Summary: Spike, Buffy, Faith, Cordelia, and Riley are all in a band "The sexi five". Buffy is the lead singer who is dating Angel a famous billionaire. Spike is dating a famous t.v. star Drusilla. But somehow Buffy gets pregnant by Spike who she hates.
Eventually Spuffy
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 6943
Member Since: 11/06/2006
Membership status: Member
My name is Keala(kayla) I am currently a highschool senior, who is a spuffyaholic/spuffanatic! I've been writing fanfic for awhile now for my own personal use. But a couple of days ago I decided I wanted to start writing to give others the joy of my writings. So just bare with me!
I have been watching Buffy since forever! I even had the movie when it came out! That was the first sight I got of Buffy, then when the show came out I loved it! I have all 7 seasons on dvd many many books, my favorite episodes transcript "Once more, with feelings"
I have grown up around the paranormal! So when BTVS came out it was like heaven lol! I love fanfic! I have been reading it for quite some time now!
Membership status: Member
My name is Keala(kayla) I am currently a highschool senior, who is a spuffyaholic/spuffanatic! I've been writing fanfic for awhile now for my own personal use. But a couple of days ago I decided I wanted to start writing to give others the joy of my writings. So just bare with me!
I have been watching Buffy since forever! I even had the movie when it came out! That was the first sight I got of Buffy, then when the show came out I loved it! I have all 7 seasons on dvd many many books, my favorite episodes transcript "Once more, with feelings"
I have grown up around the paranormal! So when BTVS came out it was like heaven lol! I love fanfic! I have been reading it for quite some time now!
Stories by Keala
[Report This] Published: 11/06/2006 Updated: 11/10/2006