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Reviewer: Sevvy_O Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 02:54 am Title: 17

Squee!!! So glad to see an update! And what an update it Spuffyness and while on the phone with Joyce and oops Giles! Liked the brief father-daughter moment, very cute. Aw I really hope you post more soon. Anything I can do to keep you motivated? =)

Reviewer: Ebontier Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 02:38 am Title: 17

AWESOME story. I love it. :D Keep up the great work! Also, sex around infants...not squick at all. It's not as if they know what's going on and are being scarred...might actually make them healthy adults ;)

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:37 am Title: 17

great update keep up the good work

Reviewer: Franchesca Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:24 am Title: 17

May I first say that it was great to see an update. This was a great chapter and it's good to see Buffy and Spike getting comfy in parenthood. I have to add, however, that the last thing about talking to Joyce (and informing her of her new grandmother status) while having sex with Spike just proves that there are huge differences in sexual practices. I can't even have an orgasm if I hear my mother's voice on the answering machine. It's a garaunteed no-go for me. I would never begin to try to have sex while talking to her. But... to each his own. Again, great chapter and it was very nice to see the update.

Author's Response: Hi Francesca, it's great to see you back with this story. I just want to say, I personally wouldn't think of this either. However, it's all meant in fun and not meant to alarm or offend anyone. While in my younger days I was known to have sex while on the phone, it was not to my mother. But Spike is evl, this is the thing we can't forget. he has mixed morals. And Buffy is caught up amongst the flush of first love. I honestly can't predict what else will come out in this fic, I am just bemused that these things come to me while writing and at the memoent, very glad that i am back to writing it. I hope you can stay with us. Megan

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:12 am Title: 17

HA! Giles totally just caught them- I love it! Poor Joyce, hearing crazy news like that, and poor Buffy for being on the phone with her whilst being driven insane with lust! Spike's one naughty vamp- it's awesome! Great update:)

Reviewer: ace Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:11 am Title: 17

You are evil! Don't leave us hanging too long on this one!!!

Reviewer: zanthinegirl Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:06 am Title: 17

I hadn't forgotten! I figured you had, though! Nice plot twist there at the end-- talk about unexpected sights. Poor Giles!

Reviewer: slinkyPK Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:04 am Title: 17

She couldn’t be happier, revelling in the swell and bulging pulses of Spike’s cock inside her as he began to come, finding her own release connected with his and succumbing to the carnal cries of ‘Spike’ right as a key released a lock and Giles was framed in the darkened doorway. Oh, HOLY SHIT!!! SOOOOO glad you've updated this one! Need I remind you of how it's one of my favorites? More! More!! More!! ***prances off to start at very beginning***

Reviewer: Pin Anonymous Liked [Report This]
Date: 07/21/2005 - 01:03 am Title: 17

Welcome back! Glad to see the new chapter and I love the cliffhanger ending. Now I get to go back and re all of the previous chapters again to refresh my memory - definitely a good thing! THanks!

Reviewer: Crystal Pegasus Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/19/2005 - 09:25 pm Title: 16

Isn't Anya just the best person to use to get all sorts of obscure knowledge across? I guess when you've been around for 2000 (as a demon yet) you get some pretty awesome trivia stuck in your noggin! Thanks for that incredibly informative chapter. I love how Xander kept himself quiet (most of the time) by stuffing pizza in his yap! Very Xanderish! And Spike thinking so much "in a family way" is really fun too. The whole premise is unique and entertaining. More please and thanks!

Reviewer: dreamgirl4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/2005 - 05:51 am Title: 16

please explain in the next chapter how spike knew!

Reviewer: dreamgirl4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/15/2005 - 05:44 am Title: 15

how did spike know about the demon?

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/15/2005 - 01:00 am Title: 16

i just love it!! please more smutty scenes...if it's not much to's write them so well!! thanx hope you update soon

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/15/2005 - 12:12 am Title: 16

I have just read the last three chapters and they were wonderful. I really liked Buffy's reaction when she found out about Lia. It was great. I like that she referred to her as my baby. This is a great story.r

Reviewer: Niamh Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 11:51 pm Title: 16

Xander is a dork. I love this story. Its just soo. . . I dunno, I can't come up with the right adjective (and I claim to write? How pathetic is that?). Its just damn good.

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 11:46 pm Title: 16

great updates cant wait for more

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 07:39 pm Title: 16

Well, it sure did cheer me up too! Thanks for the update before you go! I loved it :-D ... so Buffy is immortal - now I'm glad for Spike because he won't loose her throgh death :)

Reviewer: Denise Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 05:19 pm Title: 16

I am so in love with this fic. I love buffy and spike as Lia's parents. Hurry up and get back from your trip because we will all be in withdrawals with no updates for a week. The only thing that will make up for it all, would be for you to have lots of chpts ready for us when you return. Have a safe trip

Reviewer: lilmamaday Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 04:49 pm Title: 16

Having Anya being the one to give them all the info was great! I always thought that they overlooked her as an information source too often on the show. I can't wait to see the reaction of Joyce and Giles to the news of the NEW family! I bet Spike can't wait to tell Angel either! Please update soon and have a nice trip!

Reviewer: Brunettepet Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 03:08 pm Title: 16

Xander's response to the claim and parenthood was hilarious, and I loved Anya's matter of fact explanation of 'Lia's origins and her traits. I can't wait for Buffy and Spike to explain all this to Joyce and Giles, should be a lot of sputtering and glasses cleaning!

Reviewer: ariadne Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 02:22 pm Title: 13

that was beautiful. you will not lose me as a reader!!!

Reviewer: ariadne Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 01:51 pm Title: 10

that was the cutest, funniest chapter i ahve read in a long time. thank-you and please keep updating. i LOVE this story

Reviewer: Rana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 01:39 pm Title: 16

Very cool disclosure! I was so happy that Xander spent much of the time shoveling pizza in his mouth and couldn't make tasteless remarks. Wonderful use of Anya as exposition of Lia's background and the details of claiming. Wonderful chapter again! Spike's reponse about cutting down the drinking was priceless. LoL. Can't wait to see if they contact Giles and Joyce.

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 01:08 pm Title: 16

Anya was an absolute peach! I expected Xander's reaction, but I'm happy Willow and Anya were good about it. I'm sure Giles will be both confused and shocked when he finds out, as will Joyce. Enjoy your week away:)

Reviewer: Kar Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/14/2005 - 01:02 pm Title: 16

Enjoying the story... good job

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