
Chapter 4

Willow returned from her phone call and noticed the sparks flying between the two. She smiled inwardly and stopped in the front room.

“Spike you want a coffee?” Willow asked and seeing him nod she went to the kitchen to finish making it.

Buffy followed her and sat at the counter.

“Was that a little flirting I witnessed?” Willow asked in a sing song voice.

Buffy shook her head vigorously.

“God no, just talking.” She gasped out.

Willow giggled at the flustered face of her best friend.

“Well it wouldn’t hurt would it?” willow commented innocently.

“A world of no, Willow. It could only lead to bad things and I so don’t need any worries at the moment.” Buffy answered seriously.

Willow watched her oldest friend and felt her heartstrings pull, for a moment there, she had seen some of the old Buffy, but the she had closed off again.

Buffy drank her coffee in silence as Willow took some out to Spike. When Willow returned Buffy was rinsing her cup in the sink.

“Well I’d better go, are you sure it’s okay to come over again?” Buffy kept the hope out of her voice, as silly as it was; she had really enjoyed herself today. She had felt free for a while.

“Of course your welcome anytime, Buffy. It’s been really great seeing you again.” Willow hugged her oldest friend tightly and saw her out.

Willow wandered through to the front room and Spike spoke without looking up from his guitar.

“Will she be back?” he asked nonchalantly.

“Yeah, she wants to work on her stuff more.” Willow answered with a small smile.

“So she really wrote that song?” he asked this time with curiosity.

“Yep, she was always creative; she used to paint as well.” Willow explained.

“Used to?” Spike questioned.

“She has a really complicated life Spike.” Willow spoke cryptically, she wasn’t going to fill him in, if Buffy chose to then it was her choice.

“Don’t we all Red.” Spike snorted.

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