Written for Bloodshedbaby
Ficathon requirements:
Restrictions: NO DRU
Author Requirements: You must listen to Billy Idol’s greatest hits or at least Rebel Yell over and over again while reading this…It just adds to it!!! That and I listened to it about a billion times while writing this.
Dedicated to : Bloodshed Baby of course cause I wrote it for her. Vampkiss cause Mandi you are the bomb :D Buffybot who was turned on by Bloodshed, Rain who's enthralling :D, HotlipedJen for being constructive in THE best way, CordyKitten who knows a good line when she sees it, Rockerbaby who I hope has a better day today because of it, Bernadette who I hope likes the dancing, and Shippy who kept with me even when we didn't see eye to eye. (love you guys for all the feedback :D)
Physical Attraction
Buffy and Spike jitter bugged through Adam Ant’s Goody Two Shoes, they did the swim during the B-52’s Rock Lobster and they pogo-ed through Romeo Void’s Never Say Never until they and one other couple were the last ones standing.
“OKKKKKKKKKKkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…..” the announcer shouted as the last song came to an end, “WE’VE GOT OUR TWO COUPLES…..”He paused for a moment to let everyone cheer and then shouted out, “10 MINUTE BREAK AND THEN THE DANCE OFF…SO PUT ON THOSE BOOGIE SHOES, GUYS AND DOLLS, CAUSE THIS PLACE IS GONNA ROCK…………………..”
Nodding at each couple the MC flashed ten fingers at them and then left the floor as the couples made their ways in different directions.
*I’m having such a blast….who the hell knew he could dance? But I’m guessing being as old as he is he would be able to dance… but GOD can he move..….Wonder how he’d be in bed? * Buffy thought tossing Spike a huge toothpaste grin as she held her damp locks up trying to fan her neck and leading the way through the teeming crowd towards the bar.
*Bloody hell I’m having a good time…who the hell knew she could move even better on the dance floor than she does slaying…poetry in motion…. Bet she’d move even better in my bed. * Thought Spike as he graced her with one of his extremely rare true smiles a hint of lust in his blue eyes, flooring Buffy in the process, and making her heat up in an entirely different way than just from dancing.
“Water….need…..cold…..uh yeah…” She said blushing profusely. Quickly she grabbed an ice water from the bartender as her vampire tipped back a cold brew his sparkling eyes never leaving the smooth lines of her neck as she swallowed. And he was…her vampire.
Spike watched compelled as a tiny rivulet of heated salty moisture made it’s wending way down her neck and over the soft curve of her breast. When it finally disappeared into the bustier style top of her dress Spike was all but salivating into his beer.
Clearing his throat and tearing his eyes from the all to tempting show of deliciousness he nodded in the direction of her friends craning their necks and peering into the crowd, “Think your mates are looking for ya luv.”
Taking the opportunity of her distraction Spike adjusted his growing erection as Buffy stood on tiptoe resting her hand on his shoulder to steady herself electric shocks making both of them tingly where she touched his bare skin.
“Huh….I’m surprised they didn’t see us on the dance floor, maybe I should go over and let them know I’m ok?” She said more to herself than to him but clearly not wanting to go to her chums as she found herself unable to pull her hand away from his silky smooth flesh.
Wrapping his arm around her tiny waist he smirked at her and then winked, “Now why would you want to do that Slayer? Where’s the fun in that? Besides….if you stay here I can cool you off if you want.” He practically purred in a deep syrupy voice full of promise.
Buffy looked up at him and was lost the minute she gazed into his eyes. Even with her slayer sense screaming at her, her inner devil grabbed a baseball bat and beat the hell out of it leaving her an ooey gooey pile of sweet young girl gazing at her favorite crush.
That’s when she noticed that where he was touching her did indeed feel cooler. Pleasantly so, and Oh…if she pressed up against him like this…..Ooooooo nice….she thought as she tried not to coo but the feel of his body all well muscled and dry and temperature controlled against hers made her long for the feel of skin on skin. ALL OVER.
Spike tried to contain his glee at having the slayer pressing herself against him so intimately but he was a true poet at heart and having his muse, ok so he just now admitted she had been his muse, so close and in his arms was like sweet ambrosia to his soul. Or unsoul….or empty pit of darkness.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts with a wry grin he tipped her flushed face up to his and moved in, drawn by the deep mesmerizing green of her eyes and the sweet dazzling scent of her arousal, stopping just a hint away from her lips with his own.
“Buffy….” He said.
“Uh huh…” she said.
“Gonna kiss you now….”
“Uh huh….”
And with that small utterance from her soft rose petal lips Spike crushed his mouth to hers stealing her breath away and making her heart pound and her head spin with his passion.
As slayer and vampire stood in the middle of the crowded bar area kissing, arms wrapped around each other, lips and tongues exploring and seeking more, the MC for the night dashed back on the floor with his mike.
“WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHOOOOEEE……YOU ALL FEELING GOOOOOOOD?” He shouted as the club shook with the roar from the crowd. “YOU READY TO SEE SOME DANCING?????????” He shouted again as Buffy and Spike pulled apart startled by the sound of the crowd. Realizing that they were about to start the contest without them if they didn’t move they pushed their way to the dance floor hand in hand.
“OK….THEN LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED………..” He shouted as the all too familiar beginning sounds of Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell started and Spike’s face split into a huge grin pumping his fist in the air, “HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHH…..”
Buffy rolled her eyes at the antics of the vamp laughing and then gasping as he pulled her forward onto the dance floor pressing his body against hers as he wrapped one arm around her waist and ground his erection against her not even trying to hide it anymore.
Last night a little dancer
Came dancin' to my door
Last night a little angel
Came pumping on the floor
She said a "Come baby
I've got a license for love
And if it expires
Pray help from above"
Buffy’s inner heat skyrocketed off the charts and her entire body tuned into the sexual haze this man was oozing as she put one hand flat on his chest and moved in a waving motion with him like a huge seductive snake.
In the midnight hour
She cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour, babe
More, more, more
With a rebel yell
More, more, more
More, more, more
Barely covered thighs slid between muscular faded jeans covered thighs and moved to the beat. Spike dipped her back over his arm in a wide sweeping arc Buffy’s long blond locks trailing the floor before snapping her back up eye to eye with him as he led her into a short mambo step.
She don't like slavery
She won't sit and beg
But when I'm tired and lonely
She sees me to bed
What set you free
And brought you to me, babe
What set you free
I need you here by me
Twirling her out from his extended hand he dropped to one knee snapping his fingers in time to the beat and mouthing the words as Buffy turned her back flipping her dress and looking over her shoulder at him sexily tossing her head in invitation. As she moved close to him again he used his vampiric strength and slowly crept up her body from a crouch. Not touching her but driving her wild as his lips just grazed over her entire body until they were face to face again and centimeters apart.
In the midnight hour
She cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
Wrapping his arm around her once more he spun her so that her dress flared and she did a neat little step twirling her and then him under each other’s arms.
He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from the seven eleven
Well he's out all night to collect a fare
Just so long, just so long it don't mess up his hair
Oww Ha
As the music changed and Buffy and Spike swung close to each other their open palms pressed together and their eyes locked onto one another as they pushed against each other mimicking each other’s hip swiveling steps.
Like liquid fire they entranced everyone in the club including the other couple, which had given up knowing when they were beat and now stood to the side encouraging the blonds.
Spinning her one more time and he pulled her back into his arms so that her head rested on his shoulder and her back pressed against his torso. Running his tongue along the side of her neck slowly garnered a loud WOOOOOOOOooooo from the crowd as Buffy moved her hand up to his bleached head and held him there her eyes closing.
I walk the ward for you, babe
A thousand miles with you
I dried your tears of pain
A million times for you
I'd sell my soul for you, babe
For money to burn for you
I'd give you all and have none, babe
Just a, just a, just a, just a
To have you here by me
Singing the lyrics to her in a deep rumbling voice near her ear he wove his wicked web tighter and tighter around her senses as they moved their hips in time with the beat bumping and grinding both sets of hands sliding and teasing.
The music changed for the last time and he grabbed her hands swinging her out again and then pulled her between his legs sliding her along the floor and up so that she ended up with her legs wrapped around his hips. The crowd went wild as they stomped and cheered the duo knowing that they were seeing a rare treat tonight.
In the midnight hour
She cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell
She cried more, more, more
As the music wound down she slid her strong legs over his and continued down until she was draped artfully at his feet. The final notes of the song reverberated through the club as she struck a last pose of deep longing one hand wrapped around the back of his legs and the other splayed on his thigh. He looked down at her panting, his arms in clenched fists hanging by his sides showing his tight muscular arms off as his dead body hummed with pleasure seeing her eyes twinkling back at him.
“YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH…..NOW THAT’S HOW IT’S DONE FOLKS…..” the MC shouted bounding onto the dance floor as the entire place erupted in shrill whistles, shouts and deafening clapping.
Helping Buffy up Spike raised her hand above his as the MC asked their names and then grabbed Buffy’s other hand holding it above her head in victory. “LET’S HEAR IT FOR SPIKE AND BUFFY……………OUR WINNERS!!!!!”
The club continued to go crazy around them as the club goers all amped from the Oscar worthy dancing jumped and shouted all eager to get to dancing themselves and let off some of the steam the blond duo had stirred up.
Tugging Buffy into his side when the MC dropped her hand Spike brushed a kiss against her lips running his hand over the smooth curve of her face knowing that the magical evening was about to come to an end.
“Thanks for the dance luv, maybe I’ll see you around some time.” He said pain flickering in his eyes briefly as he kissed her forehead and then disappeared into the crowd leaving a confused young slayer watching after him.
“Uh….miss? Doesn’t your boyfriend want his prize?” The announcer asked looking at her holding the check for $1000.00 in his hand.
“Huh? Uh…oh….he’s….” She stopped, bit her lip and with a smile dazzling enough to make the announcer feel like he’d just given her a million dollars she nodded. “Oh he’s just shy….I’ll make sure he gets it thanks.”
Buffy turned and clutching the piece of paper walked to the Scoobs table and gave Willow the check. “Here, take care of this for me?” At her nod Buffy turned to Dawn, “I’ll be home tomorrow, you make sure you get to bed as soon as you get home ok and tell mom I went patrolling? I’ve got a certain bleached idiot to catch.” Dawn nodded and hugged her and Willow leaned forward saying, “Go get him Buffy.” Buffy grinned and hugged Willow quickly before turning around and brushing past Xander just as he came back to the table drinks in hand.
“Was that Buffy?” He asked confused.
“Yup.” Willow said folding the check and putting it into her wallet for safe keeping her eyes sparkling with amusement at Dawn.
“Where’s she headed?”
“She said something about catching a blonde idiot.” Willow said taking her coke from Xander and sipping on it as Dawn giggled at the look on his face.
“You’re kidding….tell me you’re kidding, ” He groaned running his hand over his eyes.
“Nope. Better get used to it Xander, me thinks she’s found a partner she actually can dance with.”
Xander slumped into his seat sighing deeply and taking a long swallow of his own drink. “That’s it…I’m turning gay.” He mumbled before looking at Willow hopefully, “They can dance can’t they?”
Willow snorted and shook her head and Dawn just giggled a grin on her face.