She froze. Panic alarms screamed in her head as she tried to figure out what to do. She was royally screwed. She wanted to run, but she couldn’t; her feet were frozen in place. What if he wasn’t sure that she was there? That was possible, right? She decided to stay hiding. It was her only hope.
Spike turned and walked towards the stairs. He nearly laughed when Buffy’s startled expression came into view. “Oh, I think she’ll have a bit more to say then that. Don’t you, kitten?”
“It was just an accident. I didn’t really see anything. I was just—” Buffy stood up and looked anxiously down the stairs. She had to get out of there.
“What didn’t you see?”
“What?” She could feel her face burning red. How had she let this happen?
“What didn’t you see?”
“N-Nothing. I didn’t really see anything.”
Spike nodded as his hand snaked out and wrapped around her wrist. He pulled her up the final few stairs and into his bedroom. “Let’s try this again, shall we? I’ll ask you a question and you’ll tell the truth.”
“I am telling—”
“Do you suppose they’ll cancel their romantic weekend and come right home when I call?” He tilted his head to the side and reached up to rub his chin.
“I…I…” Buffy wanted to die. He was right, her parents were supposed to be in L.A. all weekend. She imagined the floor opening up and swallowing her. It would be a relief. Hell, she thought, the floor could chew her up first then swallow her. If it got her away from Spike’s knowing smirk, she considered it an improvement.
He saw her eyes start to tear up and he almost had to stop. He really didn’t want her to cry. He sat on the edge of his mattress and looked up at her. “The truth then.” He softened his voice. “What did you see?” He just wanted her to admit it. The girl drove him crazy.
“Everything.” Her voice was a whisper.
“So you watched me take off my clothes?”
She nodded, careful to keep her eyes on the floor.
“And then you stuck around for the show?”
His phrasing confused her. Frowning, she nodded again.
“Say it.”
“Yes. Okay. I was just planning to tell you something and then you were all naked and with the—on the bed and I saw you.” She raised her eyes up to glare at him.
He grinned. There, he thought, there’s my girl. She was always glaring at him like he’d done something horrible. “I think Joyce is going to want to know why you didn’t just leave.”
“Please don’t tell them. I didn’t mean to—”
He stood up quickly and leaned close to her ear. “I know it wasn’t the first time, kitten. You’ve been playing this game for awhile.”
Her eye widened. “You-you-you knew?”
“You’re not as sneaky as you think.”
“But…why didn’t you say something? Why did you…you let me? That’s sick.”
He laughed. Only Buffy could be so confident that she’d call him a pervert when she’d been the Peeping Tom. “Maybe. The point, love, is that you’ve been peeping and you got caught. What are we going to do about it?”
“I won’t do it again. I swear. You don’t have say anything to my mom and dad.”
Spike narrowed his eyes. “Doesn’t seem fair.”
“I’m just sayin’ you’ve been peeping at me all this time—got yourself quite a good look at my tight little bod.”
“And I’m sorry and I won’t do it again and—and—”
“It’s my turn.”
“What?” Buffy stepped back in shock.
“My. Turn.”
“You’re kidding. That’s…that is so not…” The implications of his suggestion had her blushing.
Spike shrugged. “Then I’ll be calling Joyce and Hank this evening and telling them all about your naughty little game.”
“You can’t.”
“Joyce was very insistent that I should call if I needed anything.”
“I hate you.”
“Didn’t stop you from hidin’ on my stairs to sneak a look at my goods.”
“Arghh. I wasn’t—l”
Spike placed his finger over her lips. “Careful, kitten, you really need to stop lying.”
Buffy’s eyes narrowed. “You aren’t supposed to be here.” She held on to her anger. Anger was way better than embarrassment. She was living a nightmare.
“Yeah, you’ve been plenty clear on my lack of welcome.”
Buffy felt guilty despite herself. Had she really been that obvious?
“You started this, pet. The question is: are you willing to see this through to the end.” He shrugged as though he didn’t care one way or another. Few things would have been further from the truth.
“The end?”
“My turn.”
“What do you want exactly?”
“Just the same show you got.”
Her eyes widened. “The same…you can’t be serious. That’s…you’re…No!”
“It’s simple. You can make this right or I can—”
“How would you seeing me be right?”
He wondered how seeing her naked could be anything but right. “Fair is fair.”
“But...please, I swear it won’t happen again. I don’t know why I—”
“This is blackmail.”
“If you say so.”
“Spike, I’m not going to just take off my clothes.” She laughed like they were both just being silly.
“I did.”
“You chose to.”
“Is that so? I said Hey, pet, why don’t you come sit on my stairs while I squeeze in a wank?”
“A what? You—you knew that I was there. You could have told me to leave.”
“Love, you can keep yappin’ all night. It won’t change things. Here’s the way this goes down. You can strip or I can call the folks. A or B. That’s it. Your choice.”
Some choice, she thought, die of humiliation now or of both humiliation and endless grounding later. Hell, her parents would probably put her in counseling if they knew. Buffy had no choice. She was going to have to strip. “Fine, but I still hate you.”
He shrugged and sat back down.
Buffy figured fast was best. She’d strip and get it over with and then she’d work on forgetting that this day had ever happened. She wondered if Cordy still had her fake ID. Drinking sounded like a good idea. She reached up and started unbuttoning her shirt. It shouldn’t have been a big deal. She was wearing a good bra; it covered more than most of her bikinis did. Still, her fingers shook almost uncontrollably. She was careful to avoid looking up at Spike, but she could feel his eyes on her skin. It made her feel hot, but she shivered just the same. It only took seconds to undo the buttons, she knew that, but it felt like an eternity. Finally, she pushed her shirt off and reached for the button and zipper that held her skirt on.
Spike struggled to maintain an indifferent expression. She was wearing red panties and a matching bra; his fantasies were rarely as hot as Buffy in red silk. His cock stirred despite its recent activity.
She reached for the clasp of her bra three times. She couldn’t do it. Her whole body trembled. She’d never even let a date get below her bra, baring herself to the seemingly indifferent eyes of Spike was nearly more than she could take. She would never be able to take it back, she’d never forget that he was the first boy to see her naked. Her eyes watered. He would be the first boy to see her naked and he didn’t even really want to. This whole thing was just about punishing her for being a freak.
“Leave them on.”
Frowning in confusion, Buffy glanced toward him tentatively.
He’d never thought that she would be shy. He stood up and pointed to the bed. “Up you go then, finish up.”
Her eyes widened as she shook her head. “I can’t.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper. She hadn’t seen this coming. She should have, he’d said that he wanted the same show; she’d simply been too worked up about the stripping to see past that part to the even worse second part.
“Sure you can. Just close your eyes and pretend I’m not here. Think of one of those ball players you like.” He refused to refer to American style football as football; football players had skill and style. They weren’t just mountains of dumb flesh.
Face red, eyes on the floor, Buffy tried again. “I really can’t. I don’t—don’t do that.”
It was Spike’s turn to go wide-eyed. “You don’t get yourself off?” He stared at her in shock for a moment. “Well no wonder you’re wound up so bloody tight all the time.”
“Just tell them, okay. It can’t be any worse than this.” She started to reach for her clothes, but he grasped her wrist again.
“Relax. It’s not a big deal. Lie down and I’ll walk you through it.” When she didn’t move, he tried again. “Look, you’ve gone this far, let me see your pretty red knickers, you might as well finish the thing and be free and clear.”
Buffy closed her eyes for a second and tried wishing the whole situation away. When that didn’t work she stepped uneasily over to his bed and lied down.
Spike sat on the edge of his bed and looked at her. Even lying straight as a board with her eyes squeezed shut and her hands clenched into fists she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. He reached over and carefully lifted one of her hands. “Why don’t you just get yourself warmed up a bit. Start right here.” He lowered her fist down near the edge of her bra and waited. She didn’t move. Her hand was clenched so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. He swallowed hard. “Like this, kitten.” He reached over and rubbed his thumb across the point of her nipple.
Her eyes opened in surprised and she gasped. Her body jerked involuntarily as he repeated the caress a second time before pulling his hand away.
“I didn’t touch you.” She meant to sound accusatory, but her voice came out soft and strange.
He smirked and leaned close to her ear. “Do you want to?”
She turned her head so that their faces were only inches apart. Did she? She tried to read his expression to figure out what he was after, but his nearness was too distracting. Her heart raced and the sound of pumping blood roared in her ears. Why did he have to be so…pretty? He was a jerk. He shouldn’t have sad looking eyes the same color as the water on the beach she’d once visited in the Bahamas.
He saw her getting lost in her head and did the only thing he could think of. He kissed her. He tried to keep it light and quick, more a hello than an admission of the passion he felt every time he saw her, but she pulled his face closer and kissed him back. He was just getting past the shock of it when she pulled away.
She looked up at him dazedly. “But I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.” He sighed. Her pouty expression drove him crazy. “Your mouth…” He dropped a light kiss on her jutting bottom lip.
“Answer the question, princess.”
Her eyes narrowed and she pulled away. “I hate when you call me that.”
He sighed again. “Do you want me to leave? Honest now.”
“You mean leave—leave?”
Spike shrugged. “I can’t really see us playing it like this for a whole year.”
Sitting up, she furrowed her brow. “Like what?”
“You treat me like dirt, like I’m a smudge on the side of your posh little pink shoes. Glare at me all day and then sneak up every night to spy on me. And I…” He chuckled softly. “I still want you. I see you with your friends and you’re an entirely different person, funny and sweet with this clever little edge. And I want that girl. I see her and I wonder what the hell I ever did to make that girl so angry.”

Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks to everyone who commented on part one-I hope you like part two. Let me know, okay?