Reviews For Master
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Reviewer: Jessica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 06:40 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

I like this story. I can't wait to find out what happens next.

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 06:35 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

YAY!! Spike is back!! *Claps happily* But... he's all hurt! Poor thing!! And EW! Please let Damon die a horrible, painfully, humiliating death! He more than deserves it! *Growls* I'm just glad Spike is back and free of the torture! Please please update really soon!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 04:33 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

:-D I saw the chapter last night, but it was to late. So I took only a sneak preview :) Ah! Giles comes to his senses - at last!! And that Spike is back - and nothing deadly did happen. :)

Reviewer: ~*~tasha~*~ Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 04:17 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

Good chapter. That is a hard subject to write about, but you handled it tactfully and well. I'm glad that they got there before Damon could rape her though. I wonder how Buffy will react to Spike now that she thought she lost him. I hope things get better for them. I look forward to the next update.

Reviewer: Burnz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 02:48 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

Whew! That was quite a chapter! What to do with Damon? Hmm...I vote for castration! Yeah! Or at least a slow extremely painful death. Is that wrong? *Burnz grins evilly*

Reviewer: FaintlyRememberBreathing Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 01:37 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

Great chapter. I love the fact that Buffy's nightmares were explained and Spike got there just in time. Can't wait to read more.

Reviewer: blessedkarma Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/17/2005 - 12:37 am Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

great chapter, looking forward to the next one! I like the way you portrayed the sadistic side of Gildes too. Always knew he had it in him!

Reviewer: Ashlee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2005 - 10:37 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

Finally- he's back! So relieved. Excellent chapter- I can't wait for more! And the attempted rape wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been- so if there are any flames, they obviously didn't listen to your warning :-)

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2005 - 10:36 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

So the truth finally comes out about Damon and his stupid plans- what a jerk. Poor Buffy to have to deal with that whole situation:( Great idea about the truth spell- it definitely served its purpose. I'm happy Giles allowed him to go, thus rescuing Buffy

Reviewer: Brittany Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2005 - 10:28 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

OMG i frikin LOVED it!!!!!

Reviewer: Jess Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2005 - 10:01 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

I'm glad Spike saved her from creepy Damon! Hope Spike kills him! Love love love the story and can't wait to read More! :)

Reviewer: Brat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/16/2005 - 09:54 pm Title: Chapter Seventeen-Don't Let Him Hurt the Girl

So you're goiing to post the next chapter tonight right? :)

Reviewer: Jess Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2005 - 11:35 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Love the update! I'm glad Spike is free and I hope Giles doesn't do anything else stupid . . . and I hope Spike gets to Buffy on time! Can't wait to read more :)

Reviewer: Burnz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2005 - 03:58 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Poor Spike. Perhaps now Giles will give him a shot. I wonder what has become of Buffy... Good chapter.

Reviewer: Aisling Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/14/2005 - 01:22 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

wow!!! great update cant wait for more huni.. thisficcy rocks!

Reviewer: BlessedKarma Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/11/2005 - 02:45 am Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!!!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 08:48 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

EXCELLENT! I was reading some of the stories I follow and stumbled across this one and I LOVE IT! I love how Spike falls, fighting himself for so long before giving in. I sure hope Giles in done with the torture, cause I'm ready to pull out his fingernails. Surely Spike saving Will & Xan will count for something. And can we kill Damon real soon - let Buff stake him, that would be really humilation - to be staked by a slave. More Please. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: Carrosparro Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 11:28 am Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Luved the chapter, keep it up!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 04:08 am Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Love to see that this Spike is letting his love of Buffy extend to the point that he's developed a bit of a reaching conscious. And the fact that he just saved Willow and Xander, that's pretty cool. I just hope they all get there in time for Buffy. Vengence can often be time consuming. Hope GIles is a little bit more sane in the next chapter, but still loving it. Update soon!

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 12:26 am Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

aww hoiw sad i cant believe spike sent him that tape i almost cried it was so mean but i understand hes a demon. also aww how cute im so happy that spike saved them i really hope he gets back in time to save buffy. i really love this story and am so happy that u updated. i cant wait to see wat happens next for spike and buffy. please update as soon as u can. i cant wiat to read the next chapter. thanx

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 10:58 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

great update but i hope that spike gets to buffy soon before something bad happens

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 07:53 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Great chapter. I love that Willow saw the truth in Spike and knew enough to let him go.

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 07:25 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Nice movie references in this chapter, along with a couple of lines you used from the show! The cassette thing totally screams of something Spike would do, but I'm happy Giles figured out that Spike loves Buffy, along with both Xander and Willow. Great idea to have Spike be the one to save them from Oz, too!

Reviewer: gypsy_jin Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 06:51 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Oh man! Giles had BETTER believe them! I mean, come on! Please! And that tape... SO sad! Poor Sarah! And Spike told Buffy that he didn't kill the slayer... he lied. That's not gonna go over well. Anyway, really good chapter! Can't wait for more!

Reviewer: Ashlee Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 06:31 pm Title: Chapter Sixteen-Cassette Tapes and Flying Fur

Well, count on Willow to be the voice of reason (most of the time). Please update soon- can't wait to see what happens!

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