Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Parody, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes
Word count: 9151 Read: 10026
Published: 03/09/2011 Updated: 03/11/2011
1. Chapter 1 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] (2321 words)
Sometimes a muse is like a refreshing breeze filling me with energy and ideas, other times it's more like an annoying little cartoon of Graham Norton dancing along the bottom of the television screen during an especially moving speech at the end of a Dr Who two-parter. This story is a result of the later. It came as a silly thought, a fun what if porn plot (silly, sexy and highly improbable) that got stuck in my head.I tried to fight it. I have two WIPs and an original story that I wanted to be working on. But the cartoon kept dancing, so I agreed to write it a one shot--then I fell in love. (So like me.) Anyway, it grew. It is now complete at four parts and will be updated quickly. It is not a parody exactly, but is not meant to be taken too seriously either. I hope you laugh. Let me know.
*If you read my LiveJournal- then you have probably seen this. I am in the midst of archiving a bit of my older fic.*
2. Chapter 2 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] (2131 words)
Thanks to everyone who commented on part one-I hope you like part two. Let me know, okay?
3. Chapter 3 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 5] (2133 words)
Remember: :This is not a parody exactly, but is not meant to be taken too seriously either. I hope you laugh. Also: THIS IS THE SECOND POSTING TODAY READ PART TWO FIRST.
Let me know if you like it. :)
4. Chapter 4 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 11] (2566 words)
This is it-the final part. Thank you for all your comments. Make sure to let me know if you liked it. :)