Summary: Goes off canon – School Hard. Since the Bronze, Spike finds himself entranced by the Slayer, deciding to capture her. However, a battle of wills ensues: as Buffy becomes desperate to escape the blonde vamp, she begins to find him attractive, just as Spike finds it increasingly hard to kill her. Both look deep and find new power and new feelings that previously were unthinkable. Dark fic.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Violence, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: No
Word count: 31456
Member Since: 04/21/2007
Membership status: Member
Love Spuffy, and reading all related fiction. I've have decided to give it a go myself - so be kind!
All comments are warmly appreciated.
Apologies for not updating anything on my story.. After exams I had an accident and took time off! Sadly, I also don't have a beta anymore, and am become a little dishearted - unable to find a replacement. I honestly would love to continue writing, but I really need some guidance. Thank you to everybody who read my story and left such wonderful messages, and I hope to be able to update sometime soon.
Membership status: Member
Love Spuffy, and reading all related fiction. I've have decided to give it a go myself - so be kind!
All comments are warmly appreciated.
Apologies for not updating anything on my story.. After exams I had an accident and took time off! Sadly, I also don't have a beta anymore, and am become a little dishearted - unable to find a replacement. I honestly would love to continue writing, but I really need some guidance. Thank you to everybody who read my story and left such wonderful messages, and I hope to be able to update sometime soon.
Stories by Fia
[Report This] Published: 04/29/2007 Updated: 01/16/2010