“What if we try the bed now, luv?” Spike asked her cupping one of her breasts in his hand. She groaned.
“I’m tired…”
“Hmmm…” He chuckled. He lifted her up and took her to the bed.
“Okay, Sleepy Beauty.” He said, laying next to her and covering themselves with a sheet. “G’night then”.
Five hours later Buffy woke up in Spike arms. She looked through the window; it was still dark.
“Shit” she said, moving and taking the sheet out off of her.
Spike suddenly grabbed her arm and brought her against him.
“Don’t” he said.
“Spike, I have to go”
“No” he hugged her waist, still half sleeping.
She sighed. “God, this is a mistake”
“It didn’t feel like one tonight…” he smelled her hair; his eyes still closed. He pulled her body closer to his.
“Yeah, that’s because you never notice the difference between something good and something bad”.
He suddenly opened his eyes, feeling the rage inside. He got out of the bed without saying anything and grabbed his pants.
“Where are you going?” she asked, sitting on the bed.
“Away from you”
“Ok, and why are you mad now??”
“Why—“ he turned around not believing what she was saying. “---Oh, you’re just unbelievable—“
He put his pants on and picked up his shirt.
“I don’t know why I even bother…” he said grabbing his jacket and walking out of the crypt.
“What?!” he yelled, turning around to face her. She was still on the bed.
“I… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it”
“Sure you did… you always do” he added walking out into the night.


“Fucking… damn…. Bitch” he said giving the vampire he was currently beating up a punch with each pause. “I’m… gonna…. Kill you”
“Yeah, please do it” the vampire said. “Please kill me” Spike finally made him dust and walked towards Willy’s bar.
When he arrived three hours later, there were just a few vampires and two brown demons with horns.
“Hey Willy” he greeted. “Gimme a scotch”
The barman gave him the glass of whisky.
“What’s up Spike? Worried ‘bout something?”
“Just my fucking life…” he continued to drink at least 15 more glasses knowing he wasnt going to be able to stand up.
One of the green demons stared at him.
“U Spike?” he asked.
The blond vampire, still half asleep because of the scotch, paid the barman, got up and walked towards the door.
“I asked you a question!” the daemon yelled.
“Hey! No problems inside of the bar. Go and take it outside!” Willy yelled.
He continued walking, the demons following him.
“Look” he said, turning around in the middle of the street. “I don’t want problems, I’m too drunk, so—“ one of the demons punched him in the face. Spike flew a few meters away due to the impact. “Bloody Hell!” he said, touching his bleeding nose. “What the hell do you want?”
The other daemon approached.
“You have been helping the Slayer” he said starting to beat him up. “You… betrayed… your blood”
“My blood??” Spike said, kicking the daemon off of him. “Do you see any horns on my head?” The other daemon ran towards him, but Spike lifted him up and threw him over his shoulder. As the demon fell over some containers Spike turned, trying to run away. But the demon was fast on his feet and grabbed Spike stabbing him with the sword.
“FUCK!!” Spike yelled, due to the pain. The daemon let him go and spike ran towards his crypt.
“You’ll learn that way, vampire!!” the daemon yelled.
The pain was unbearable. But not only was it physical, but he was also hurt for inside… what Buffy had said… damn night… he had received all together… the low blow of Buffy and know he had been beaten up by some demons.
He entered to his crypt, and saw Buffy still lying on his bed. She was awake, and sat up when she saw him.
“Why are you still here?” he asked, rubbing the wound on his back.
“God, what happened to you??” she said, getting up and walking towards him. She tried to touch his face but he avoided her hand.
“Leave me alone” he said, and went downstairs.
“Just leave! I thought that was what you wanted!” he said.
Already downstairs, he picked up a bottle of scotch and took out the cork with his teeth. Then, while biting a piece of wood, he spread the alcohol over his wounds.
“FUCK!!” he grimaced.
“Spike?!” Buffy yelled appearing on the stairs half dressed. She was wearing a t-shirt and no panties. “What the hell do you think you’re doing??”
“Leave me alone…” he said, trying to get up, but without success. He sighed. “Damn” She approached him.
“Give me that” she said, pointing at the bottle. He glanced at her and gave her the bottle. “Good. Now, do you have a bathroom?”
“Of course I have a bathroom” he said, trying to get up. She tried to help him.
“Leave me alone!” he said, pushing her. He couldn’t support himself by his own and he fell. He sighed again.
“Now, would you let me help you?” she looked at her but didn’t say anything. He didn’t protest either, when she picked him by the arm and put it over her shoulders. “Can you walk?” he didn’t say anything, just stared at her. “K, then”. She started walking towards the bathroom.
He opened the door and turned on the light. Buffy was speechless.
“Wow, you never told me you had a bathroom so… nice”
The bathroom was all white, with a portrait hung on the wall, and a mirror above the sink. Under it, there was a cabinet with two brown doors. Well, then there was the toilet, then a bidet, and next to them there was a shower with a long white tub hung with blue curtains.
He chuckled.
“You never asked luv”.
“K” she said “Sit on the toilet and take off your jacket and your shirt” he obeyed. “Is there any chance you have some cotton and proper alcohol?” she asked glancing at the bottle she was holding.
“In the cupboard” he said. “Under the sink” she opened the two doors and took a white box. “Wow, complete service” he smiled.
“Yeah, I always have something in case of emergency”.
“K, now stay quiet” she said, when she started cleaning his wounds. He looked at her. “How in God's name did you get hurt like this?”
“Sorry” He kept staring at her.
“Why are you here? I mean, why didn’t you leave?”
She glanced at him “I don’t know…” she started cleaning the wound on his back; the one made by the sword. “Ouch, this is a deeper one; you should take care of this one”
“Yes ma’am.” He said, still looking at her.
“What?” she smiled when she noticed he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Nothing, I was just waiting for an answer”.
“To what?”
“I asked you, why did you stay?”
She threw the used cotton in the trash. “Those things I said… I’m sorry”
“Oh, it’s ok, it’s a gift you have. You can’t help it” he said ironically, getting up.
“No… Spike” she said, holding his arm. “I didn’t mean it… I’m sorry”
He looked through the window.
“It’s almost day; you should leave” he said; then turned around and left, leaving her in the bathroom.


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