Reviews For After the Fall
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Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2009 - 09:21 pm Title: Answers

I really liked the convo between Buffy and Hank , it was intense and you wrote it really well. Those were some crappy excuses that Hank had, he really is a weak man.Glad that Spike was there for her...I love how he takes care of her. Dana continues to creep me out.

Great chappie, can't wait for Spike to meet hank. ;)

Author's Response: Thanks Ami! I'm glad you're looking forward to the next chapter! I have it finished already, and yes, Spike does meet Hank. Yeah, Hank is a weak man, but I'm TRYING to give Buffy some part of the family she once had, so I hope you like what I do in the coming chapters. :)

Reviewer: Rainey Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2009 - 07:01 pm Title: Answers

I love the way you did this chapter. It seemed very real and very plausible within the Buffy-Verse. :)

Author's Response: Thanks Rainey! I'm glad you think so!

Reviewer: laura_exist2inspire Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2009 - 05:50 pm Title: The Choice

Glad Spike has the chip removed. Really interested by the Dana storyline. I am trying to keep up with reading the new chapters, promise lol :-)

Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it...and I'm sure you'll catch up as soon as you can!

Reviewer: Pet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2009 - 03:51 pm Title: Answers

Great update! Felt really bad for Buffy, good thing Spike was there for her. Can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks Pet! Isn't it great when Spike's a big, fluffy puppy? LOL...:)

Reviewer: All4Spike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/16/2009 - 11:44 am Title: Answers

So Hank isn't a bad man, just a weak one. I think you're right about that. Just waiting for Dawn to get in now and for the Spike/Hank confrontation.

Author's Response: Thanks! Yeah, Hank's definitely weak. Lots more to come soon!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 11:58 pm Title: Baby Steps

Interesting talk between Xander and Anya and I can't wait to see how Buffy's chat with Hank goes! Can't wait til the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks! I've actually written Convo #1 with Buffy and Hank. Let's just's lucky for Buffy that she has Spike there. :)

Reviewer: Jenn Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 08:00 pm Title: Baby Steps

Travers needs to stop acting irrational and think about what it could do to Dana if he sent her out as an active slayer. I do wonder though if the claim had something to do with this new change in her. Buffy talking to her dad won't be easy hopefully they can fix there issues. I'm glad that Anya and Xander talked and worked out there issues. I have a feeling this wedding won't happen but I hope it does.

Author's Response: Thanks Jenn! My poor head is spinning from all the stuff I have to work through in this story. Hopefully I can pull it all together! :)

Reviewer: RB Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 05:27 pm Title: Baby Steps

Hopefully Hank will step up and, at the very least, take on some financial responsibilty and try to fix his relationship with Buffy and Dawn. I think it would be funny if he found out about Spike's true reason for avoiding sunlight. Looking forward to more.

Author's Response: Thank you! I really want to try to FIX the relationship between Buffy and her dad. I've been re-watching the series, and I love Buffy's interaction with her dad when he comes to pick her up for the weekend. I would love to try to get them back to some sort of friendly point, but I don't think they could ever be as close as they once were, unless Hank had a really, really good reason!

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 03:25 pm Title: Baby Steps

OH OH I think the Dana situation is gonna be more than they can handle. Travers is too confident that these drugs worked. Liked the Anya and Xander convo...she's absolutely right, Buffy and Spike are so much in love and so happy that something has to happen to mess it up, could it be Hank?
Can't wait for Buffy to let Hank have it...he's been an awful father.

Loved it as usual, more soon. =)

Author's Response: Thanks Ami! I'm actually concerned about writing these next chapters, because I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but I'm not so sure anymore!

Reviewer: All4Spike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 11:35 am Title: Baby Steps

Why do I not trust the drug that Travers is using on Dana, I wonder? And Buffy's dad comes home and there's no hug, no fond smile, no warm welcome at all. As he doesn't seem to be feeling affectionate towards his daughters I can't help wondering just why he invited them to stay in the first place......

Author's Response: :) Thanks! Well, all of that will be revealed very soon. Though it's a possibility that the hug didn't come because he's been out of town and needs a shower, or because he's not sure how to act around her.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 11:26 am Title: Baby Steps

So no telepathy (yet) - but but no pain either.
Dana? I don't trust her to be cured all of a sudden.
Xander seems to learn.
LOL and as I feared, Hank has a bad timing ;)
But the meeting was awkward. I hope for Buffy even if things won't get solved (maybe) that she'll get the closure she is looking for and can her (not-parent-)dad behind her.

Author's Response: Thanks Cordykitten! Nope, no telepathy or pain. But who knows what might happen? I'm glad you're enjoying the story, but I have a feeling the next chapter or two is going to be difficult to write, because I thought I had my mind made up about the Hank situation, but now, I'm not so sure.

Reviewer: spikeluv84 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/15/2009 - 08:37 am Title: Baby Steps

all i have to say is WOW!! is this ur first story?? cuz it's really good!! i love it! i read it all the way through tonight and can't wait for the next chapter. sorry i didn't comment (believe me! i COMMENT!) but my computer's being wonky and i've been having to refresh a lot. but u've done a wonderful job so far and can't wait for the next chapter!! oh btw, the past couple of chapters, i thought it'd be funny if Spike and Buffy had been in Hank's room the whole time!! LOL


Author's Response: LOL, thanks Monica! :) It's not my FIRST story for the Buffyverse. I wrote two stories that were multiple chapters, and I wrote two short stories. I've also written over a hundred fan fictions for other shows, like Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Friends, and Xena: Warrior Princess. :)

Reviewer: Pet Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2009 - 06:39 pm Title: Staking a Claim

Both sweet and hot. And funny how Spike 'threatened' Jake. Loved it. :)

Author's Response: Thanks Pet! Hope to have the new chapter posted tomorrow. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather, hence the lack of updates.

Reviewer: demona424 Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/2009 - 10:55 pm Title: Staking a Claim

Finally I was able to finish this chapter. Work kept interrupting me. Stupid work. This was a great chapter. I loved it! I'm glad she was able to sit down and have a frank talk to Dawn about sex. Unfortunately, for a lot teenagers there is still not a lot of support and honest discussions from older adults. There left to float alone and potentially make bad decisions (a.k.a. Buffy Summers!). And it was also great to see the two sisters bonding, so many stories lack that, heck even the show. Totally pissed me off that they made Dawn into such a raging brat. Anyways, and what a nice ending, to have Buffy and Spike "bonding" like that. So to sum up, totally enjoyed this chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you! I've gotten feedback elsewhere actually reaming Buffy a new one for going off with Spike and having sex with him right after her talk with Spike. The way I see it is that Buffy's an adult, and besides, it's not like they were flaunting it in Dawn's face. She was asleep! LOL

Reviewer: Eternal Love Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/2009 - 02:29 am Title: Staking a Claim

So wonderful!! I love love LOVE this story!!! And I loved Spikes interaction with Jake *giggles* Can't wait for more!!

Author's Response: Aww...thank you! :) I'm glad you like it! I wanted to get some happy chapters in before all the Hank stuff. Then it's back to Dana....LOL! Can't forget about her.

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/2009 - 01:45 am Title: Staking a Claim

Wonder if anyone will notice the claim bite. Glad they claimed each other. Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Haha...well, I'm sure it'll be widely talked about when Giles comes back into the picture.

Reviewer: Jenn Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/12/2009 - 12:51 am Title: Staking a Claim

I liked Buffy's talk with Dawn and was glad that Dawn was honest. Spike's talk with Jake made me laugh I could actually picture Spike doing that. Surprising about the claim but I'm glad it happend,

Author's Response: Thanks Jenn! :) I'm glad you liked the Spike/Jake interaction. I don't intend to keep Jake in the story very much, but I'm glad you liked it!

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2009 - 11:17 pm Title: Staking a Claim

Sounds to me that Buffy found a good way to talk to Dawn; telling her that she should wait but also that she would know when the time is right.
LOL for making Spike believe that all Summers woman are very strong *g*
Good too that the door had a lock :D
Looking forward to more (like if the claim will change things).

Author's Response: Thanks cordykitten! :) Not sure it'll change much of anything since they're pretty much inseparable as it is. LOL...:)

Reviewer: All4Spike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2009 - 10:28 pm Title: Staking a Claim

Yay! Claimy goodness! Love the totally embarrassing Buffy/Dawn exchange. Very realistic. More please.

Author's Response: :) Thanks All4Spike! Yeah, I had to picture what I might say in a situation like that. LOL...:)

Reviewer: AMI Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2009 - 10:23 pm Title: Staking a Claim

Loved the Dawn and Buffy convo, made more sense and it went well. Poor Jake,*hehe* Spike really scared him, I love Buffy and Spike's relationship here, so healthy and mature, You write them really well =) And can I say the sex was HOT! Yummy!!

More soon please! :) Looking forward to meeting Hank.

Author's Response: Thanks Ami! I had such a hard time writing this chapter. Mainly because I wasn't sure if I wanted to go the claiming route, because honestly, I'm still a newcomer when it comes to writing Buffyverse fic. I still don't know all the details about claiming.

Reviewer: anna Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/11/2009 - 09:48 pm Title: Staking a Claim

good update. and just to let you know, I found a typo. It's here;

" hand clenching in her hair as the other reached down, rubbing her through her jeans. He could already feel the dampness against his fingertips through the lacy garment. “Let’s get you out of these.” His fingers began to draw down her panties..."

What? the jeans just vanished into thin air? :D and also, it doesn't mention when the jeans actually come off, might want to change that.

can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Crap...thanks Anna! I was doing some editing and completely left out that chunk. Will fix it asap. Thanks!

Reviewer: Pet Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/10/2009 - 10:48 am Title: Los Angeles

Really loved the chapter, although I would've expected Spike to freak when Buffy told him about Dawn wanting to have sex. *lol* More, please!

Author's Response: LOL...thanks Pet!

Reviewer: PhotographyNut Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2009 - 11:50 pm Title: Los Angeles

I felt Dawn was hitting below the belt throwing all of Buffy's past boyfriends in her face when Buffy was only looking out for her. Can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks Photography Nut! You're right...but of course, Dawn is 15, and she doesn't want to be talked down to, so she's definitely hitting below the belt. But no worries...I don't have any plans at all to bring Angel in.

Reviewer: cordykitten Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2009 - 11:29 pm Title: Los Angeles

Good for Xander to notice that (=how much of an idiot he'd become). I hope that knowledge will stick with him. He's hurting Anya and doesn't even notice it.

Ah Dawn... she's indeed growing up. And it sounds as if she has won the talk. Or better run away. Hopefully - if Buffy makes it feel better - will the next talk be better.
Hank? He really should send some checks (check) again.

Author's Response: Thanks cordykitten! :) The next talk will be much like the last, but Buffy's gonna get some definite answers out of her sister just so she can have a little peace of mind. I'm still trying to decide how to write Hank. I've never written his character before, and we didn't see a lot of him on Buffy, but every time he was on, I enjoyed him. So I'm trying to decide if I want to make good excuses for him or make him the same dead beat Buffy thinks he is.

Reviewer: All4Spike Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02/09/2009 - 10:25 pm Title: Los Angeles

Hey, if Buffy's dad's so loaded, where's the child support cheques for Dawn and the college fund for Buffy? I don't think I like him and he hasn't even put in an appearance yet...

Author's Response: Thanks All4Spike, yeah, Hank's a deadbeat. And Buffy's gonna be talking to him about that, yep!

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