[Reviews - 22] LikedPrinter
Summary: William Giles would rather spend his last month before heading off to college in the library reading, but he is determined to be a good sport and let his father and stepmother enjoy their yearly family camping trip. Light-hearted reluctance becomes something much more powerful when he discovers that the girl who broke his heart three summers earlier will be joining the fun.
Buffy Summers isn't really a fan of mysteries, but she is drawn to one inscrutable young man with shocking blue eyes. Can she solve the puzzle or will she simply end up watching the stars alone?
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 12397 Read: 2105
Published: 09/20/2011 Updated: 09/23/2011

1. Part One by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 10] Liked (5471 words)
Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're all like "DK, what's up with you? Don't you care about angsty, teen William anymore?" Of course I do, who could possibly resist an adorkable fresh-faced William? "Oh?" You say smugly. "If that's the case, why has it been months since you popped a little high school cherry?" I'm blushing at this point because, seriously, you all have a dirty mouth. I protest. "But look! See...I do love William. I do. And I wrote this just to make him happy."


Okay so this will be a shortish fic-it is almost done or maybe more like almost almost done at 11,000 words. I will post quickly. I should also have more AWTY up soon too.

As always, if anyone if feeling artistic, story art rocks. :)

2. Part Two by Dorians Kitten [Reviews - 12] Liked (6926 words)
I got a lovely comment a while back (for a different story) that said the reader had enjoyed the story despite her reluctance to read a "William" story. Apparently she is not a big fan of William. When I read that my forehead wrinkled so hard it hurt. What? Some people don't dissolve into a puddle of lusty goo when presented with a nerdy Brit with floppy curl, glasses and a serious lack of poetry writing skill?But...but...pretty and sad. And extra pretty when he's sad. (Don't scowl at me. We wouldn't put him through so much if he didn't suffer so very beautifully.) Anyway, yeah-okay-I have a William kink. I said it. That's the first step, right? Only what if I don't want help? What if I just want to wallow and wade through his sky blue eyes and unrequited love? What if I really just want to give him the happy ending he deserves...again and again and again...

Oh dear. I do have a problem.

I expect this to have one more chapter, but I will probably focus on wrapping up a couple of older fics first. I think I leave you all at a good place here. ;)