Reviews For Baby Love
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Reviewer: Mac Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 02:43 am Title: Crash

Darn you and your long chapters! *sigh* I gues I'll have to manage. ;) Great chapter. The situtations were very realistic with Buffy leaving before he woke up. Loved that Spike was so concernedd. He's so sweet. As always can't wait for more, I guess I'll have to use my imagination.....

Reviewer: jeanie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 02:06 am Title: Crash

great story. can't wait for more. please update soon.

Reviewer: ariadne Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 01:49 am Title: Crash

oh gods...*drops to the floor* good gods woman you are evil!!!! *hugs* i am so glad these are long chapters. you can make them as long as you want. i will never complain....:)

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 01:48 am Title: Crash

loved it but please dont end it there

Reviewer: OpAL Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 01:37 am Title: Crash

Running to the store now to buy a carton of cigarettes!!! Nummy chappie Nia!

Reviewer: blondiebear Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 01:28 am Title: Crash

loved it. that was great. i know it will be worth it when they finally do go ALL THE WAY! keep up the great work. loved it.

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 12:46 am Title: Crash

Sad that he had to wake up alone... poor guy! But oh man!!! Isn't it like, a LOT risky to be doing what they are doing INSIDE the school!? If they really don't want to get him in trouble, they should really consider relocating their little, uhm, sex fest. lol. Good chapter! Update soon!

Reviewer: DK Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 12:36 am Title: Crash

YES! Great place to stop, imagination is a wonderful thing. Really need a smoke. Thanks for the great chapter.

Reviewer: slinkyPK Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/29/2005 - 12:13 am Title: Crash

What?! This goes beyond itty-bitty evil-y stuff! This is super-sized DMV type evil! WAAAAHHHH!!! You stopped right at the good part!

Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/28/2005 - 11:54 pm Title: Crash

Nia I love you!!! Heehee, that was so sweet. I so love this story. Longer chapters? Keep them coming! =)

Reviewer: Addie Logan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/28/2005 - 11:39 pm Title: Crash

That is a rather evil place to leave it. And I can't imagine it, cause then my brain would be even mushier than it already is. LOL Good chapter with lots of good, strong writing conveying how they feel for each other and their thoughts. Although I just have to say that Buffy is quite insane. Getting out of a Will-filled bed? Yeah, I couldn't do that even if someone paid me big piles of cash...

Reviewer: H Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/28/2005 - 11:32 pm Title: Crash

I....well...yeah..that was...just.......EVIL!!!! Off to take a cols shower now!

Reviewer: NEO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/28/2005 - 11:09 pm Title: Crash

It was great!!

Reviewer: ace Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/28/2005 - 11:02 pm Title: Crash

Oh my god, that was so damn hot. I need to go shower now. And oh how I love the naming of the butterflies who have taken up residence in Buffy's stomach. I bow to your genius and anxiously await each and every update. You, my friend, rock like a rocking thing.

Reviewer: ariadne Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 06:31 pm Title: Sugar Taste

oh nia...what a chapter....the best yet!!!!!! i love love love this story..have i said that before? oh well if i have, i just love it!!!!!

Reviewer: Cassiopea Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 03:52 pm Title: Sugar Taste

Your story is absolutely exquisite , beautifully written and perfeclty, delightfully hot in the last chapter. Waiting eagerly for more !

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 06:21 am Title: Sugar Taste

i liked it too!! actually more than that!! i loved it!! it was awesome!! what a great smutty scene!! fantastic!! you have talent girl!! just loved it!! thanx so much!! can't wait...literally...for more!! so please...pretty please update soon ;)

Reviewer: Mermaid310 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 05:03 am Title: Sugar Taste

That was so worth the wait. Great chapter, thanks for the update!

Reviewer: Mac 1 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 12:52 am Title: Sugar Taste

First I want to make clear that I love this story. Then I want to say that this is wrong on so many levels....But dang it's fun to watch it unfold. Personally, since we as devoted readers know that their intentions are true and they should be together, etc. But in the real world where things are never that apparent, this would be sooooo sleazy of Spike to do this. She's been thrown out of one home, locked out of another, her friends aren't available, she's been on the street for a day night, and she's hungry and tired and alone and miserable - and then Spike comes along to help her and at the first opportunity he does this! That is terrible! But in this story it's wonderful. I have to go and unpretzel myself now. Aside from that, I do love the way you are having the story unfold, and the last chapter was very hot and very sweet. And although I don't know what you're going to do next, I think there could be big repercussions about what just happened there. Instant regret and insecurity....? Thank you for sharing this one with us. Please please update soon.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2005 - 10:12 pm Title: Sugar Taste

First I only thought - Yay - they kissed. But than i got hotter *smile* I hope they we'll magange to stay together. It'ss be hard.

Reviewer: Ashlie Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2005 - 05:47 pm Title: Sugar Taste

I loved this chapter!! Awesome Awesome work! Finally whole bunches of yummy spuffy goodness! I'd love for them to actually have sex, and read what happened the next day in school. That would be funny.

Reviewer: Tara Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2005 - 01:15 pm Title: Sugar Taste

I knew when you got to the lovin' it would be great and it was. They are so good together!!! I know certain people will be squicked by the age thing, but in this story it is just an obstacle that must be overcome to the path of true love. LOVE IT!!!!

Reviewer: carri Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2005 - 01:04 pm Title: Hanging by a moment

Great chapter and poor Buffy. What a crappy family! I hope she'll have a couple nice days with Will in L.A.

Reviewer: Lyann Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2005 - 10:22 am Title: Sugar Taste

Oh definately liked thich chapter! Very hot indeed--got my heart pounding! ;) Can't wait for the nect update

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/22/2005 - 07:49 am Title: Sugar Taste

Really good chapter! I loved how you did it. I didn't even think about the fact that if they got together and got caught, people might think that the baby was Will's and not Riley's. Really interesting, and I'm glad you pointed that out! So yeah, really good chapter! Update soon!

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