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Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2005 - 02:12 am Title: Chapter Five

good update

Reviewer: sarah h Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/05/2005 - 01:52 am Title: Chapter Five

first of all i want to say that im sorry for everyone that complains about your updating time, im gratful that u update and dont mind that it takes awhile becuz its a great story and worth waitng for. i want to thank u for writing this story and actually spending some of your hechteck schedule to write. its a hella good story and cant wait for the next chapter. although i love this story and would want the update to be quik take your tine and dont worry about wat other reviewer think. this is a great story like i said and cant wait to read more thanx

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 06:36 pm Title: Chapter Five

hey...we should all be thankful that you have the time to write at all...and that you make such a fabulous work at that too i love your story...and anything you can get to's fantastic...even if it takes some time...which compared to others is not that bad...really...i didn't even noticed that the updates were too far apart..they don't actually so thanx so much for taking what little time you have to write this incredible story!!! really thanx...

Reviewer: Niamh Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 03:30 pm Title: Chapter Five

You do what you have to do. Writing fanfiction isn't always every author's primary concern. We have lives, we have responsibilities. You post what you write, when you write it. On another note. I love this chapter. Spike caught between his two warring natures, briefly allowing William to surface is great. And I loved the line "you're overcompensating." Keep up the good work. And I'm glad you posted. Thanks Nia

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 03:29 pm Title: Chapter Five

Addie - that was great. I too would love to be able to read your tales with hourly updates, but I also enjoy the anticipation- wondering when I'll get to read another chapter - checking daily to see if my favs are progressing and thrilled when they are. Those inpatients gits can just "bugger off" and let you write your wonderful stories in your own time! I'm just thankful you write them so I can enjoy Spuffy tales forever! The story is AWESOME and YOU are a FANTASTIC author!

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 03:15 pm Title: Chapter Five

Great update! There's something about pirate stories that just makes me swoon! And I definitely get how busy life is with college and a job while trying to balance it. If you need weeks to update, I fully support it!:)

Reviewer: Bloodshedbaby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 02:58 pm Title: Chapter Five

You crack me up! Well, the story did AND your authors note. Seriously, if I was going to school right now with this fanfic addiction, i would so fail. Major kudos to you for going to school and working. I do neither and I still can't find time to write most days. BTW, I just love this fic, it's just adorable. And yes I want to read more but only because you've got me hooked but good, not because I think you owe it to me. *hugs Addie*

Reviewer: vampkiss Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 02:39 pm Title: Chapter Five

Great chapter! And *hugs* about the impatient reviewers. :)

Reviewer: pammy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 02/04/2005 - 10:00 am Title: Chapter Five

Addie, please don' let these insensitive people get to you. You keep updating us when you can, and hang all these stupid complainers. Most of your readers can identify with your "real" life, so please try not to let these people get to you. Just wanted to let you know that I love the way the story is going, I like when Buffy has to depend on Spike for help. Thanks again for your wonderful stories.

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/02/2005 - 06:38 pm Title: Chapter Four

The chapter was lovely. The premise is still one of the favorites that I've come across, and the characterization... pod people or not, is just perfection. Cant wait for the next update.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/26/2005 - 08:45 pm Title: Chapter Four

It's lovely to read the update anyway. I'm eagerly reading one... I'm looking forward to find out how long it will take the "Scoobies / Sunnydaler" to find out what happened to them.

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/26/2005 - 05:34 am Title: Chapter Four

you rock!!! really...excellent chapter wonder if buffy -being transformed into character and all- is really by all means a maiden...wouldn't that be a surprise...when she and spike...emmmm well anyhow keep up the good work hope you update soon with more spuffy interaction-love that thanx

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 10:50 pm Title: Chapter Four

i loved it i cant wait for the spuffyness

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 06:13 pm Title: Chapter Four

Don't early classes suck? Great update!:) I loved the 'virtue' discussion between Giles and Buffy!

Reviewer: bloodshedbaby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 03:33 pm Title: Chapter Four

*sighs* I LOVE this story!!! I love how"nice" Spike is being and hopefully Buffy will get a clue. The part about the thong/lack of panty lines was hysterical!! PLEASE update soon!!! *begs*

Reviewer: songgal Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 07:31 am Title: Chapter Four

great jjob and love the fact that she is wearing his "kit" so to speak1

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 05:17 am Title: Chapter Four

aww how cute. i love this story and cant wait to read more. please update soon its a great story andreally wan to no wat happens in the next chapter. please make the update soon thanx

Reviewer: jenny Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 05:16 am Title: Chapter Four

lord rupert, i like it. please keep up with this story, i'm really enjoying it!!!! update

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/25/2005 - 05:13 am Title: Chapter Four

Still readin, story is good, but I have a headache and can't give a good review.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2005 - 11:49 pm Title: Chapter Three

loved the update

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2005 - 08:04 pm Title: Chapter Three

I'm glad you updated this chapter -no worries about. - the shrimps - quoting Anya if I remember correctly ..(?)

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2005 - 05:37 pm Title: Chapter Three

really good story cant wait to read more please update soon thanx

Reviewer: Pipergirl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2005 - 01:09 pm Title: Chapter Three

Great chapter. Loved the bit between Spike and the pirate--it was hilarious :) And don't worry about the updates--post them whenever you can, dear.

Reviewer: lara Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2005 - 08:43 am Title: Chapter Three

its getting better ans better, cant wait to know what you will comme up with next

Reviewer: Elanor Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/15/2005 - 06:38 am Title: Chapter Three

Hey, lovin' this story -- can't wait for more!!

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