Membership status: Member
still a huge Buffyverse fan and have been reading at this site for a long time -
owner of The Whedon World Gallery art site features original art and digital studies plus small amount of fic and poetry -
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 0
Date: 03/04/2018 Title: Chapter 1: The Substitute
Excellent short story on the theme of reality -
Categories: Serial Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 62912
Date: 06/02/2015 Title: Chapter 1: Paradox
Great Start - it's just as tragic as their morning after in the series - well done.
Date: 06/02/2015 Title: Chapter 1: Paradox
Great Start - it's just as tragic as their morning after in the series - well done.
Date: 06/03/2015 Title: Chapter 10: Harsh Realities
Good chapter - and this is Buffy season six - you have her just right.
Date: 06/03/2015 Title: Chapter 19: The Absence of Love (AKA Passion)
NICE chapter with the theme of Non-Love, especially liked the Buffy - Alexis last line and the connection back to Riley Finn.
In some ways, I kinda wish that Spike would not agree to have this non-love sex with Buffy.
Date: 06/04/2015 Title: Chapter 20: Fade Out
NICE having Giles finally telling the secret -
Date: 06/04/2015 Title: Chapter 23: Come Back to Me
I was sad that it took so much make Buffy see, using that old saying, what was right in front of her.
Date: 06/04/2015 Title: Chapter 25: Tipsy
Well - I hope the result is that Spike will regain his vampire strengths - much as I like human Spike that allowed for Alexis I think Spike needs to be a combination of his powerful vampire demon and his William human side.
Date: 06/04/2015 Title: Chapter 33: Hellos and Goodbyes
I've enjoyed reading your story again very much -
Date: 06/04/2015 Title: Chapter 34: Hey, I'm having a baby here!
Nice change -
Date: 06/04/2015 Title: Chapter 36: Epilogue
Wonderful Baby Fic - I loved our Alexis and how you used the transformation of Spike into human and then back again. Plus, having Tara and Willow back together added NICE - same for Anya and Xander. Like your use of all the characters.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 71388
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 9: A different turn
This is so horrible for poor Dawn - I just hope to all TPTB that he will recognize her.
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 15: A coming awake
excellent chapter - talk about KARMA for all those years she refused to acknowledge his attempts to be that better man/vampire for her.
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 19: A step back
Nice forward movement point for Buffy and Spike - while it is the obvious advantage for Willow to do a reconstructed memory spell we would be missing all their snark and tensions.
Date: 08/05/2015 Title: Chapter 5: A version of the past
I love this story - Glad to be reading it once again.
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 22: A scene replayed
Well - we knew it was coming still a bitch when it came.
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 32: Epilogue
Wonderful story - enjoyed it Super Much as I have enjoyed your other work.
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 26: A gift of power
intense with the drinking of Dawn's blood - you did a wonderful job with all the conflicting emotions and trauma for Buffy, Spike - they have so much terrible history between them.
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 27: A battle commences
Nice to have some of the original Sunnydale Slayers in the battle -
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 28: A small victory
Great job with your battle scene -
Date: 08/06/2015 Title: Chapter 30: A moment in the aftermath
What a wonderful touch using that iconic scene from the series -
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 29 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 54009
Date: 06/02/2015 Title: Chapter 20: As You Are
Always hated how JW and his writers did this treatment of Buffy - the pathetic clinging girl friend who was so vulnerable to Riley and his Mrs. Perfect. I did then and continue to interpret Riley's return as Buffy's inner demons haunting her life which manisfested in her projecting all her extreme mental distress onto Spike.
Date: 06/02/2015 Title: Chapter 22: When it all Falls Down
A bit evil? You Think!
Date: 06/02/2015 Title: Chapter 29: Your Reward
Wonderful time travel piece - I read it before and enjoyed it very much on this re-read.