sneakier than I would have thought.”

“You’re not mad at me? You’re not gonna like, beat me up or something?”

Buffy furrowed her brow, “Why? You want me to?”

Willow laughed, “No! I just…I know how you—I mean, I’ve heard…you know, how you don’t really think highly of…well…men…”

Buffy snickered and gave Willow a shrug, “Yeah…well, most of them have never really given me a reason to think otherwise.”

Willow echoed Buffy’s shrug and nodded, “Yeah, I mean…I’m obviously not a member of the boys rule fan club either…at least, not the dating fan club…” Willow rambled, “But Xander’s one of the good ones.”

Buffy snickered again, “If you say so.”

Giles cleared his throat and caught the class’s attention before giving them some final instruction on expectations of the newly assigned scenes. More precision, a simple set and costumes were required this time. Once dismissed, Willow gave Buffy a tentative good bye before suggesting a time for them to meet that evening. Buffy nodded her agreement and finished collecting her own belongings.

On the other side of the room, Cordelia was administering a similar contract with Spike, only with less asking and more demanding.

Spike nodded for the hundredth time in silent understanding of what Cordelia had scheduled for them. He glanced across the studio to see Buffy heading for the door and scowled at Cordelia when she once again repeated her instructions.

“So, you’ll come over at seven sharp, right?”

“Cordelia, yes. For fuck’s sake, I heard you the first hundred times.”

“Don’t snap at my girl, “Angel’s voice suddenly sounded as he came up behind Cordelia and snaked his arm around her waist.

Cordelia visibly grimaced at Angel’s actions but quickly plastered on a smile as the large man bowed his head to place a kiss on her cheek.

Her recovery wasn’t quick enough for Spike. He saw the annoyed look the brunette gave her boyfriend. He smirked but said nothing.

“Fine then, we done?” He asked, cursing silently when he realized Buffy had already left.

The three of them made for the exit, Angel’s massive arm wrapped protectively around Cordelia’s shoulder. Spike was a few steps ahead of them, keeping his eyes open for any signs of Buffy. He’d wanted to talk to her after class, make his next move…but damn it if real classroom logistics had gotten in the way.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The truce between Buffy and Cordelia was about to die a thousand deaths in T-minus ten minutes.

Buffy just didn’t know it yet.

The blonde took another bite of her pasta and chewed slowly, watching Cordelia suspiciously as the brunette ran around their apartment hurriedly tidying everything up.

Cordy had barely touched the pasta Buffy had made for dinner. This was partly due to the shock of Buffy having cooked. For her and at all. Buffy was notoriously a kitchen disaster and brief-bonding-star-shaped-apple-slice-moment notwithstanding, Cordelia couldn’t be sure Buffy hadn’t poisoned her dinner.

No one was more surprised at the sudden olive branch than Buffy herself. But she was in a strangely better mood after her acting class today. Seeing Spike had helped, though it was from afar all day. She’d stab herself with her fork before she’d admit that out loud though. And had that been disappointment she’d felt that he hadn’t been around after class to pester her? Wow. She needed to get a grip. Her ball-buster reputation was seriously in trouble.

“You gotta hot date or something?” Buffy snickered as she continued to watch her sister.

Cordelia shot her an annoyed look, “Like you’d ever be this calm if that was true.”

Buffy shrugged, “Can’t argue with that,” she chuckled, spinning around to deposit her plate and fork into the sink and started the water to wash the dishes.

“I’ll wash, despite having cooked…” Buffy called out.

“Great,” Cordelia returned distractedly.

“Since you’re…” Buffy continued to herself, “running around like a chicken with her head cut off…”

Cordelia paused her obsessive straightening and studied Buffy for a moment. Cordy debated whether or not telling her that she too was expecting her scene partner over…in now five minutes…but she’d find out soon enough…but if Cordy was gonna help Spike….Buffy could at least make it easier….

“Umm, Buffy?” Cordelia wondered, still staring.

Buffy shut off the water and grabbed a dish towel to dry off her hands as she spun back around to face the brunette. Cordelia’s brow was furrowed, her lips in a decisive pout.

“What?” Buffy asked irritably.

“Could you…you know…maybe clean yourself a bit?” Cordy asked. Damn it, but if subtle was a hard thing for her.

Buffy gave her a raised eyebrow, “Why?” she asked, looking down at her sweat pants and tank top, “I’m just studying. Willow doesn’t care.”

“Yeah but…” Cordelia struggled to come up a viable excuse to get Buffy to look more presentable. She glanced at the microwave clock, the green digital numbers burning into her retinas as she realized Buffy was about to throttle her in three minutes….give or take.

Knock, Knock.

Cordelia’s eye widened to comical proportions. Buffy gave her a glare when the taller girl remained frozen in place.
“Cordy?” Buffy asked, “You gonna get the door?”

Cordelia shook her head, “Umm…I have to use the bathroom. Be back in a flash.”

And with that, she scurried off and slammed the door behind her. Buffy wrinkled her brow in utter confusion, and mild annoyance….but shrugged and with a sigh, went to fetch the door to welcome….

“Spike?” Buffy gasped, her voice embarrassingly screechy. She grimaced as he smirked. “What the hell are you doing here?”

She couldn’t help it. He was just standing there. It was only natural to snap at him.

Spike’s smirk grew deeper. Buffy was clearly not expecting to see him here. Cordelia’s a cheeky bint, he thought to himself.

“Well, well, well,” Spike drawled, “Someone’s happy to see me.”

Buffy scoffed. Not that there wasn’t that small, indiscernible part of her that was totally doing belly-flops at seeing Spike standing in her doorway, all leather and swagger….but how dare he assume anything about her!

“What are you doing here?” She repeated as casually as she could muster, folding her arms indignantly across her chest.

Spike chuckled and leaned against the doorframe, making no attempt to come inside. “Cordelia and I are rehearsing.”

Buffy’s eyes bugged out, “What?”

“You heard me.”

Buffy was gonna kill Cordelia. That’s why she was straightening up the apartment? How dare she invite, of all people….to her apartment, and NOT TELL HER!

Buffy closed her eyes briefly and cringed. That’s why Cordelia wanted her to clean herself up….that nosy, good for nothing stepsis---Oh God, Buffy thought, looking down at her outfit with far more scrutiny….she did look like a complete slob.

Spike cleared his throat, breaking Buffy of her thoughts. Her eyes shot open once more and she gave him her best look of defiance.

“Excuse me,” she said, and made a mad dash for her room.

Spike pursed his lips in consideration before shrugging and turning around to step out of the doorway and back into the street, lighting himself a smoke.
Cordelia stuck her head out of the bathroom when she’d heard Buffy’s room door slam shut. Oh my God, Buffy might just really kill her this time…

Seconds later, Buffy reemerged, but her clothes remained the same. She’d had a mini-breakdown in her room before remembering herself and reminding her stupid girly brain that she didn’t change for any guy. Especially one that was confusing and frustrating and annoying and unwelcome! Not matter how stupidly sexy he might be.

“Cordy,” Buffy said calmly, ushering her sister to come out of the bathroom.

“Hey Buff,” Cordelia smiled nervously, inching out from behind the door.

“I don’t think I need to tell you—“

Cordelia cut her off, “Would you believe I forgot you lived here too?”

Buffy gave her a blank, unamused stare, “Since Willow’s coming over too, I’m gonna let this slide this time.”

Cordelia worried her bottom lip as she casually walked closer to the hallway, “Oh yeah…Willow called me…she’s not feeling well, guess she’s not coming.”

Buffy scoffed, “What? Why didn’t she call me? I’m her scene partner!”

Cordelia shrugged, “Yeah, and I just remembered, I do have a date tonight…so…” she continued, edging closer to the exit as Buffy’s realization flared dangerously.

“I’m just gonna go now….you’ll tell Spike, right? Thanks, bye!” Cordelia finished with a quick grab at her purse and bolted out the door, not bothering to acknowledge Spike still standing outside.

The bleached blonde man watched his tricky scene partner blaze past him and he couldn’t help but laugh. That is, until her turned back to see Buffy standing in the doorway, her face flushed and looking pissed as hell.

Holy fuck if she didn’t look hotter to him at this moment than she ever had.

He smirked, slinking back up to the doorframe and giving the trim a knock for good measure.

Buffy stood motionless, unable to believe the audacity of everyone around her. She spared Spike a glance when he knocked and raised an eyebrow.

“What are you still doing here?” she asked with a sigh.

“Aren’t you gonna invite me in?” He wondered innocently.

Buffy rolled her eyes, “This is against my better judgment but, fine. Come in, Spike.”

He smiled and gave her a polite nod before taking one wide step over the threshold. Planting both feet firmly on the ground, he let out a chuckle and looked around at the apartment, “Presto…no barrier.”

Buffy eyed him cautiously as she moved behind him to close the door before stepping around him once again and headed straight for the kitchen.

“Nice place, luv,” he said after a moment, a few steps behind her.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, opening the fridge for lack of anything better to do.

“So…about all this, tonight…” Spike started to say before Buffy cut him off.

“I know you didn’t know, Spike. Let’s just drop it,” Buffy urged.

“What if I did know?” He suddenly asked, causing Buffy to look up and give him a hard glare.

“You planned all this out, to what? Corner me?” She asked bitingly.

Spike truly hadn’t known what Cordelia had planned. Though he’d be lying if he said he didn’t appreciate the help. He’d have to thank her later. But he was curious to know what Buffy would do if he ever made a bolder move than he had in the past. As it was, the month of September was coming to a close, which meant he roughly had a month to woo Buffy lest he give Angel the smug satisfaction of winning the bet. That certainly wouldn’t do. And besides, he’d grown rather fond of the feisty blonde, it was a win-win situation as far as he could tell.

“You’re a stubborn chit, you know that Summers?” He said, slowly moving toward her.

Buffy released the fridge door, letting its own vacuum hinge seal itself shut again as she backed up with every step he took forward.

“So?” She retorted, somewhat shakily. Why wasn’t she leaving the room?

“So,” Spike echoed, “All this dancing around each other is bloody frustrating,” He explained coolly, still inching closer.

Buffy felt her backside bump into the counter, her hand pathetically outstretched to keep him at bay. Corner her, indeed. She was letting herself get cornered. Why wasn’t she stopping him? She felt like one of those idiot girls in horror films that run back into the house…

“You think we’re dancing?” Buffy asked lamely. She was only half listening to what Spike was actually saying. The other half of her brain was too enthralled with the actual manner in which the words were spilling out of his really, kissable mouth. The accent, the baritone depth of his silky words….all adding to the kissable mouth factor.

“It’s all we’ve ever done,” he practically purred. Buffy swallowed hard when he reached for her defensively placed hand and wrapped his larger ones around it. She watched, her breath hitching as he leaned in and began to place delicate kisses on her knuckles. Her eyes fluttered at the sensation. This was not happening to her. She would not be seduced like some….some….girl…who got seduced…

“Are you trying to seduce me?” She couldn’t believe she’d actually asked that out loud, “I really just said that didn’t I?”

Spike’s laugh rumbled low in his chest, lowering her hand down but keeping it held in his before he took one final step, his body inches away from hers.

He tilted his head and raised his free hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. It was a move that in all her years of guy-bashing Buffy had genuinely missed. Something about it was so thoroughly romantic and tender, two things she wouldn’t admit she actually was…drove her back to fairy-tale land….

“Do you want me to seduce you?” Spike asked, breaking her from her daydream. His left hand still holding hers tightly at their sides while his right one lovingly continued to stroke her hair.

“Why…” she stammered, suddenly overcome with a totally different kind of defensiveness. “Why would you want to? Me…I mean, seduce me?” she rambled.

She was insecure. But Spike knew that already. He’d told her as much when he’d warned her to stop shutting people out. She hated how someone she barely knew could get under her skin and be so damn insightful so quickly. Of course she didn’t want to get hurt, who does? Yes her attitude was a defensive mechanism, and it worked…usually.

But Spike hadn’t seemed to care, which Buffy was sure was part of his appeal. But it could also be some dastardly plan to make a fool out of her…

“Why wouldn’t I want to seduce you?” Spike asked, running with her chosen motif. His right hand now coasted down from her hair and onto her bare arm, rubbing gently up and down its length.

Buffy furrowed her brow at his response, realizing he wasn’t really answering any of her questions. “I haven’t exactly been nice to you—“

Spike chuckled again, releasing her hand and bringing both of his to rest on her hips. He pulled back slightly to gauge her reaction. When she didn’t protest or move, he smiled.

“I like you all mean and feisty,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning her ear and neck. She shuddered audibly as his mouth drew closer to her lobe, his teeth suddenly biting down teasingly.

At her gasp, Spike lifted his head back up and looked at her face. She look terrified, but her cheeks were flushed a gorgeous rosy pink. He smiled again.

“I want you,” was all he said.

Buffy’s breathing had become ragged. She was staring at him with equal parts lust and fear. God she wanted him too. But she’d spent too many years fighting the good fight to just give in to some guy she barely knew…no matter how much she wanted to.

“I know you want me,” Spike spoke again, that irritatingly calm and seductive drawl.

Buffy tried to school her face into an angry expression but she couldn’t make it. She was far too curious to see just how far Spike would take this little impromptu seduction.

“Say I do want you, “ she attempted, “What then?”

He smirked, snaking one arm completely behind her and resting that hand on the small of her back while the other one remained at her hip. The movement pressed their bodies even closer than before and Buffy’s hands instinctively braced themselves on his biceps. Good God those were some nice arms.

“Kiss me,” he said. He’d meant it as a direction, and Spike silently cursed himself for allowing a small trace of pleading to enter. He could only hope Buffy didn’t notice.

She hadn’t. She was too confused. There she was, Miss Holier-Than-Thou, Men Will Only Give You Heart Ache, pressed up against the bane of her existence these past two months and he wanted to kiss her….and what was more hysterical, she wanted to kiss him too….

“Kiss me,” he said again, clutching her tighter as his mouth hovered over hers dangerously.

Buffy’s eyes darted to his questing mouth and she dared to brush her tongue out quickly to wet her lips in nervous anticipation. That did it. Her following shriek was swallowed as Spike’s mouth collided with hers in a bruising kiss.

She groaned as his tongue sought entrance into her mouth and she allowed her eyes to slip shut, reveling in the feel of his lips on hers. His left hand still holding her at the small of her back, his right one now tangled back in her hair.

Her own hands, which had been delightfully perched on his taut, muscular arms were now clumsily fondling his shoulders and neck. He moaned into her mouth as his tongue dueled with her own before her pulled back ever so slightly to suck on her bottom lip, his right hand now tracing feathery patterns along her collarbone.
Her hands slinked up his neck to play with the nape and scratch his hair affectionately.

His long, slender fingers clutched her chin and pulled her jaw to the side as his mouth now began trailing. Peppering her ears and neck with soft, wet kisses. He dropped his hand and proceeded to rest them both on her hips once more.

She gasped and involuntarily bucked against him when his tongue came out and licked up the column of her throat. He released a low growl at her sudden move and pressed his fingers tighter into her hips, holding her down.

She grabbed the sides of his head and brought his mouth back to her own, lips and tongues twirling and crashing against one another as blunt teeth nibbled and teased.

Finally, the need for air forced them to pull apart, both breathing heavy and faces flushed. Buffy’s head fell back and she screwed her eyes shut, disbelieving what she’d just done. Spike face fell forward, his head resting in the crook between her neck and shoulder, his mouth lazily placing kisses on her collarbone as he tried to steady his own breathing.

“Buffy,” he practically whimpered, nudging her neck with his nose and inhaling her scent with a sharp intake of breath.

Her name. The way he’d said it. No, no, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen.

Her eyes shot open and she brought her head back down, pushing him off her.

“Get out,” she said quickly, starting for her bedroom.

Spike stood where she’d pushed him and watched her in confusion as she made for her door.

“Luv,” He began, calling after her.

“No,” she stopped him, her one hand outstretched as the other was on the bulb of her doorknob. She didn’t look at him. She couldn’t.

“You need to leave. This didn’t happen. I don’t know what that was.”

Spike observed her for a moment, silently debating whether or not to argue with her logic.

Why wouldn’t he leave, she wondered. Any other guy would have been too proud to just stand there. It was what they did, wasn’t it? Leave.

So why wasn’t he?

“Buffy…” he attempted again, taking a step forward only to halt once more when she jutted her hand out again.

Still, she refused to look at him. She was close to tears now. They’d shared a kiss, one damn kiss…and she already wanted more. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t happen. This way leads to hurt and she made herself a promise.

“No,” she said again, “Damn it, Spike. Why won’t you just get out of here?”

She heard him sigh gruffly before his boots were hitting the floorboards and marching past her. She sighed in relief as she heard the front door swing open.

But then a pair of strong arms were on her, turning her around to face their owner.

She gasped as he nudged her against her closed bedroom door and stared her down, his hands still fastened on her upper arms, locking them down against her sides.

“You gonna hit me?” She balked, mad that she actually sounded a bit afraid.

She watched as the muscles in his jaw ticked, his icy glare fixed on her as his fingers squeezed her arms with a bit more pressure than before.

“What are you afraid of?” He asked, somehow at once soft and harsh.

Buffy blinked confusedly, wincing at his grip before he ceased squeezing her arms. He kept his hands locked down however.

“I don’t…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she spat, not nearly as confidently as she wished.

He released one of her arms and slammed his palm against the door beside her head in frustration. Buffy flinched and took the opportunity to push him away from her once again.
“Damn it, Buffy. I like you!” He all but whined.

Buffy attempted to steady her breathing, watching him intently as he ran a shaky hand through his hair, loosening the formerly slicked back strands.

““I want you! I’m going bloody crazy here!” He ranted, cutting a dizzying circle in front of her.

“But you!” he emphasized with an accusing finger pointed at her, “You keep pushing me away! I mean, what does it bloody take to make you see? I’m not like the other blokes you’ve dealt with, you know? We fight, we squabble, yeah but, we both like it and clearly the general public’s trying to push us together and then we have a brilliant snog and you push me away, tell me to get out, act like it didn’t happen?”

Buffy was confused, to say the least. This was not an easy situation for her. She’d gone so long avoiding these exact scenarios because they inevitably led to nothing of the good. She wanted Spike, but she couldn’t shut off seven years of defensiveness and guarded posturing. She still wasn’t sure she wanted to…even for as much as she wanted him, or how lonely she got in general…this would not come easily.

Spike could throttle her if he wasn’t such a gentleman, really. Yeah she was a difficult bint and he liked her that way. Yeah she was tricky and confusing but that’s what made it all the more delicious. But seriously…after weeks of sexually frustrating encounters and then the release of a kiss like that…a kiss that clearly held the promise of something equally as fulfilling….the woman was a fucking island. And it actually pissed him off to see her in such denial. Not pissed off in the raging hard-on, adrenaline pumping way….no. Honest to goodness, genuine anger and rage.

Better yet, Spike could throttle the man that really did do a number on this chit to make her so guarded. How was a bloke ever gonna prove himself to her if she could melt under his embrace so eagerly one second and then shove him off just as quickly in the next?

Bleedin’ crime is what it was.

Buffy straightened herself up and pushed away from the door, still watching Spike pace back and forth before her.

She held out a hand to still his movements, placing it on his forearm. He stopped and looked at her hand resting on the sleeve of his duster before looking back up at her face. Unshed tears made her hazel eyes glisten and her lips were plump and still a bit swollen from their make-out session.

She looked gorgeous and vulnerable. It was the first time he’d ever seen her look so frightened….and willing? Was she accepting his request to let him in?
Maybe she wasn’t as guarded as he thought. Well, at this rate he’d have his five hundred in no time.

He cringed a bit at the reminder of the bet, but he shrugged it away when Buffy removed her hand from his coat and placed it on his cheek, gingerly tracing his cheekbone with a delicate finger.

He leaned into her touch unconsciously, giving her a small smile when she didn’t pull away.

“I don’t know what I want, Spike,” she said after what seemed like an eternity.

Her hand fell back to her side and his face dropped in mild disappointment at her statement.

“Luv, you’ve gotta learn to trust—“

She reached her hand up once again and stilled his response with a finger to his lips.
“I know I do,” she said firmly, “But it’s gonna take me a second.”

He nodded before tugging at her finger and flattening out her palm, only to kiss it softly and placing it back on his cheek.

“We have all the time in the world, luv,” he lied.

Buffy gave him a tentative smile before reaching up, her hand still holding his cheek, and placed a chaste kiss against his lips.

“Good night, Spike,” she whispered, slowly pulling away from him and heading back to her bedroom door before disappearing behind it.

He kept his face trained in a calm expression until she was out of sight. Once gone however, he silently cursed and saw himself out of the apartment.

Outside, he immediately removed a cigarette from his pack and lit it. Inhaling a deep drag, he ran a tired hand down his face.

He hated himself for lying to her. And why was that, he wondered? Yeah he wanted her, no question. But why did it feel so natural telling her that he liked her? Why did he suddenly feel compelled to make sure she actually could trust him? Why the bloody hell did he care?

Oh God no, he thought. Oh God, please no….

“Bollocks,” he muttered, tossing the cigarette out and headed back home.

Chapter End Notes:
Dear me, these crazy kids just can't ever be cut and dry can they? Some lines are taken from the series, just gave them a different context. They were such wonderful words and I felt like they expressed the right sentiment.
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