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Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2005 - 12:39 pm Title: Chapter Six

Happy belated Birthday (I'm late reading :-D
I hope Spike and Buffy can fled Angelus - it's a bad situtation where they are in now.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2005 - 07:58 am Title: Chapter Six

Well, how appropriate, you posted on your birthday, and I'll review it on mine! Happy B-day Addie! Cannot express how much I love this story. Hope Buffy knees Angelus in the balls. That would be wonderful. Have a wonderful weekend, and I will try to do the same.

Reviewer: songgal1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2005 - 06:47 am Title: Chapter Six

talk about a real pirate..!

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2005 - 05:01 am Title: Chapter Six

hey happy birthday!!! OMG!!! angelus couldn't have appeared in a worse moment...i don't know how you're going to get them out of this...but i have faith in ye lol anyhow...hope you really really update isn't healthy to leave us hanging like know? thanx so much for this wondeful chapter

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2005 - 02:14 am Title: Chapter Six

great update

Reviewer: spufette Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/19/2005 - 02:01 am Title: Chapter Six

Why oh why do I detest Angelus! Oh, yeah, he's a pri**! Okay, I love pirate stories, I just wish that old Joss and ME had had the presence of mind to explore these avenues! Please, update and soon! Luv, Spuf (PS...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

Reviewer: Anne Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 06:57 pm Title: Chapter Six

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and very awesome chappy... gosh i wanna smash angel in the face :wicked grin:

Reviewer: Mari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 03:37 pm Title: Chapter Six

Happy Birthday, Addie! Thanks for posting such a great chapter, can't wait to find out what's going to happen next.

Reviewer: Kaz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 03:37 pm Title: Chapter Six

Happy Birthday to you. It's getting better and better, can't wait for a next chapter. Love the way you wrote how Angelus talks!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 03:31 pm Title: Chapter Six

Happy Birthday and that was a great chapter - I just know Spike will rescue Buffy before Angelus can do anything too disgusting. I did love the line about Buffy being tearful over Spike being hung (is your Freudian slip showing?) That was a LOL line for me all the way since most of these tales talk of him being 'hung' all the time! I just love this pirate tale - more please (but enjoy your B-day cake first!) thanks!

Reviewer: Rachel Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 03:05 pm Title: Chapter Six

Great chapter - what a cliffhanger! I love this story, well written pirate Spuffy stories are just the best. I'm looking forward to more!

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 03:04 pm Title: Chapter Six

Happy Birthday! And great update, too LOL I like how you wrote Angelus, and I think this chapter was perfect for paving the way for future turmoil:)

Reviewer: Erin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 02:57 pm Title: Chapter Six

That was a great chapter! I am loving this story. Very original! Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Pipergirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 02:26 pm Title: Chapter Five

Great chapter--love how Spike and Buffy seem to be speaking out of the book's text. That's a neat twist. As for the complaints, I'd love to say 'just ignore them' but you really can't do that. I've gotten reviews like that , too ('you ever gonna finish this?' comes to mind) and they're no fun. So keep writing at your own pace and hopefully those idiots won't kill your desire to write.

Reviewer: vampkiss Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 02:14 pm Title: Chapter Six

Happy birthday! And loved the update. ;)

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 10:46 am Title: Chapter Six

Why does it not surprise me thatFinn is involved? Great update. Happy birthday.

Reviewer: katj Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 09:49 am Title: Chapter Six

Happy birthday! :) I can't wait to see how you get Spike and Buffy together again!

Reviewer: Pattie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 09:21 am Title: Chapter Six

Loved it! Can't wait for more. Hope you had a wonderful b-day!!!

Reviewer: revello_1620 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 08:11 am Title: Chapter Six

What a great twist!

Reviewer: blacknblue2 Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 06:50 am Title: Chapter Six

Grr! Stupid Angelus! I love this story. I can't wait until the next part. I hope Buffy stabs him in the eye with a pickle fork. But I guess they probably don't have pickle forks on a pirate ship. Oh well. Keep writing! I can't wait to see what happens next.

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 06:22 am Title: Chapter Six

AUGH! Evil you. This is the payback I get for my cliffhanger? Oh, okay, I get it we're going to be dueling cliffhangers? Ahuh. . . sure. well. . . okay then, just wait till I post later tonight. Um. . right, review. Are the scoobies terminally dense? Locator spell? Why didn't we think of it earlier? Can we say Duh? I can just picture Dawn with her face in Giles' waking him up. LOL. Good one. And oh, love the Spike protecting his girl from the foreheaded one. Can't wait to see what she does to the great git. Hopefully she'll kick him and damage his twig and berries. . . .

Reviewer: Rana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/18/2005 - 06:20 am Title: Chapter Six

First of all... Happy Birthday!!! Bless you for thinking of us on your special day. You're such a sweetheart! :) Now about this chapter... OMG!!! The angst, the angst! Buffy and Spike must feel so damn helpless. Please, oh please don't let Angelus rape Buffy. I just don't know how my little heart could withstand such a horror. Damn, I wish Spike had his vampiric strength! I realize you need conflict in your story to make Spike realize his feelings for Buffy and vice versa, and this is definitely some superb angst. So great, in fact, that I may have heart palpitations until the next chapter is posted. Great chapter Addie! Fabulous, exciting, adventurous story!

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/14/2005 - 04:51 am Title: Chapter Five

That was an especially beautiful chapter in a spectacularly wonderful story. The way Spike just had to show Buffy the sunset, they way they too seem to be losing themselves to whatever magicks have brought them to this reality, and the inevitability that that reality may bring them closer so something. The plot is wonderful. Praise to your muse and thanks for sharing. Promise to wait pateintly for the next chapter. Wonderful job.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2005 - 09:42 pm Title: Chapter Five

Hey Addie, just to get things straight - I tend to say looking forward to the next update - because that's what I do. But I don't pressure. I know that you know that.
So can I say now: Evil cliffhangre here! ;-) Looking forward to what will happen with Angelus on board. Hopefully nothing to bad.

Author's Response: I'm glad when people are looking forward to the next update! Certainly no pressure in that. :) Just talking about people who constantly demand that that next update be RIGHT NOW. Never felt any pressure from your reviews, Cordy. :)

Reviewer: songgal Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2005 - 05:04 am Title: Chapter Five

I say you get to it when you get to it and most of the writers have lives other than writing...besides unlike published writing it doesnt pay! Are you going to have any other girls in this story...such as tavernwenches? Maybe you could have cordy or willow fill in ther?

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