Rating: U
This by Panta_Rei Rated: U [Reviews - 5]
Summary: This is a quick poem that I wrote kind of spur of the moment. I've been experimenting with repitition. It wasn't meant to be about Buffy and Spike, but that's what came to mind when I read it.
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 132
[Report This] Published: 03/12/2005 Updated: 03/12/2005
Summary: A poem Spike left Buffy at the end of season 6. Please review!!!!!disclaimer- i own nothing to do with Buffy the vampire slayer, i'm just inspired by it
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 129
[Report This] Published: 03/16/2005 Updated: 03/16/2005
This Love by aoife Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 10]
Summary: Spike and Buffy have been dating on and off for three years. Buffy keeps breaking up with him "for his own good", but she always comes back. what happens when one day Spike decides he doesn't want her back?
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1460
[Report This] Published: 11/26/2006 Updated: 11/26/2006
This Me by CrimsonAngel Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 3]
Summary: buffy and faith switch bodies again. this time season 7.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2018
[Report This] Published: 10/12/2009 Updated: 10/12/2009
Time line by lindsay Rated: U [Reviews - 3]
Summary: Just a little something that popped into my head afetr sleep deprivation. Leave a review if you like it!!!disclaimer- i own nothing to do with Buffy the vampire slayer, i'm just inspired by it
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 213
[Report This] Published: 03/22/2005 Updated: 03/22/2005
Summary: William and Spike are on the run, and eveyone is looking for them, read heart will lead, part one for exstended summery
Categories: NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 20624
[Report This] Published: 05/13/2005 Updated: 02/03/2006
Summary: There’s a new kid starting at Sunnydale High….
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2081
[Report This] Published: 06/29/2007 Updated: 06/29/2007
Summary: This is the third part in a series. It follows 1: All That Love Went To Waste; 2: A Blood Red Sun; and 3: Come And Find Love.
Categories: General NC-17 Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2755
[Report This] Published: 07/02/2004 Updated: 07/02/2004
Summary: Sort of a poem story about how Spuffy has been the last two episodes.
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 0
[Report This] Published: 05/14/2003 Updated: 05/14/2003
Summary: Why did Buffy wake up in Touched? For what reason did she wake up? Explores what could have happened leading to an totally differnt ending.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 11733
[Report This] Published: 11/08/2004 Updated: 02/15/2005
Summary: It's the same story but with a Spuffy twist!
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1052
[Report This] Published: 12/09/2003 Updated: 12/09/2003
Summary: The second Twas the Night Spuffy style. This one is set after Sunnydale go boom. Hope you like it and Merry Xmas early everyone!!!
Categories: Comedy fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Parody
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1257
[Report This] Published: 12/05/2004 Updated: 12/05/2004
Summary: Final de la séptima temporada.
Categories: General
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1569
[Report This] Published: 01/24/2007 Updated: 01/24/2007
Unseen by Marisol Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 21]
Summary: When William was a little boy, he had an invisible friend that he called Buffy. His mother and a child psychologist convinced him that his little girlfriend was just a product of his fantasy. But now, twenty years later, something happens that make hin wonder whether Buffy is really only a phantasm...
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4472
[Report This] Published: 12/21/2007 Updated: 03/17/2008
untouchable by silly_bint Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Beginning of a series which centers on the word 'untouchable'. Buffy has just returned from heaven
Categories: Serial Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1155
[Report This] Published: 11/04/2006 Updated: 11/04/2006
Summary: Spike just wants to go to bed, but Buffy can't sleep with one of life's great mysteries on her mind... Just a bit of slice of life fluff and fun...
Categories: Comedy fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2292
[Report This] Published: 12/23/2008 Updated: 12/23/2008
Summary: Willow's spell has some far-reaching effects. (Sequel to "Prayers for a Poet." But can be read on its own.) Post "Chosen"/"Not Fade Away" *This story is part of a series which has been nominated at the SunnyD Awards*
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 69 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 139245
[Report This] Published: 07/18/2005 Updated: 03/14/2006
Vigil by white avenger Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: Spike comes to find Buffy
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 1373
[Report This] Published: 10/03/2009 Updated: 10/03/2009
Summary: In 1943 Spike is captured by the British army and given a chance to save Dru's life - and his own. And in 2001, Buffy is given a chance by Quentin Travers to travel back in time to save the world - again!
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 35 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 84802
[Report This] Published: 08/07/2008 Updated: 03/06/2010
Wedding Fashions by mat528 Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 4]
Summary: Buffy and Spike discuss their wedding fashion preferences.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 558
[Report This] Published: 04/03/2010 Updated: 04/03/2010
Summary: My endings to any episode i damn well want them to be. What do you get when you combine a sleep deprived teenager, caffeine, Benadryll, and a slightly crazy mind?! Why, this story of course!!! (this story is not supposed to make sense. it's just what happens when i'm bored)
Categories: Ficlets/Song Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2108
[Report This] Published: 10/13/2004 Updated: 12/28/2004
Summary: Inspired by the nominations for The Best of Friends that I recieved at Loves Last Glimpse I wrote a sequel. Willow steps in when she overhears Buffy and Spike talking during first date
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2563
[Report This] Published: 09/16/2005 Updated: 09/16/2005
Summary: Set after The Body - Spike helps Buffy and Dawn cope with life without their mother whilst Buffy struggles to come to terms with her feelings for Spike and how he fits in with her and her sister's lives.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10043
[Report This] Published: 09/12/2005 Updated: 09/30/2005
What You Will by KaylaTM Rated: U Liked [Reviews - 12]
Summary: Spike wants Cecily who likes Oz who is really Buffy pretending to be her brother and he’s dating Cordelia who thinks Cecily is trying to steal her man so they, like, totally hate each other and then Buffy (pretending to be Oz) starts to develop feelings for her roommate Spike who so isn’t like that so everything becomes one HUGE mess. What’s a girl pretending to be a guy to do? And, um—confused, much?
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 4439
[Report This] Published: 07/23/2007 Updated: 07/23/2007
Summary: Spike reflects on his relationship with Buffy, while sitting in a bar. Based on the song at the end of the fic.
Categories: General Fics
Characters: None
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1673
[Report This] Published: 09/30/2004 Updated: 09/30/2004