Rated: 15
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 8979 Read: 13745
Published: 04/28/2011 Updated: 05/11/2011
1. Chapter 1 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 5] (1599 words)
This is a short bit of teen angst I wrote two months ago. It is completed. There are six parts and I'm going to post them quickly. It is a little different from my other fics for a few reasons: one-I aim for a tad more realism here, two-the whole story is told from William's head space and three-it is not rated NC-17. I hope you all enjoy it. Let me know. :)
2. Chapter 2 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 7] (1687 words)
I'm glad that young William found a little love with you all. :) Here's part two.
3. Chapter 3 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 4] (1090 words)
Hi all. I'm coming down from the high of a lovely visit from my best friend from college and a weekend of fun (including brunch). Thanks for all the William love. I hope you like part three.
4. Chapter 4 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 6] (1874 words)
I think you all will like this chapter. :)
5. Chapter 5 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 4] (1006 words)
Thank You. :)
6. Chapter 6 by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 6] (1723 words)
Here it is: the last part of William's little story about asking a girl out. Thank you for reading. :)