Reviews For Aloha My Love
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Reviewer: Brat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/18/2005 - 04:46 am Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

More please! I love the demonstration Spike did for herand what's up with that chick?

Reviewer: dreamgirl4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/18/2005 - 03:34 am Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

plz have spike buy a speedo! pretty plz with choc. sauce?

Reviewer: zanthine Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/18/2005 - 01:22 am Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

Very cute story! I'm curious about the dark-haired itialian woman, though. For a moment I was flashing to the Wolfram & Hart Rome office CEO, but her name was something different...

Reviewer: Kate Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/18/2005 - 01:08 am Title: Welcome to paradise

That was a great first chapter. A really fun, joyful piece so far and sometimes that's just what you need from a story. I can't wait to read more about their vacation and what happens to them on it!

Reviewer: Mari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 11:08 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

Wonderful chapter, I just can't wait to read what else you have in store for us. I think this Italian woman might bring some trouble to our heroes.

Reviewer: Mari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 10:47 pm Title: The Longest Night

I absolutely adored this chapter and the glimpses into Spike and Buffy's mind. Love how you managed to convey so much feeling in their thoughts.

Reviewer: Mari Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 10:31 pm Title: Welcome to paradise

Really love the beginning. Love the way you're going back and forth between present and past and the characterizations.

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 10:11 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

love it love it love it!!! this fic is so much fun!! love the ust and build up...and i see some plot coming our way?? ;) keep up the fantastic job...hope you update soon thanx =P

Reviewer: April Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 10:04 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

I LOVE this story!!! I really hope you write more soon!!! I can't wait to see who exactly this mystery italian woman is & what Bufy's gonna do abt. Spike!!!!! ~April

Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 09:56 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

Lovely update! Wonder if Carlita is the bad one here... anyway, thanks for updating!

Reviewer: Lilachigh Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 09:14 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

Thanks for this great chapter. Can picture it all very clearly. Update soon.

Reviewer: Reciprocity Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 08:57 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

Yay, im also feeling the need for it to be summer in my head, im candian and therefore it's still snowy sometimes in april here! this fic is awesome, i looke forward to adorable spuffyness. Take care

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 08:30 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

Nice chapter. Is this mysterious woman a demon? How will she fit into the story? Update soon.

Reviewer: Allison Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 08:26 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

I'd love to not only wake up to Spike in Hawaii but also to tan on the beach, as well:) Poor Spike, being stuck inside all day, but I'm sure the nightlife there can be just as fun! And I have a feeling Carlita will appear again soon...

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 08:25 pm Title: Slayer, such a lovely word

loved the update

Reviewer: liz Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/17/2005 - 08:25 pm Title: Welcome to paradise

Aw pooo....dark angel was my favorite show! Got bad in season two yes, but jessica alba still kicked ass man!

Author's Response: lol I have absolutely nothing against Jessica Alba or Dark Angel, Liz, I swear. Just thought it'd be funny since both BtVS and DA were all about girl power, therefore, kinda competing against each other. So it was only meant as a little joke. I'm sure DA was good but I wouldn't know because I only watched a few episodes. I hope this didn't stop you from enjoying the fic though..

Reviewer: Bynee Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/13/2005 - 04:33 pm Title: The Longest Night

i love the start...cant't wait for it to heat up though....

Reviewer: BuffyRat Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/09/2005 - 05:25 am Title: The Longest Night

“A Slayer biting a vampire. How beautifully ironic.”--Loved that, and loved the whole emotional battle each of them are going though. The way the think they are both so alone in this and to be thinking roughly the same thing. Beautifully ironic. Great chapter, update soon!

Reviewer: BuffyandSpikeForever Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/09/2005 - 03:24 am Title: The Longest Night

thank you for this update i cant wait for more

Reviewer: Bridget Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/08/2005 - 02:43 am Title: The Longest Night

Thank you for this chapter. I appreciate the fact that Spike is not telling Buffy he loves her every five seconds. Maybe in this story they can have a relationship where their feelings are requited.

Reviewer: ebontier Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/08/2005 - 02:05 am Title: The Longest Night

:) Awesome. Can't wait to see what happens!!! I'm thinking the UST's gonna get worse before better! lol

Reviewer: Mariana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2005 - 08:37 pm Title: The Longest Night

thanx so much for updating!! it was terrific!! i loved it!!! please more soon!!! can't wait...**pretty please**

Reviewer: bloodshedbaby Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2005 - 08:28 pm Title: The Longest Night

I'm REALLY enjoying this fic!! So many possibilities and wow, you're making me like Buffy! AWESOME

Reviewer: Cordykitten Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2005 - 08:18 pm Title: The Longest Night

Yay, update! And I'm able to read *smile* even better. This chapter left me wanting for more. Good job!

Reviewer: dreamgirl4eva Signed [Report This]
Date: 04/07/2005 - 07:15 pm Title: The Longest Night

awesome job!

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