Date: 09/16/2005 - 11:24 am Title: Chapter 17
Added to fav.s now. Missed chapters since 16! Angel is lusting after Buffy... wonder when Buffy or Spike will say something. Anya? He's clever even if the other don't see her like that. Because she was an outsider she sees more than the Scoobies are seeing. Well, Willow can't see Buffy for what she is.
Date: 09/16/2005 - 11:11 am Title: Chapter 19
Wow! I so didn't expect that! I like that Spike and Buffy did that for Angel. Awesome chapter! Great job!
Date: 09/16/2005 - 10:52 am Title: Chapter 19
Wow what a cool chapter. I loved it. Wonder how Buffy and Spike are going to deal with Angel now that Angel is there Childe Please update soon and often. Looking foreward to more chapters. Great Fantastic chapter. Just love the way it is turning around.
Date: 09/16/2005 - 10:24 am Title: Chapter 4
The explanation of how Spike and Dru came by their smidgeon of humanity is pure genius. I love the little details you've put into this.
Date: 09/16/2005 - 09:36 am Title: Chapter 1
Whoa. Very different concept. I am huge with the admiration of Buffy seeing Angel for what he really was. Going away after the mayor is something she really needed to do. Xander left. Why couldn't Buffy? Okay, rambling. Onto chapter two.
Date: 09/16/2005 - 05:01 am Title: Chapter 18
Awesome. Liked the talk with Angel. But, I still don't think he actually gets he has lost her to Spike. I can't wait for the next chapter. Great job!
Date: 09/16/2005 - 04:02 am Title: Chapter 17
Oh wow, that Willow/Buffy confrontation was long in the coming....great job with that scene! Very realistic, and I could def. picture that happening between the two....and I absolutely LOVED Anya's comments.....seems she's the only one that actually saw/noticed anything. Great job!!!
Date: 09/16/2005 - 04:00 am Title: Chapter 18
Great update!!! Loved the fight, and Buffy kicking Glory's ass is a highlight!! Hehe, and I love that little jealous, "Why is your girlfriend petting my vampire?" Oh man, that was such a hilarious scene!! Loved it, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
Date: 09/16/2005 - 03:31 am Title: Chapter 18
I loved that last para so much! Still all with the absolute adoration of this fic and will be waiting on the edge of my seat for your next update.
Date: 09/16/2005 - 02:52 am Title: Chapter 18
Still good. Loved how the interplay between couples was mirrored -- very skillfully done. And the put down of Angel was great. . .
Date: 09/16/2005 - 02:41 am Title: Chapter 18
great update
Date: 09/15/2005 - 01:30 pm Title: Chapter 17
Awesome! I love Buffy giving Willow a piece of her mind. I absolutely love this story and can't wait to find out what happens with Glory. Great job!
Date: 09/15/2005 - 06:02 am Title: Chapter 17
good update
Date: 09/15/2005 - 03:17 am Title: Chapter 17
I love Anya she was always forthright and truthful. Wes came to be just like that too. Chapter was quite enlightening.
Date: 09/15/2005 - 02:06 am Title: Chapter 17
If I haven't reveiwed before its because Im terribly lazy and I apologize. This is a really good story, a nice twist on things -- and I'm with Anya. I like this Buffy.
Date: 09/09/2005 - 03:18 pm Title: Chapter 16
You haven't updated in a while. Please say you are going to finish this, I love the piggy's and Buffy's outlook and want tom read more angel bashing. Thanks!!! 9/09/05
Author's Response: I haven't abandoned this, I've been having a bit of a computer problem. >:(
For some reason Works, has been eating my beta waiting chappies like cookies and all my efforts to recover them have failed. I fully intend to either fix the problem or get a new computer, so I plan on having something up this weekend.
Date: 08/30/2005 - 02:24 pm Title: Chapter 16
This story is excellent I'm really looking forward to more.
Date: 08/29/2005 - 03:26 am Title: Chapter 16
Stuff to buy and a big bad to dominate! Loved that line. Loved the updates. Trying to catch up with everything with SR being down and back up ... plus my being sick. Loved this!
Date: 08/26/2005 - 08:53 pm Title: Chapter 16
Awe ... now I'm kinda hungry :) Loved the bonding, but bad Angel doesn't play right - baaad vampy. He is so sure of himself, he can't believe Spike means it right, that he loves Buffy.
Date: 08/26/2005 - 08:43 pm Title: Chapter 15
Uh-huh.. missed two chapters again! .. *on to read* So Spike is alive sometimes.. I wonder if that will have side effects.. Loved it :)
Date: 08/26/2005 - 01:37 am Title: Chapter 16
Hot damn that was a great chapter!!! Loved the very homey beginning and the friendships that are starting between both groups....with the acception of Angel who needs to get kicked in the butt. The end....I could already see that gleam in Spike's eyes with that domination comment....boy howdy.....can't wait for more!!
Date: 08/25/2005 - 11:59 pm Title: Chapter 16
I loved the idea of Buffy cooking. Angel having an agenda is great too.
Date: 08/25/2005 - 09:51 pm Title: Chapter 16
stupid angel never learns. can't wait for him to figure out that its not an act on spikes part. awsome chapter and i can't wait for the fighting to start. more soon please
Date: 08/25/2005 - 04:30 pm Title: Chapter 16
a great stoey!!!!! love the vamp piggys and the way they attack spike, wes and angel..... and im wondering when angel's plans to get buffy back will come crashing down on him.. and cant wait for them to all be back in sunnydale!!!! waiting for more!!!