Written for: Bloodshedbaby as part of the spuffy ficathon
Ficathon requirements:
Restrictions: NO DRU
Author Requirements: You must listen to Billy Idol’s greatest hits or at least Rebel Yell over and over again while reading this…It just adds to it!!! That and I listened to it about a billion times while writing this.
A/N: I'm so glad you guys are liking this...the next section is dedicated to Cordykitten,BuffyandSpikeforever,Shippy,Bernandette and of course Bloodshedbaby...why? cause they were sweet and told me they like it :D
Into the Groove
Buffy stood next to Spike waiting for the contest to begin fidgeting the whole time. First her veil had been taken off and then put back on, next her gloves, then her jewelry, when she got to the belts Spike finally had had enough.
“Bloody hell woman drink this and stop fidgeting,” he barked relieving a passing waitress of two shots of something that was golden in color and not a little bit disgusting smelling.
“What is it?” Buffy asked frowning at the glass he handed her.
“Southern Comfort luv, now be a good little slayer and drink it.”
“Why?” She asked still frowning at the glass.
“Because I bloody well said so you ditzy dame.” He ground out gritting his teeth a moment later making the muscles in his jaw jump as he saw her raise an eyebrow at him.
*Good going now mate…you lost the slayer, the money and maybe even a long hard shag later on all because you couldn’t keep your bleeding gob shut. * It was just no fair; it was just to damned hard for him to remember she was still a giggly teenager and prone to easily hurt feelings and the whole slew of teenaged angst and insecurities.
Buffy smirked at him and with a mischievous wink raised the glass in salute to him and then said, “Down the hatch.” Tossing back the shot she closed her eyes and then licked her lips slowly as Spike watched avidly. “Ohhhh….that’s good. It’s sweet.” She said surprised as she opened her eyes languidly and smiled at him. “Can you get me another?”
Holding up the other shot he arched a brow quickly covering his immediate reaction to her smile behind his usual snarkiness, “Like that do ya? Well enjoy it cause two is the limit. Don’t want a sloppy drunk Slayer on my hands when I’m trying to look good.”
She took the other drink from him with a smirk of her own and downed it quickly enjoying the feeling of the amber liquid as it hit her belly and then flowed in a rosy glow out to her limbs. “But you always look good.” She said without thinking before clapping her hand over her mouth and turning a shade of crimson similar to a pomegranate, her eyes growing huge at what her mouth had divulged without her brains say so.
Spike chuckled and decided to let the comment pass as he reached out and extricated the shot glass from her other tightly clenched hand. *Maybe everything’s not lost after all. * He thought to himself dropping the glass on a nearby table with a genuine grin and then turning back to the action happening on the dance floor.
“OK SUNNYDALE YOU READY TO DANCE YOUR BOOTY’S OFF?” The nights deejay, dressed up as one of the members of Devo complete with gray jumpsuit and bright orange plastic hat, hollered.
“YEAH!!!!” comes back the resounding reply.
“I SAID…..ARE YOU READY?????!!!!!”
“YEAH!!!!!” came the reply even louder this time as the voices of able-bodied boogie cats and kittens shrieked in eager response.
“OK THEN….a couple of rules….first…. all couples must be in costume of vintage 80’s, John Travolta wannabe’s step down now.” A few scattered chuckles as a trio of geeky guys pouted, flipped the announcer the bird and then left the floor their dance partners in tow.
“LOVE YOU TOO GUYS….” The announcer chuckled shaking his head and then continued on. “RULE TWO….All couples must remain dancing unless Luke or Han over there tap you on the shoulder….then you’re done. No arguing or Chewy gets grumpy.”
Another few laughs peppered with as many groans at the cheesy joke were heard as the spotlight moved to the two men dressed as the Star Wars characters standing to the right of the stage.
“THREE…..Last couples standing will be judged by the audience….whoever get the louder applause gets the prize….that’s $1000 cold ones folks.”
A dull roar filled the tiny club at the mention of money and the many bodies began moving restlessly in anticipation of the dance off.
As Spike leaned down sliding his bare arms around her tiny waist and purred next to her ear in his rich accented voice, Buffy inhaled sharply her skin becoming gooselike with his close proximity and her heart raced. “You and me pet….you and me.”
With a small uncharacteristically meek nod she suddenly found herself barely able to catch her breath as Spike clasped her small hand in his and pulled her into the gyrating fray.
The sounds of Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s Relax blasted through the club as Buffy found herself pressed up against the vampire with not a sliver of room to move. *Oooo nice abs.* she thought a giggle bubbling up and out of her as her secret heart rejoiced at the fact.
“Come on pet…” He said low in her ear not missing her sweet girlish giggle before tugging her to a more open spot where two couples had just been tapped.
Buffy looked around a bit self-consciously at first before she caught Spike’s look of challenge in his deep blue eyes and on his handsome chiseled face. *He wants to see me dance? * She thought rebelliously, “then he’s gonna get the show of his life.”
Seeing her jade colored eyes flair with fire deep within Spike felt a definite twinge of lust crash through his loins. “There she is…” He purred his eyes flashing gold for a second in response before pulling her close and moving her to the beat his strong hands at the small of her back.
As the music continued bodies throbbed and pitched like a low rolling sea with abandon. Hands were in the air and the glow of perspiration shown on the skin of the human faction.
Buffy and Spike continued to dance close bumping and grinding playfully with genuine smiles and laughter when they misstepped or ran into some unsuspecting soul behind them.
As the beat got more persistent Buffy’s hair started to wave from the heat and sweat, the wild cascading waterfall of gold making Spike’s hands itch to brush it back from her damp neck and lick the salt from her skin there.
Buffy watched over his shoulder not seeing his lustful look as Xander and Willow were tapped followed closely by Dawn and Janice. Couples were disappearing fast from the dance floor and now was the time to step it up a bit.
“You see Dirty Dancing?” She asked Spike her deep green eyes pinning him with curiosity and a hint of a smirk knowing full well that he probably seen it more than her simply because of the Patrick Swayze yumminess.
“Poofters movie….only girls watch that.” He said snorting and unwilling to divulge he had a nicked copy of the flick in his crypt and he watched it on a regular basis.
“Yeah well….girls movie or not, the dancing was hot and if we want to win this thing we’re gonna have to pull out the stops.” She said sliding her tiny hands along his broad bare shoulders teasingly but secretly enjoying the feel of the barely controlled strength in them.
Looking down at her his eyes fairly glowed with lust as her touch heated his cool skin. Buffy’s heart skipped a beat as she watched him tilt his head and run his tongue behind his teeth, his well muscled arms tightening around her waist like a vice and pulling her close. “You want to show this crowd what we can really do pet?” His voice was rough and silky at the same time and sent shivers skittering down her spine as she nodded mutely pulled into his deep fathomless eyes. “Right then….let’s do this.”