Reviews For Unlikely Roommates
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Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 05:04 pm Title: CH. 13

gosh!! this chapter was hilarious!!! love their banter!! can't wait for the actual truth or dare!! just loved this chapter! it was fantastic!! thanx!! hope you update soon ;)

Reviewer: shocked reader Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 05:03 pm Title: CH. 13

how can u leave it there :O:O:O

Reviewer: Nina Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 03:31 pm Title: CH. 13

OMG! This story is tooo good! How am I going to last til the next update?? Keep going you're the best!

Reviewer: NEO Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 02:53 pm Title: CH. 13

Truth or Dare please!!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 01:51 pm Title: CH. 12

That was funny (Buffy checking out her nipples when Spike asked if it was cold! LOL). Love how you are letting them get to know each other better. more please.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 01:13 pm Title: CH. 13

Buffy and Spike do act like an old married couple...minus the orgasms. *smiles* Can't wait for the game of truth or dare. I really wish we get some Spuffy kissing out of the game! ;-)

Author's Response: I know your gonna be disapointed in me, but i didn't do the game in the next chapter, Sorry! Spike was merely making a sly suggestion. I promise there will be some good Spuffy soon! kuddos!

Reviewer: anna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 05:31 am Title: CH. 12

luvd this chapter. i like how they're becoming friends first. very cute. cant wait for the update!

Reviewer: Melissa Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/25/2005 - 01:18 am Title: CH. 12

I just love it. I think I just might have to come over and read everything that you have already. JK, I like the suspence. I'm so looking forward to the next chapter.

Reviewer: Brat Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/24/2005 - 01:53 am Title: CH. 12

Friends and nothing more. Whatever helps you sleep at night Buffy. LOL> great chapter. Spike had me cracking up with the high beams comment. Great job

Reviewer: Flibble Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 10:58 pm Title: CH. 12

Aaawwwww. Great chapter. Will they do the snog thing on the couch while watching the movie? Pretty please?

Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 10:23 pm Title: CH. 12

Aw they're sweet. =)

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 09:40 pm Title: CH. 12

great update keep up the good work

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 08:54 pm Title: CH. 12

loved the way you're building the friendship first and not puting them in bed after 2 seconds of knowing the UST!!! thanx so much..great chapters!! hope you update soon ;)

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 08:51 pm Title: CH. 12

Oh for Pete's sake Spike! Kiss the girl! I always think back to when I had a chance to open up to my male 'best friend' back in the day. Sigh...I married one of his best friends, divorced him. My friend married a gal later, divorced her. Hmmm, was fate trying to tell us something? Anyway, I ended up married to my present husband, but the moral of my rambling up Spike and Buffy, to each other! This really is a neat story. spuf

Author's Response: Your preachin' to the choir honey! LOL! (Where do you think I got the idea from, *wink wink*!)

Reviewer: Whitelighter354 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 07:43 pm Title: CH. 12

Please! She so wants more than a friendship! I mean, who in their right mind would only want a friendship with spike? LoL Love this fic! Update soon..please! Im addicted! I need more!!!:)

Reviewer: Lindsay Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 06:43 pm Title: CH. 12

Wow i really loved this 'getting to know you' chap. It's great that they're getting into more personal details now, i love it!!! I cant wait to see how this whole 'friends' thing works out. I love the UST and Spike calling her on her oggles lol. Great update and i cant wait for the next xxx

Reviewer: MarstersGirl13 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 06:03 pm Title: CH. 12

i love this story soo much!! when will the spuffyness start??? soon i hope!!!?? update soon please!!!=]

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 05:58 pm Title: CH. 12

:) Loved them spending the day together to get to know each other better. What I love the most so was that they both are falling for one another :) even when the are on denial now.

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 05:41 pm Title: CH. 12

* Turns on Brooks & Dunn song Deny, Deny, Deny * LOL! Great chapter. Glad they both care enough to get to know the better side of one another.

Reviewer: MidnightGirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 05:38 pm Title: CH. 12

What a sweet chapter! I'm so glad they're becoming friends and i'm glad they're starting to realize their feelings. I hope they act on it soon. LOL...I love Buffy got caught sneaking a peak. ;-)

Reviewer: Stine Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 05:31 pm Title: CH. 12

Ah.. come on i know that you can make a Twenty Question game a lot more funthen that. And just for the record there was only 3 questions=0) Please update soon

Reviewer: txjmfan Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 05:55 am Title: CH 11

*touches monitor and feels spark generating from this chapter* Great writing! Gad they're slowly finding their way out of denial land.

Reviewer: Flibble Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 04:01 am Title: CH 11

God I love this story. The slow build is such exquisite torture. And of course we all know EXACTLY what Spike is going back to his room to do right now. ; )

Reviewer: MarstersGirl13 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 03:37 am Title: CH 11

that was SOOO sweet the way he carried her back to her room!! its funny how she keeps making all the sexual inuendos. like i made the balls go in the hole bit. that was really funny. please update this story as soon as you can. i really love it!!!!! great job!!=]

Reviewer: Brittney Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/23/2005 - 12:42 am Title: CH 11

Awwwwe I love how sweet Spike is. I hate feet so the foot rub gave me the ickies but thats okay.

Author's Response: I'm with you on that, but i couldn't think of anything else. i cringed while writing it, that's why it's not a very long scene, LOL!

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