Rated: NC-17
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No
Word count: 8447 Read: 8373
Published: 08/06/2011 Updated: 09/23/2011
1. Prologue & The Beginning by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 4] (2044 words)
This is an older story that I was posting at LiveJournal. A few people have asked about it lately and a couple actually requested that I post it at the archives and I was too flattered to resist. :) It is nearly complete, but I am going to post all the chapters from LJ here before I post the conclusion.
I often have a hard time with fics that bring Buffy and Spike together earlier than they were in canon. There are a few that are really well done and believable, but I think it is especially challenging. The more I considered it, the more I decided that I had to try. So this fic is the result of my challenge to myself.
2. An Unusual House-Guest by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 3] (1383 words)
Since I have a back log of chapters for this one, I'm going to update often for the next week or so. :) I hope you enjoy it. It is a little different in style than most of my others, but I'd say it is still recognizably my fic. Thanks for reading.
3. The Lesser of Two Evils by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 5] (1183 words)
Thanks to everyone who has taken a minute to leave me a little note about this story. You all rock. :)
4. A Tale of Two Kisses by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 1] (1502 words)
I'm going to post a couple of chapters from this fic today. This is the first new one in a while. I hope you like it.
5. A New Normal by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 3] (1106 words)
This is the second new chapter today. Please make sure you read chapter four. :)
6. Chivalry is Dead, so is Spike by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 8] (1229 words)
Hi. Thanks for reading and for commenting. :)