Summary: She hated him on principle. He was arrogant and sarcastic and he had stupid, obnoxious hair and my god the best ass she had ever seen.
At Sunnydale High, Buffy and Spike are the infamous bickering duo. Only two things are certain in the whole high school: weird stuff constantly happens in the basement, and Buffy and Spike hate each other. In an effort to get the blonde duo to get along, the faulty pairs them together for their senior project, complete with a prayer that the collaboration doesn't end in homicide.
Yet, it couldn't be sexual tension and unbridled lust lurking beneath the ostensible hatred between the two blondes, could it? Both Buffy and Spike come to see how thin the line between hate and lust is...
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes
Word count: 2365
Member Since: 01/25/2009
Membership status: Member
Hi, I'm Sarah
But most people call me by my middle name, Lexi
I've been obsessed with Spuffy since I first started watching BtVS three years ago. I just wish I had found fan fiction sooner! I usually just enjoy reading, but recently I've tried writing in hopes of expressing all these spuffy feels I get from the comics, plus I like to imagine Spike naked
Membership status: Member
Hi, I'm Sarah
But most people call me by my middle name, Lexi
I've been obsessed with Spuffy since I first started watching BtVS three years ago. I just wish I had found fan fiction sooner! I usually just enjoy reading, but recently I've tried writing in hopes of expressing all these spuffy feels I get from the comics, plus I like to imagine Spike naked
Stories by icepower55
[Report This] Published: 05/26/2015 Updated: 05/26/2015