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Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 06:43 am Title: 14

another great update keep up the good work and i cant wait to see how she responds

Reviewer: sarah g Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 05:31 am Title: 14

aww how cute i loev this story and cant wait to read more. i really hope that she says shes his girl. also that angelus doesnt get to her or any of the scobies. also i hope that pike cliams her that would protect her. please update a soon asas u can, i love this story and cant wait to see wat happens next thanx

Reviewer: Addie Logan Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 04:50 am Title: 14

You left it there?! That's just...well, mean is what that is. lol Liked the Spike and Giles bonding. Much better than how they are in the regular timeline... Still loving this fic.

Reviewer: Anne Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 01:55 am Title: 14

awww......tell hm please please tell him ::crosses fingers::

Reviewer: K lee Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 01:10 am Title: 14

Awww...that just makes me so sad...for him to ask her to say that. It just makes me wanna hug him. (Okay, so I /always/ want to do more than hug him :P) But...he's just so vulnerable and sweet and I love that you put that last line there. It made the already-great chapter....just...I don't even have words right now. I'm still in that state of awe. Great job, update soon!

Reviewer: Brat Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 12:41 am Title: 14

God Buffy tell him you're his girl!!! lol. Well done. Love Giles!

Reviewer: bloodshedbaby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/24/2005 - 12:07 am Title: 14

fantastic, as usual!

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/23/2005 - 11:24 pm Title: 14

The talk with Giles went much better than expected. You're doing an excellent job portraying Spike's emotional state. Giles, having Spike's new actions to take into consideration, is much more flexible than the Giles Spike has betrayed. Buffy, too, doesn't react as his Buffy would, for the same reason. Buffy is much more open and carefree, and, thanks to the way he's rewriting history, should remain that way. Just the idea of Buffy being giddy to think of Spike as her boyfriend makes me smile.

Reviewer: Jessica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2005 - 06:48 pm Title: 13

I'm glad there wasn't too much heartache before Spike and Buffy got back together. Will Spike have to tell Giles or anyone else that he is from the future, since Giles saw him in a compromising moment with Anya? Please update soon, I'm dying to know what happens next.

Reviewer: Jessica Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/12/2005 - 06:14 pm Title: 12

Poor Spike! I know that he has a right to be mad at her for defending Angel. But not for anything else. Please fix it.

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 05:30 pm Title: 13

Wow - I'm glad that Spike did find out the truth - and that he and Buffy made up again. So now it is: Getting Angelus souled again - and don't let him hurt anyone. Looking forward for more!

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 04:41 pm Title: 13

Spike's initial reaction of betrayal and rage was very well written and the tension with Buffy was taut. This chapter moved quickly and was emotionally satisfying. Moving Jenny into Giles' flat will be an entertaining plot development.

Reviewer: bloodshedbaby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 04:09 pm Title: 13

Oh god, I loooooooove this fic! and I lOVE your Buffy in this. Wait, I ALWAYS love your Buffy. You write a damn fine Buffy. And want to know what my Duran Duran name is for this fic? Oh come on. Sure you do. Is There Something I Should Know? Yep. That about does is. *nods*

Reviewer: Steph Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 02:37 pm Title: 13

Oh man this chapter had my stomach all tied in knots...there was sooo much tension, I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter!

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 01:31 pm Title: 13

OK just read the story up to date. Amzing really. I lvoe all the plot twists and how Anya showed up to ask him to take the wish back. I can't wait to see what happens. I love the possibility of a happy Buffy/Spike. And a happy Xander. Now that's fun. He could learn to really love and respect Anya.

Reviewer: Seraiza Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 12:19 pm Title: 13

Now that all is sorted out... canty wait to see if Angelus will be gotten ridd off with a dusty end or re-souled..... thought i preffer the dusty end....waiting for more!

Reviewer: Pin Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 09:50 am Title: 13

Another great chapter. I really hope that Spike's interventions can save the day. I would love to see Giles and Jenny actually make it this time. Very nice balance navagating between the past and the present. Thanks!

Reviewer: Bree Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 09:33 am Title: 13

I was following you just fine, you never had me dazed, nor confused! Anyways... just wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading yet another great chapter and I am sooo on the edge of my seat now!!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/10/2005 - 07:43 am Title: 13

thank you for clearing up the last chapter for and great job on this one keep up the good work

Reviewer: shelly Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/08/2005 - 05:20 am Title: 12

wow alot of stuff just happened! So Angel had a very vivid dream about sleeping with Buffy when he was actually with Dru and now he's lost his soul? Did i get that right? WOw

Author's Response: Angel didn't have a dream, Dru had him under thrall to believe that he was making love to Buffy. Otherwise you are completely with it. Great to have you reading.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/08/2005 - 05:08 am Title: 12

i gotta say that this chapter threw me completely kept messing with my mind and everything that has happened so far. i thought that in this story spike got sent back in time to try and change the future with his relationship with buffy and i thought that in a couple of chapters back that she asked him to bite her on her 17th birthday and he would make love to her as well. but when i read the beginnnig of this chapter and saw buffy say I love you to angel and vice cersa it confused me because i thougt that she had feelings for spike and then i read where her and angel were making love and then its like a glimpse or something and we see drusilla and angel making love and it threw me this the same story or am i possibly talking about another one? could you explain this chapter?

Author's Response: I'm sorry that you were confused by this chapter. This is what happened. In the previous chapter, Buffy spent time with Angel and supported him when Spike attacked him, thus making Spike easily believe that he no longer has ehr support or loyalty. That was deliberate to set up for the beginning of this chapter. Buffy did not have sex with Angel. At the beginning Dru was able to sense the difference in Spike--being that he wasn't her Spike--and so knew how to get her 'daddy' back. Angel THOUGHT he was sleeping with Buffy, but he was sleeping with Dru who had thralled him to believe that Buffy was with him, being that that is how he lost his soul the first time around. If you have any more questions, please just ask.

Reviewer: carri Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2005 - 09:15 pm Title: 12

Excellent chapter! I wonder how Buffy feels about not trusting Spike. Please update soon!

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2005 - 07:57 pm Title: 12

Another chapter rich with new twists. Dru was sly, tricking her daddy so cleverly. Spike's introspection was in character, and I enjoyed his realization that he may need to find fulfillment beyond Buffy. Anya's arrival had me scared, would Spike give up on this new reality? Great job reassuring Anya and keeping Spike on his new path.

Reviewer: demonica mills Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2005 - 05:54 pm Title: 12

Wow! look at you go with a big twist there! You rule! This is great. I can't wait to see where you are going to go next

Reviewer: blondiebear Signed [Report This]
Date: 05/07/2005 - 05:38 pm Title: 12

at first, i almost had a fit when i thought that buffy had slep twith angel. thank god it was dru. please post soon. i love this story. i wonder how spike is gonna treat buffy now that he thinks buffy slept with angel.

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