[Reviews - 9] LikedPrinter
Summary: Set in Season 4, Buffy and the gang are quietly celebrating the holiday season. Throw in an naughty impromptu roommate and an even naughtier sweetened beverage, and the Scoobies get far more than they were bargaining for.
Rated: 18
Categories: Comedy fics Characters: None
Genres: Parody
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1973 Read: 10113
Published: 12/18/2013 Updated: 12/18/2013
Story Notes:
I'm really struggling to get into the holiday spirit this year and what better way than a little Spuffy? I haven't written fluffy/humor nor canon is a looooong time, so I hope I do the characters justice.

In this one-shot, I’m taking a little poetic license here since Hush aired before X-Mas and Doomed aired after. However, Hush ended with Riley and Buffy about to talk and Doomed starting with this conversation. So for story sake, Buffy and Riley already had their awkward little talk in Doomed but the rest of the episode didn't happen yet and then there was Christmas. Big thanks to my amazing beta Sanityfair!

1. Chapter 1 by Behind Blue Eyes [Reviews - 9] Liked (1973 words)
I'm really struggling to get into the holiday spirit this year and what better way than a little Spuffy? I haven't written fluffy/humor nor canon is a looooong time, so I hope I do the characters justice.

In this one-shot, I’m taking a little poetic license here since Hush aired before X-Mas and Doomed aired after. However, Hush ended with Riley and Buffy about to talk and Doomed starting with this conversation. So for story sake, Buffy and Riley already had their awkward little talk in Doomed but the rest of the episode didn't happen yet and then there was Christmas.

As always, many thanks to my amazing beta Sanityfair. Love ya lady!