Reviews For Common Knowledge
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Reviewer: carri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 10:18 pm Title: Prada From Playboy

Buffy insulting Spike was really fun to read. I am looking forward to their interview later. Great update!

Author's Response: about the interview--me, too =) thanks so much for taking the time to review!

Reviewer: Pam Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 09:49 pm Title: Starting to Think

Your review area is set up differently than others. The normal review area at the bottom of the chapter does open for comments. I cannot review unless I click to see the other reviews at the top of the chapter first. You have quite a few hits... many less reviews. Maybe that is why.

Author's Response: wow, that's WEIRD...I'm gonna ask Pari about that...thanks for calling it to my attention!

Author's Response: *smacks head really, really hard* well, duh. Now I feel like an idiot. I was editing my personal info and I forgot to check the "allow anonymous reviews" button. I've fixed it, you should be able to review now!

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 09:41 pm Title: Prada From Playboy

Poor Buffy. I can relate, kind of. I went to a real huge HS (people wise) and I was in Drill Team. My bestest buds were not, but I still hung out with 'them' the most and built alot of wonderful memories. I really, really love this story, Luv, spuf

Author's Response: I think everybody's ended up hanging out w/ a group of people who weren't exactly the nicest in the world...and it's an old, tired cliche, but there's always gonna be that group of people at high school that you just love to hate =) Thanks so much for reviewing, I love hearing that you love the story, lol

Reviewer: Reciprocity Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 06:12 pm Title: Starting to Think

I do like Buffy just being herself more, intrigued to see how the whole lunch thing goes, don't make Spike an uber jerk, poor Buffy's been through enough for two chapters. I really like the way it's going, i like how they are totally into each other but they don't really know it and are all confused. it's adorable. take care

Author's Response: thanks =) It's nice to know you like the way the Spuffy (or lack of it, lol) is going. awww, I got called adorable *grins*

Reviewer: Jo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 03:53 pm Title: Dense Skulls and Short Skirts

I like this story, but one thing bothers me. Instead of saying the words if or of, you just writ 'f, or instead of writing the G at the end of a word you just put an '. And i find that a bit off putting. Being british myself i know that accents may make it sould like we're missing out letters but we're not. And when i see stories where people miss letters etc to try and capture the accent it just gets distracting. I find it much easier to hear the accent whenn i read if the full word is there, because i can imagine spike's accent saying the words. That's the only criticism i have, and i'm not trying to put you off because i do like this story and i think it will be a really good story.

Author's Response: I'm not offended at all. That's one of the problems with writing for an international audience. I don't know if you've ever been over to the states, but we hear authentic British accents only about once in a blue moon. I can't speak for the rest of the US audience I write for, but speaking for myself, when Spike's words are written as normally as Buffy's or anyone else's, I have real trouble "hearin" a British accent in my head, especially one as rough as Spike's was, because I hear one very rarely in real life. To try to keep Spike in character, I write his dialogue the way I "hear" it in my head, apostrophes and dropped letters included. I have scanned through previous chapters, and I did drop rather a lot of letters--I'll try to cut back on the number of words I mangle =) Thanks for the input and saying you liked the story!

Reviewer: melissa g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 03:37 pm Title: Starting to Think

love the story i hope the people at the table dont reject her cant wait to see what happens next pease update soon thanx.

Author's Response: =) thanks for the story, I'm working on the next update as we

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 02:12 pm Title: Starting to Think

Wow! GGreat chapter! Buffy telling Cordy off was priceless! That sucks about the computer thing with your family though! Oh well, can't wait for more, so please update as soon as you can1

Author's Response: thanks! Yeah my mom got this awful computer virus from the internet and now she's on the family computer ALL THE TIME. I am gonna try to update soon, though =)

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 12:28 pm Title: Starting to Think

Yes, this Buffy is really nice. And she has seen now what her friends are worth... nothing. Kicking her out of the circle. Willow will do Buffy better. Looking forward to read more - how the others (Spike, Faith, Xander etc.) will react. Will read on when you're able to update again.

Author's Response: I'm going to try to make their reactions fit their characters...which means that this next chap should be fun to write and, I hope, fun to read =) thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 08:32 am Title: The Brush-Off

good updates

Author's Response: thanks =)

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 08:26 am Title: The Brush-Off

Seems Buffy got new glasses (Spike-glasses) and sees her friends with other eyes...

Author's Response: yep. I figured she'd have to start thinking sometime =)

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 08:21 am Title: Used To

Well, it seems that her mother prefers her sister... this is hard for Buffy. And her parents are figthing.

Author's Response: yeah, it's always tough when a parents prefers one sib over another...and you'll find out that Buffy's parents fighting is a large part'll see =) thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 08:05 am Title: Dense Skulls and Short Skirts

Mmm - sounds to me as if Harmony is not Spike's girlfriend, but she wishes for it, right? Glad Faith had fun :) Looking forward what Spike will do next.

Author's Response: I love writing Faith, she's a god character to put in where a candid opinion is needed. thanks =)

Author's Response: *good...geez, I make typos in my response, lol

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 07:45 am Title: No Bloody Way

Promissing start :)

Author's Response: thanks!

Reviewer: Caitie Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 03:52 am Title: The Brush-Off

What an awesome chapter! Loved Spike's little (well, not really, I guess) embarrassment in the cafeteria, and I'm so so glad that Buffy's finally using her brain, lol! Also, nice touch to have Spike munching on wings! Can't wait for more, so please update soon!

Author's Response: glad you liked that little detail =) and no, I'd say Spike was having some substantially sized problems in the cafeteria *innocent look* lol I'm about to update, check out the title of the chapter =)

Reviewer: buffster1985 Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 03:29 am Title: The Brush-Off

lol, i love this story it is both sad and funny, keep writing it is good.

Author's Response: wow, thanks! I wasn't so sure at first about doing another high school fic, just 'cuz...well, chliches all over the place. So thanks (again) for weighing in, it means a lot to me =)

Reviewer: Brat Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 03:21 am Title: The Brush-Off

Yep, he is a dead man. So love's bitch! Can't wait to read more! :)

Author's Response: thanks! =)

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 01:46 am Title: The Brush-Off

Mmmmm, I love my 'comfy' Spike! Okay, please update as soon as you can and let's get these two crazy kids together! Luv, spuf

Author's Response: will do...the update, I mean. I dunno how fast they'll be getting together...but hey, I'll try =)

Reviewer: lindsay Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/15/2005 - 01:27 am Title: The Brush-Off

lol 'twitch'...i loved that part, i laughed so loud! Great update and i cant wait to see what Willow and Buffy talk about. Im glad im seeing a change allready and i really cant wait for the interview. Great job :) !

Author's Response: =) wasn't really planned, just a spur-of-the-moment kinda thing...I'm very much looking forward to writing the interview, too =)

Reviewer: Caitie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 06:24 pm Title: Used To

Wow! What an interesting fic! Much as airhead buffy is a bit of a pain, I can't wait for mroe of this awesome fic!

Author's Response: thanks! more will be coming as soon as my lazy ass gets back to writing!

Reviewer: carri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 05:56 am Title: Used To

They're both quite annoying, but i guess this is how you planned it. They really have to work on their issues, so is probably no Spuffy on the way very soon! Please update!

Author's Response: there'll be Spuffy in terms of friendship and stuff relatively soon, but no, the *Spuffy* itself will take awhile. Because yep, they're both pretty messed up. Plus also finals are coming up, so I can't write as much =) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Ashleigh Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 03:18 am Title: Used To

Yeah, I do hate her a little. God, please make her change soon. I don't think I can take airheaded Buffy for much longer, or bitch Buffy. I can't stand girls like that. They were what made me hate high school. I swear, if she says 'like' one more time, I may go into your story and hit her. I think people should know the truth about her family, that they're not even close to perfect. No one's family is perfect and everyone fights with their parents. It's only natural. I don't know why it should matter if that got out or not. She needs to care less about her reputation. Spike should do the same, I'm interested to see what his family is like. And it's really not cool for parents to favor one child over the other. Joyce was way out of line. Okay, just had to get all of that out. Sorry if I seemed a bit rude, I've been told I can be very opinionated. It's a sickness really, they haven't found the cure yet. Anyway, I'm interested to read more.

Author's Response: lol I'm just about as opinionated as a person can get, and hey, if you can write a mini-essay on how much the characters bug you, it's better than not caring enough to write anything at all. Yes, Joyce was incredibly out of line. I'm gonna try to make her more sympathetic as a character. it might work...or maybe not =) And yeah, Buffy's going to change. I can only write Dumb Blonde Buffy for so long before I get this strange image in my head involving myself, a rope, and the nearest tree, lol.

Reviewer: Brat Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 01:25 am Title: Used To

I don't hate Buffy! :) Spike and her share equal time onbeing mean to each other. H'es just as much at fault as she is! :)

Author's Response: Well, yeah, Spike's a big jerk too. And in the next chap (or maybe the one after that, lol) you'll get to see what his home life is like. I'm going to have a field day writing his parents =) Thanks!

Reviewer: lindsay Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 12:34 am Title: Used To

i love that joyce is a bitch, i never liked her on the show. Poor Buffy living in Dawns shadow, i hated her too. Cant wait for the next update, im loving this!

Author's Response: Joyce got better in about the 5th season, but I never thought she was all that great, what with the self-help books and serious blind spot w/ the slaying and all. I mean, if I snuck out of my room every night, my mom would kill me =) And Dawn was only OK seventh season, and even then... gr. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: Reciprocity Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 12:12 am Title: Used To

Heh, no i think it gives more insight into her character, it's painful at times how she pretends to be all dumb blonde, i cringe now and then, but all that means is you're writing it well. Anyway i like it, i thought i wouldn't because i can't stand stupid Buffy, but it's well done, and im looking forward to the evolution and such of the story. Good job, take care

Author's Response: Thanks for the support =) Yeah, I cringe too, although going to a high school makes it easier...I just crib whatever the cheerleader sitting next to me said in 4th block, lol. Taking lots of care, especially with this story =) Thanks again!

Reviewer: melissa g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/09/2005 - 11:43 pm Title: Used To

i love ur story. i cant wait to see what happens between spike and buffy please update soon thanx.

Author's Response: I'm glad you love it! Spuffyness will be coming, although I can't promise when...there'll definitely be more, though. thanks for the review!

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