Chapter 7

3 months pregnant and been in this new dimension for 6 months Buffy felt something was wrong. It was Dawn’s third birthday and she was sitting outside sitting on the ground playing with the kids. She felt a sudden shock and flash of light and a glimpse of some sort of wood. She was back on the ground again and everyone standing around her looking panicked. She saw Willow and grabbed her hand and said “Their trying to bring me back”. Willow looked at her panicked and said “But you can’t, I don’t think our Buffy will come back to her body now.” Buffy looked scared and felt another flash of pain engulf her and she saw another flash of wood. She once again stared at Willow and said in a pained voice “Tell William I will find a way back and I love them, Oh god Will, I am still in a coffin. The last thing she saw before being back in her coffin was a look of horror from both Willow and the emerging Ambulance men with William.

She awoke with a gasp of fear and horror at seeing wood and slammed her fist through the wood breaking it easily.

##Alternate reality

Willow gasped as she saw a light go out of her friend’s body, but what surprised her was the second light that followed it. No one else seemed to notice, everyone too worried to see.

##Buffy’s world.

Buffy climbed out and looked around, this couldn’t be her world, it was so bright and painful and her friends wouldn’t have left her in a coffin. She must be in some kind of hell dimension. Her first rational thought wasn’t actually a rational one, she thought maybe she could get back if she jumped in another portal. So she set of in the general direction of the tower.

She passed some demon’s which only confirmed her suspicion, and upon seeing herself, she couldn’t help but yell.

This made them turn to chase her causing her to run in any direction just to get away. She rounded a corner and saw her friends but she couldn’t understand what they were saying and everything was fuzzy so she ran away and hid against a wall. The Xander shaped demon came close to her and was saying something but she couldn’t understand, the tingling however she did and she saw the demon from before behind him. She got up and walked to him ready to defend even these Friend shaped demons. Once they were dead she ran and found the tower.

Up on the tower she found her voice and started going through what she had said before going to William. Something stopped her though and she turned to see someone familiar. The girl was crying and trying to persuade her to stay but she didn’t want to stay in hell. Why didn’t anyone understand that? So she asked the girl in a quiet voice “Is this hell?”

Then it all started coming back and she remembered the girl in front of her was Dawn, not her daughter, not the three year old but her sister Dawn.

So she had protected her and then cried in her arms and let herself be taken back to her old house. She had cleaned her up and given her nice clothes but Buffy was still staring blankly trying not to think about what she had left behind and how hysterical he must be. She just kept seeing the crying face of her three year old, she got half down the steps before seeing William. She stared in shock at him but when she spoke she knew he wasn’t the same person.

He looked at her in awe and held him same love as her William but it spoke of darkness not light. So she had let him take to a seat but couldn’t find the comfort in his cold body so similar to her William but so different.

The gang had come and she let them believe she was alright and went to her bed. She cried herself to sleep, cried for her Dawn, her William and her unborn child.

1 month in this world and Buffy had no idea how it happened and she really didn’t care but she was still pregnant with Williams’s child. Her problem was how to explain to the gang that they pulled her out of a world where she had a family and was now still expecting her second child. She had just told them thank you for ripping her from hell and walked outside. She couldn’t keep it a secret for long but maybe she could go to Angel and tell him. “What brings you out here, pet”.

She looked up in shock and said “Wi Spike what are doing out here?” He shrugged and said “Heard the big group speech didn’t want to interrupt”. She looked embarrassed and said “You heard that?” He nodded and she said “It isn’t real” He looked shocked and she said “You hear it don’t you?” He looked down before nodding again and she said “He promised me it would be ok now, but he lied”. Spike tilted his head and said “Who?” She looked down and said “My William”. His eyes narrowed and said “William?” She bit her lip and said “I wasn’t in hell Spike”. He nodded and said “I gathered that, with the nibblet in your stomach”. She nodded and said “It was heaven, I had a husband and a child and expecting, well I still am but I loved them and then my friends they pulled me away from that. It was time to die here Spike”. He looked shocked and didn’t say anything; she turned to walk away before stopping in a patch of sunlight and said “They can never know.”

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