Disclaimer – It’s miiinnee! My precious! *Pets the Buffyverse characters* Noooo…you can’t haves it…naughty Joss won’t take it away! It’s all miiine… *shrieks* Thief! He stoles it! Spike was mines!

Oh, um, sorry…wrong story *blushes* What I actually meant to say was that Joss and ME do in fact own everything, and I am just a lowly minion of theirs.

Chapter 5

Buffy let out a loud sigh of relief as she lowered herself into the steaming bath. After the initial sting as the water touched her wounds, she let herself relax. The steaming hot water lapped at her body, the silky texture giving her a feeling of absolute bliss. The smell of lavender floated around the bathroom from both the bath scent and the lavender fragranced candles that she had lit around the tub. She leaned her head against the bath rim and closed her eyes, letting the sensations wrap around her. The heat more therapeutic than it was scalding.

This was what she needed, a hot bath that would be able to soothe away her aches and pains. After deciding to finish off her patrol, a demon decided to attack. She cursed her luck, when she actually wanted a demon to pummel she had to make do with a fledgling, but when she wanted to go home and sleep, a big demon decides that it wants a Slayer-sized snack.

Though the battle didn’t take too long, she didn’t escape without any injuries, though they were only minor ones. What was most annoying was that the demon she encountered exploded into a load of blue slime, slime which stains and ruins clothes. She didn’t know why she even bothered buying anything nice; it would just get ruined while she was out patrolling.

Although the logical part of her brain was telling her that she shouldn’t wear her expensive clothes out slaying, she just didn’t seem to register the fact. The less logical part of her brain (“Faith”) argued that one should look nice while patrolling as you might find a nice, hot guy. Despite the fact that Spike was the only guy that she met on patrol and though he was hot, she was looking for someone who actually had a pulse. Or so she claimed.

So she had had to drag herself home, say a quick “hi” to Dawn -- who was on the phone, as usual -- before taking herself upstairs. And put another perfectly good outfit in the garbage, well perfectly good considering all the demon goo that was all over it.

She closed her eyes, while all her troubles seem to slip into oblivion. Lavender was supposed to be a great stress reliever along with helping you sleep. At least according to Willow who had given it to her as a present while the Glory drama was at full swing. But Buffy just hadn’t the time to use it then. Then again, she doubted that anything short of a heavy-duty spell would have rid her of all the strain that she had then felt.

But now she didn’t have all that to trouble her and so she slowly drifted into a well needed sleep.

An hour later, the cooling water woke her from her slumber. The candles had almost burnt out, so that if she had awakened any later she would have been in darkness. She stretched her body, satisfied with the feeling of peace that she felt. Though she knew that it wouldn’t be long until the pressure of living life would return, she planned to delay it for as long as possible.

I really don’t want to get out yet she mentally pouted. Though the water was now quite cool, it would still feel warmer than what she would feel once she had left the tub. And because of this, combined with her being lazy, Buffy didn’t want to leave the tub.

Ignoring her inner voice that told her to just add more hot water and stay in longer, she stepped out. The cold air hit her instantly, causing her to shiver. Buffy quickly wrapped herself in her bathrobe, hugging it as close as possible to her body as she tried to regain some of her body heat.

Entering her bedroom she noticed how late it was, and she had a feeling that Dawn had yet to eat dinner. Walking over to her sister’s door Buffy realised that Dawn had been on the phone since before she had had her bath. And THIS is the reason why we’re going to lose the house, because Dawn’s gonna talk all my money away.

Beneath all her inner grumbling, Buffy was able to realize that she was being slightly hypocritical. When she was 14, all she really did was talk on the phone or shop. So Dawn was just doing what she did at that age.

“Oh my God! You won’t guess who was totally crushing on you! Guess! Fine…” Dawn paused, just to build up suspense. “Russell Jacobs!” She squealed.

Buffy smiled, yep, she had definitely been like that at Dawn’s age. What had she told Angel in her senior year? Oh yes, that she had once been a carbon copy of Cordelia. Though that thought now caused her to cringe, at the age of 14 she had no real reason to be anything but shallow. She lived in L.A. at a time when she thought vampires and demons were all in horror movies, not in real life. Then she didn’t have the fate of the world resting on her shoulders, and then she hadn’t seen the darker side of the world.

Dawn had already had to grow up so fast. She had to, with their mother dying in the middle of the war against a hell god and then Buffy dying, she had had no real choice. Buffy was glad to see that the past year hadn’t claimed all of Dawn’s innocence.

“No way! She didn’t! When? I can’t believe she did that to him!”

Dawn’s excited squeals brought Buffy out of her musings and back to the reason why she was standing outside her little sister’s room. Food. Though Dawn would claim that she wasn’t hungry just so she could talk for longer, Buffy knew better.

She knocked and opened the door just enough to put her head through. “Dawnie, I’m gonna make us some dinner, so come down in about 20 minutes.”

Dawn lifted her head and mumbled a quick “whatever” before resuming her oh-so-important telephone conversation. Ah, to be 14 again without a care in the world. Buffy thought to herself.

Letting out a sigh she left knowing that she was lucky that she got that one word out of her. Just as she was about to walk down the stairs, Buffy realised that she hadn’t asked Willow.

She hadn’t seen the Wicca since that morning. Dawn had told her that she had retreated into her room just before she had returned from patrol. This wasn’t very unusual, as for the past week since her break up; Willow was seen by Buffy less and less. Buffy guessed that this was how she coped with breaking up with Tara, but she was getting a little worried. Getting so isolated from the group couldn’t be good. Last time she had a break up so bad was with Oz, and that hadn’t worked out well at all. Now she had a lot more experience with magic and that was the main reason why Tara had left her. Whatever happened, Buffy hoped that they could get through it; Willow was already improving as she had spent breakfast with them that morning. Breakfast usually was something between Buffy and Dawn, and if Dawn was late for school, just Buffy.

Knocking on her friend’s door Buffy waited for an answer. None came. She tried again. “Will’s, we’re gonna eat dinner, which means ordering pizza, but do you want something?” She waited but again there was no answer.

Frowning, Buffy slowly opening the door, only to find the lights out. Turning on the light, she could see no sign of the red head.

Turning back to Dawn’s room, she once again opened her door. “Dawnie, did Willow say anything about going out?”

Dawn had managed to disconnect herself from her umbilical cord to the outside world….otherwise known as the telephone. She shook her head. “Maybe she’s with Tara and they’ve decided to get back together!” She said excitedly.

“Maybe.” She said before turning away.

Buffy found that she couldn’t share Dawn’s enthusiasm. Sure she wanted her best friend and Tara to become a couple again, but she doubted it would happen anytime soon. Willow had hurt Tara with her abuse of magic and in turn had lost a lot of her trust. Buffy had a feeling that they still had a lot of work left to do if they were to be as close as they once had been.


Willow was bored.

She had done everything there was to do in Sunnydale, and she was still very bored. It was too early for her to return back to Revello Dr., she had had to pull a ‘Buffy’ and snuck out, but she giggled to herself in realizing she didn’t even need to use the window. Even though she knew that Sunnydale was dangerous at night, she knew she had the power to protect herself. As hard as the transportation spell was to learn, it was worth it, even if it did leave her feeling slightly queasy.

The town had never felt so dull before. Ah, that’s because you’ve always had Tara with you before. A voice reminded her. And it was true. As much as it hurt to think about it, she couldn’t help but remember all the fun times that she had shared with Tara. That was the reason why everything seemed so much more tedious, because she was alone.

Though she wanted Tara back, Willow refused to give up magic. In her mind, she was completely in control and Tara couldn’t understand. Her use of magic wasn’t becoming dangerous, but the opposite. Willow believed that it was good to wield that much power, especially as she was using it for good. Whatever anyone said about the dangers of her magic, Willow couldn’t see their logic.

Sure, the Tabula Rasa had gone slightly wrong, but it wasn’t overly dangerous. Both Buffy and Spike had figured out about their strength and were able to kill the vampires. They would have been able to sort everything out in the long run, so no danger there.

And resurrecting Buffy had been an honest mistake. Willow’s thoughts were that she was just being a concerned friend. And living on Earth wasn’t so bad.

So, in Willow’s eyes it was her friends that didn’t know what they were talking about. But Willow just wished that they could see that.

Willow decided that she would just walk around for just a little longer before returning home. It was either that or returning to the Espresso Pump, and she had already had one too many cups of coffee that evening.

She had been walking for about ten minutes before she heard it. Just a small sound, it could have been an animal, but Willow knew that the sound was someone following her. She had walked into a more remote area of Sunnydale. It was somewhere where she had the chance to think, but now it was also somewhere that she couldn’t call for help.

She walked on, hoping that she had just been paranoid. It was quiet for another five minutes, but then she heard snapping sound, like a twig breaking.

Spinning around she squinted into the dark. There were only a few streetlights on the road, so it was too hard for Willow to make anything out. The only thing that she could then hear was her own heavy breathing.

Praying that she wasn’t being foolish, Willow called into the dark. “Anyone there?” She asked, sounding more defiant than she felt. No one answered, so Willow walked on, her pace quickening.

“Miss Rosenberg.” A voice called.

Willow stopped dead in her tracks. Slowly turning around, she yelped as she came face to face with a vampire who was in his game face.

“Who are you and what do you want with me?” She asked. “And how do you know my name?”

The vampire chuckled. “All very valid questions, but none that can be answered now. All I can say is that my master wishes to meet you.”

“Y-your master? Who is he and why does he want me?”

“I’m afraid I cannot answer those questions just yet. But if you just follow me, you will find out.”

Willow stared at him incredulously and against her better judgment started to laugh. The vampire looked at her with a confused expression on his face. This just made Willow laugh even harder.

Once she was able to control herself, she spoke. “You expect me to follow you? Me, a powerful witch, to actually follow a vampire? How stupid do you think I look? I grew up in this town and I know that following anybody anywhere without knowing them is incredibly dumb! This has got to be a big trap. There-there could be loads of vampires hiding. You lead me to them and BAM! No more Willow! I like being Willow, I don’t want to die!”

The vampire let out a sigh. “That’s a lot of trouble for just one girl who I could kill in a second.”

Willow face became even paler than usual. “You expect me to follow you after you threaten my life?” She asked while slowly backing away. Run. Run. Run! Run!!! She repeated this mantra in her mind.

The vampire seemed to sense this as he shook his head at her. “Now, don’t think about running away from me. Just trust me and follow me.”

Willow looked around wildly, trying to find a way in which to escape, but the darkness obscured the sight. What she wouldn’t give to have Buffy with her right now! She could barely make out the vampire that was stood in front of her. “Y-you actually expect me to trust you when you’re in your grr face? Again, how stupid do you think I am?”

Shrugging, he shook off his game face. “Now will you come with me?” He ran a hand through his black hair, his patience starting to run thin. He couldn’t understand why his master had been so adamant about seeing this girl. He could sense some power surrounding her, but they were on a Hellomouth, surely there had to be others with far more power that her.

“Nope. You’re a vampire and I tend to distrust vamps. Call me crazy. Been there, done that and he killed my goldfish.”

He growled. “The only fucking reason why you’re not dead is because if I kill you, I’m dust. But if I tell my master that I snapped your neck because you were struggling, I’m sure he’ll understand.” Willow’s hand immediately went to her neck. He grinned. “Yes, that neck. That long, creamy, neck, with all that luscious blood pumping right underneath it.”

Willow eeped, which seemed to bring the vampire out of his reverie. “You expect me to trust you when you’re making lust-y eyes at my neck!” She exclaimed.

He sighed, while wondering what he had possibly done to deserve this. “Fine, I’m sorry for ‘making lusty eyes at your neck.’ What you don’t seem to understand is that it really is in your best interest to come with me.”

Willow gulped. So I seem to have two choices, I die here and now or I follow him and more than likely die later. Great (!). Praying that there will be someone somewhere who comes looking for her. Opening them again, she nodded. “Let’s go.”

At this the vampire visually brightened. “Excellent choice! And by the way, I’m Sam.” He told her before he started to walk.

Slowly Willow followed him. If this is such a great choice, why do I feel like I’m a little red lamb being led to the slaughterhouse?


Ten minutes later, Willow was no closer to finding out where she was going. Though the thought of using her magic to dust Sam had crossed her mind, she still wasn’t certain whether other vampires were surrounding them. Then she remembered the useful transportation spell that she used to get out of the house, before the recalling that it took a few moments to gain enough energy to do it, and so he would definitely know that she was up to something. So in the end, she had nothing else to do but follow him and keep asking questions.

He answered every question of hers with either a laugh or a smirk, and soon she had almost given up. Willow realised that though he seemed cleverer that the others she usually encountered, he wasn’t any less annoying than them.

From the way in which Sam talked, Willow was able to conclude that he had been well educated when alive. She placed his accent from New York, though it seemed that he had tried to repress it. And apart from the fact that Sam wouldn’t answer any of her questions and he was a vampire, he didn’t seem that bad. Well, Willow only started thinking that after he stopped looking at her neck and licking his lips.

After a while Willow noticed that the houses which they passed were becoming larger, and it didn’t take her long to realise that they were now in the rich part of Sunnydale. Confused she turned to her companion.

“Why are we in the rich area in Sunnydale? Do we have to pass it to get to wherever we’re going?”

He shook his head at her, “no, my master has a house a little further away.”

Willow looked at him in disbelief. His master lived in a house instead of a crypt or a factory, this is new. What vampire actually owns a house? She knew that while Angel was Angelus he had that mansion; but she was never quite sure whether he had it before or had killed the owners. Knowing Angelus…probably the latter. Well, couldn’t hurt to ask the question that was on her mind. “Did he kill the people who owned the house?”

But all Sam did was laugh and shake his head. “You really don’t trust vampires, do you?”

“Well as your kind does usually try to eat me, I normally don’t put vampires high on my friends list. And you still haven’t answered my question.”

“Fine. As you know, vampires are able to live, or unlive, for a very long time. If we aren’t stupid enough to get ourselves killed, we are also able to accumulate a large amount of money. My master is not stupid, so instead of living in cramped, cold accommodation, he opted to purchase a home. And if you think about it, it does make sense. If he’s going to be staying here, he does need somewhere large to live.”

She took in a deep breath, trying to figure out what exactly she did mean. “What I meant to say was why did your master go to the trouble of buying it, when normal vampire behaviour is to just kill the owner.”

Sam stopped walking for a moment and fumbled around in his coat pocket. After a few seconds he took out a cigarette packet and a lighter. After offering one to Willow, which she declined, he lit the tip and inhaled deeply.

“It’s kinda like me, and other vampires, smoking. We don’t need the cigarette as our lungs are dead and the nicotine doesn’t affect us, but we do it anyway. I guess it’s because we’re holding on to some form of human life, even if our demon hates it. It’s the same for my master. He’s doing something that’s a reminder of when he was alive. Wherever my master goes, he buys a house instead of killing the owner. At first I didn’t understand. Why go to all the trouble of fake papers, when we can have the house in an instant. But now I understand. Plus, what you asked applies to everything. Why pay for anything at all?”

“I never thought of it that way before. One thing though, the thing about your master not being stupid, kinda wrong. He brought a house in the same town as the Slayer. Sounds like a stupid idea to me.”

“You keep on thinking that.” He answered, walking away.

She frowned, trying to understand what he meant. She ran to catch up with him, all thoughts of running away now gone from her mind. “What did you mean by that?” She asked.

But the only answer she received was a shake of his head. Great, we’re back to the cryptic answers again.

They walked together for a few minutes in silence, before Willow became a little more curious about where they were going.

“Didn’t you say we were only a little ways away? How much longer till we get there anyway?”

“We’re here.” Sam told her, coming to a stop.

Willow blushed slightly. “Oh.” She said before turning to the house that they were in front of. “Oohh!” She exclaimed as she saw it.

They were actually standing in front of two large gates, which towered impressively over them. A little further back she could see a large house. It was standing in semi-darkness, but Willow was still able to make out its impressive features. Two white pillars flanked the large wooden door, though Willow could tell that there were carvings in the door, she was unable to make them out. She could see dozens of large windows blankly staring at her with some type of relief in the frames. But what captured Willow’s eye was the large fountain that was placed halfway down the driveway. It was extremely large, like Willow guessed most things would be, but that wasn’t what had caught her attention. In the middle of the large stone pool there was an angel with water shooting from its mouth. But to Willow, it didn’t seem like water. The liquid was deeper in colour and Willow had a strange feeling that it was actually blood, human blood. She knew that she should expect something like this, she was entering the home of a master vampire, but she still felt a little sick at the thought.

“Yeah, that is blood. Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sam asked. He must have seen Willow stare at it, but mistook her repulse for wonder.

“Something like that.” She muttered under her breath.

If Sam heard her he gave no indication of it. But instead he pressed a button on the intercom that was placed next to the gates.

“Yeah, who is it?” A gruff voice asked through the speaker.

“It’s Sam. I have he guest that the master requested.”

Willow heard a small beeping sound before the gates slowly opened. Sam took her arm and pulled her in.

“Because my master has requested you, you shouldn’t have any problems. No one should speak to you, being as you are considered food, however should they I advise you to keep your mouth shut.”

Willow nodded her head; her face had again become paler than usual. Why did I follow him?

Once they got to the door Willow was able to see the carvings, though she was too frightened to enjoy them properly.

“This is where things get a little rough.” Sam murmured.

Before she had the chance ask him what he meant, Sam had opened the door and roughly pushed her through. She stumbled as she fell through. Turning around she saw that Sam again had his game face on and was leering at her. Grabbing her again by her arm he dragged her to the end on the hall.

Inside the mansion was just as impressive as the outside. The walls were light green in colour and as a border there was a gold leaf pattern. Judging from what she had seen, Willow wasn’t surprised if she found the gold leaf was actually made from gold. There were a few vampires in the hallway all stopping when they saw her. To say it made her feel embarrassed was an understatement.

When they reached the stairs, Sam pushed her towards them. “Walk!” He barked. This order seemed to evoke laughter from the other vampires, and Willow had no choice but to obey.

He grabbed her arm again, but let it go as soon as they were out of sight. She rubbed her arm, which now had red handprints on them. She glared at him, but he just shrugged.

“I have to keep up my reputation.” He explained. “We still have another flight of stairs to go up. But no one should be around here.” He said while they walked down the corridor. Willow thought, belatedly, that the last statement he made sounded just like Spike.

Willow noted that each floor had a different colour scheme. The first had an earthy feel, the walls on the second floor were painted a deep blue, and the third floor was deep red.

Suddenly Sam stopped in front of a large door, and Willow guessed that his master stood on the other side.

“This is where I leave you.” He told her. “Just knock on the door and when he answers go in. It’s been fun, Miss Rosenberg. And I promise, the next time that I see, I won’t try to eat you…but after that I’m not so sure.” He gave her a wink and walked back down the corridor.

Willow took a deep breath, a few times, and placed her hand on the door handle. But the second she did, a gasp escaped her lips and he stumbled backwards. The power that she felt radiating from the room was like none she had felt before. And it was pure evil. She couldn’t understand how she could have missed it. Sure, auras had always been Tara’s specialty, but how could she have missed it? The whole house was drenched in evil. It was such pure darkness that she couldn’t believe it had taken her this long to feel it. What she could feel didn’t come from the vampires downstairs, but from one vampire who was on the other side of the door, and wanted to see her.

She was even more frightened than before, and now she knew that there was no way in which she could escape, she was trapped.

At that point she was shaking, but nevertheless, she raised her arm and knocked, praying that maybe no one would answer. But unfortunately, someone did.

“Come in.” A voice called.

As she opened the door her fear intensified, if that was possible. The room, like most of the house, was dimly lit, the only source of light being the large fireplace. Even if her eyes were closed she would know that the man that was now facing her was the infamous master. Since he was the focus of the dark aura that she had felt.

Willow was surprised at how young he looked, but she didn’t let looks deceive her. Though he looked young, Willow was able to feel how old he actually was. He had a pale face and red lips which seemed out of place on him. And though black hair covered most of his eyes, she could still make out the piercing green irises.

“Miss Rosenberg delighted to meet you. I’m so glad that you chose to join me.” He smiled.

More like I was forced. She thought, but was too scared to say out loud, so instead she smiled back.

“I’m sure you are wondering why I wished to see you, I am guessing that Sam only told you the bare minimum.”

His accent sounded more aristocratic than Giles, but unlike Giles, he didn’t sound stuffy.

“First of all, my name is Marcus.” He told her, holding out his hand. And she held hers out; he took it in his grip and placed a kiss on the top of her hand.

“Please, make yourself comfortable.” He told her, indicating one of the large chairs that stood before the fireplace.

To scared to refuse, Willow sat down, Marcus followed by sitting on the second seat.

“Though this is the first time that we have met, and it was only this evening that you knew about me, I have followed you for quite a while now.”

“You have?” Willow squeaked.

“Ah, so you do speak!” He laughed, and Willow felt herself blush. “And yes, I have been following you. Your character has interested me as I feel you may be able to help me. Miss Rosenberg, I know about the immense power that you hold. For someone that is at such a young age and already has this much power is amazing. And so, I have concluded that your talents would be of use to me. I want you to join me, to use an old cliché, come over to the dark side.”

Willow could do nothing but stare.

“I know this is a lot to take in, but I believe that it is in your best interests. You are powerful now, sure, but imagine if you embraced your other side, the darker side. The magic that you practice now is limiting, but you will not have anything restricting you if you choose dark magic. I know that you have tasted it before, when you resurrected the Slayer.”

Willow’s head shot up, eyes wide. “H-how do you know about that?”

Marcus laughed. “I told you Miss Rosenberg, I have been watching your moves for quite a while, and researching what I have missed. It was quite fortunate for me that the Hellmouth would provide me with all that I needed. I have travelled across the world, and though I have encountered witches more powerful than you, I have no doubt that if you do embrace your full power, so you will be stronger than them all.”

“You want me to join you and turn my back on my friends. And let’s not forget the part about becoming evil!”

“If to better yourself you must turn your back on your friends, then so be it. These so-called friends of yours are just holding you back, you increasing power frightens them. They cannot understand the need you feel to increase your magic! You try to help, yet they think that it is you that needs help. Now tell me, do they sound like friends to you? And the darkness within you is already a part of you, your soul that is. What you struggle with, my dear, is accepting your fate.”

“No. They are my friends. I won’t become what I have been helping to kill. I won’t become evil, it doesn’t matter what you say, nothing will change my mind.”

Marcus rose from his seat and went to stand next to the fireplace. “It’s funny. Now that I have become a vampire I do not need the warmth that this fire provides me. It shouldn’t affect me, but it does. Standing in front of it gives me some form of comfort, but that is all it gives me. It is the same with your friends. You’ve had them there for so long that you no longer know what to do without them. They are what give you comfort. But I can help you, I can show you how to live without them, and in turn, your power will also rise.”

“No,” She whispered. “They’re my friends; they’re more than just comfort.”

Marcus turned to her, a kind smile on his face. ‘I understand this must be a lot for you to take in. Take some time to think about it, and I am sure that you will come to the right decision. In a few days I will send Sam out to bring you here again. I am sure that you will choose wisely.”

“I don’t need a few days, I won’t betray my friends.”

“Miss Rosenberg, it seems to me that you are more worried about your friends then you are about yourself. Shouldn’t you do what is best for yourself, not them? They may be your friends but that does not mean that they know what is right for you. As I said take a few days to think about it, and choose what you believe is right. Don’t you want to further you experience with magic? You and I both know how much more you are capable of. You may return home now. But remember, you will be seeing Sam soon. Farewell Miss Rosenberg, it has been a pleasure to meet you and I hope I will meet you again.”

Willow muttered a quick goodbye before rushing out of the door. She ran downstairs as fast as possible. Unlike when she arrived, not one vampire was in the hallway. Probably out hunting. She thought to herself.

As she reached the gates outside, they opened without her having to press any buttons. Looking back, she was unable to see anyone, but had no doubt that one of Marcus’ minions was probably watching her as she left.

She broke into a run as she left the manor. She ran down the street, not stopping until she was satisfied with the distance, though she didn’t exactly know where she had ran to, but at that time she didn’t really care. She bent over trying to catch her breath while her mind tried to sort out what exactly had happened.

He had wanted her to become evil. Though when Marcus first told her that she refused to listen, soon his arguments were making sense, too much sense and that scared her. What he described to her, all that power, sounded so good to her and while she sat there she had wanted to become stronger, had wanted to embrace the darkness within. He had said things that she had been feeling for a while. How her friends didn’t understand about her power. But what had frightened her most of all was that if she had stayed any longer, she probably would have agreed and betrayed her friends. She couldn’t even bare thinking about it.

But there was one line that he said that troubled her the most.

”It was quite fortunate for me that the Hellmouth would provide me with all that I needed.”

Whatever Marcus’ plans were, they didn’t stop with her. Willow realised that if he had his way and she joined him, then he would probably use her power to take over the Hellmouth. But he just needed to do something else first, Willow could feel it.

But whatever it was, Willow was sure that she would have no part in it. She just hoped that her resolve wouldn’t fade…


::waves:: Uh, hi. Wow another update, betcha didn’t expect this did ya? I have a helluva lot of problems going on and exams so the next update might not be for a while…then again, I might surprise you (and myself) and update sooner.

And of course a big huggles to my beta Beth, who actually makes this fic slightly decent! *Mwah*

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